St. Luke's Episcopal School

September 2017


Come out and support Your team.  
GO Wildcats!

Admissions to our regular season Varsity athletic events will be $6.00 

JV & Middle School will be $5.00 


Its a NEW year! 
Time to challenge yourself.

St. Luke's welcomed a number of new students in 2017. Let's get to know each other. 
We are a family. It is time to walk the talk. 

Make new friends, try a new hobby... 
push yourself to do more! 


Japonica Campus:

We have completed our beginning of the year testing. EVERY grade level's Average Score was at least 1 year above grade level. Incoming 5th graders averaged 6th grade 5th month  (that counts as 1.5 years above grade level). 

This is attributed to great teaching.  We truly appreciate all you all do!

A zalea Trail interviews are right around the corner! 
Interview dates will be announced in September. Junior girls must have a clean discipline record and a minimum 3.5 GPA. Girls who plan to interview should be well versed in current events and Mobile history. 

Our Student Ambassadors worked hard this summer to make sure our new University Campus students had a great day at Orientation.  After 2 summer workshops, they hosted the 6th graders and our new 7th-12th graders for an afternoon 
that was all about discovering St. Luke's.  
Students participated in multiple activities designed to get to know each other, toured the campus, watched a Student Ambassador video with clips about the school, 
and even learned the fight song and alma mater 
(sway included)! 

These students are SL READY!

Congratulations to our new 2017-2018 Student Ambassadors: 
Taylor Smith,   Amelia Speir,  Becca Clark,  Madison Moseley, 
Abbe Wentland, and Sidney Moorehead. 

 They join our returning Student Ambassadors: William Brandyburg, Hardy Demeranville
Hunter Doughty,  Graham Driskell,  Lincoln Hammons,  Bailey Sheffield,  Lauren Bailey
Bailey Fisher,  Alli Kangal,  Adrian Williams,  Anne Bennett Hammons and  Stefon Ward. 

This past Saturday, Kaelyn Horn competed in the invitational section of the Challenge of Champions meet located at Langham Park. She was running against the top 100 Cross Country girls in the state and also the top runners in the United States. 
You Go Girl!

College Bound!
 Congratulations to our first 2 seniors to get to hang a pennant. They are allowed to hang one after they have been accepted to that particular school.
We can't wait to see all the banners hanging in the library.
Go Wildcats!
Educator Spotlight:

Mrs. Annie Gwin is celebrating 30 years with St. Luke's Episcopal School. During her time with our school she has touched countless children's lives and earned the respect and love of her fellow teachers.  Her Christian values are quite evident in the classroom and her daily life.  She is always positive and encouraging to students, parents, faculty and staff. Her fellow teachers would say, " Annie can tell you something special or funny about each child she has taught or teaches." Her students are always well prepared for 1st grade both socially and mentally.  
One word describes Annie "AWESOME"!  To know Annie is to love her!  We are so happy she chose St. Luke's as her home. 

Let me introduce Mr.  PAUL NEASE:


Mr. Nease hails from Savannah, GA and is a new edition to our History Department on the University campus. Mr. Nease has a diverse background and some cool stories about his life.  Living and learning in a place like Savannah, it's no wonder why Mr. Nease has a love for history. Growing up in Savannah, he said he was always surrounded by forts, cemeteries and battle sites. "Here I am, standing on the same ground as these men... just walking down the street makes you feel like you are in the 1800's." 

Mr. Nease has a  Bachelors and Masters in History. He got his start at Savannah Classical Academy, and  has w orked the last three years at David Emanuel Academy in Stillmore, Georgia.  He has held the position of Dean of Students in Discipline, and was a head soccer coach. 

Teachers tell us time and again, real-world experience can change your life. Well Paul Nease has lived it. In his late teen's, Mr. Nease had the opportunity to work, as a civilian, at West Point Military Academy. With his love of history, being a part of the this prestigious organization helped mold him into the man he is today. 

When asked what made him choose St. Luke's he said, "I wanted to teach at a challenging college prep school, and St. Luke's met this criteria... College prep schools raise the level of students understanding which in-turn makes the teacher work harder. I wanted this type of environment." Well we are sure glad he chose us! 

Fun Fact:  When Mr. Nease was 12 years old, he was a part of the Georgia Olympic Soccer team. His team competed against teams representing other states and he even played a game against a team from Liverpool, England. 

What a cool experience!  


We LOVE ALL our students and faculty and are always interested in what you have going on.  We strive to include as much information and as many students as we can, in each edition.  PawPrints is just a "Snapshot" of all the great things our students and faculty do throughout the year. 

Please email AshleyKillian:
to submit stories and photos, for future PawPrints.

Now you can order St. Luke's merchandise on-line at your own convenience!  Shirts, hats, sweatshirts, blankets and more!  Check it all out  here ...dozens of designs and items available!