“Be the change you want to see in this world” - Mahatma Gandhi

As I reflect on all of the happenings in our community, and in our world recently, I often find myself thinking of this phrase.  We all have heard this phrase at one point or another, although doesn’t it seem that these words are sometimes easier said than done? 

Current events, harsh words, growing hatred, & the feeling of despair can often cloud our ability to think beyond & pursue the positive. However, with increasing or overwhelming negativity, it is more important than ever that we as a church, as a community, and as a nation be diligent in seeking the positive, and work hard to be the positive light so that others might see God in us.  Let us work together to bring positive change, share good news, & focus on the best that is yet to come.  As I think about all of the new beginnings happening within our community & church as the new school year begins, let us take time each & every day to focus on the positive & work together to be the positive light for our family, our friends, & all of those around us.

Dear God, Please give us the guidance to be the positive change we want to see in Your world.  Allow us to speak kindly, share our gifts, assist when called upon, and act in ways in which You would want us to do so.  Help us to remember that You are the giver of grace, peace, hope & love.  Help us to feel your presence in these difficult times, & to know that You are with us always.  In your name we pray, Amen.

1 John 3:18, My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.

This month's devotion is written by Jill Weyers, a member of Sheridan's Women's Ministry Team, encouraging women to know, love and serve God.