A portion of the east parking lot will be used mid week for the production of "Sirens" from Aug-Nov. 

We have made an exception to our rule of no filming during boating season as the production is providing much needed funding for the UBC Sea Lion Research project.
A reminder to all customers and guests, please keep gatehouses closed at all times.  When you are finished loading your vessel, please ensure gatehouse doors are closed behind you.  We all benefit from a safe and secure marina.
Join us for summer extended hours on Thursday and Friday nights - open til 9pm!   Now til the end of August.

Please call or text 778-871-1177 to place your "to go" order.
With the busy season in full swing, please remember to follow the Reed Point Marina policies and procedures.  We are a family oriented marina and wish to respect our neighbours by keeping our docks clutter-free and quiet.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Fuel Barge Hours
Til September 4, 2017 
8am to 8pm Fri - Mon
8am to 6pm Tues - Thurs
Pumpout Hours
Til September 4, 2017 
8am to 8pm Fri - Mon
8am to 6pm Tues - Thurs
Marina Office Hours
9am to 5pm Mon-Fri
8am to 4pm Sat
Fishing with Rod 
By far the most intriguing fish story of the marina and the eastern portion of Burrard Inlet and Indian Arm is the sighting of numerous schools of small silver fish.  Residents along Alderside report tens of seals and many gulls all feeding on small silver fish at the surface.  Cabin owners in Indian Arm are reporting high numbers of schooling silver fish.   In Reed Point Marina the staff has pointed out large schools of small, silver fish swimming along with their large mouths open and silver gill covers flashing.  But what are all these small schooling silver fish in the area?
We know that herring are beginning to spawn in higher numbers in Indian Arm, False Creek and Howe Sound, but these fish we are seeing do not look, nor act, exactly like herring.  For one thing we do not see the large herring scales in the water often spotted when predators are chasing and eating herring.  Herring tend to migrate out of the spawning area as they grow up.  These fish are now residing in the eastern portion of Burrard Inlet.
The Mossom Creek (Salmon) Hatchery has a salmon sea pen anchored just off Ioco.  While a Department of Fisheries technician was working on the sea pen this spring he noticed some small silver fish.  Being with fisheries, he had a small dip net.  He scooped one up.  Take a look at the picture. (incl. at end of mail) Almost all experts agreed that this is a Pacific Sardine.  We all know sardines, from the canned variety. But to make the story more complicated in British Columbia we do not call them sardines, we call a Pacific Sardine a Pilchard.     

From the 1920's to the 1940's Pilchards were abundant and we fished them heavily on the coast.  Perhaps too heavily and they disappeared.  But from the 70's onward they have been making a comeback and we have limited fishing of them. This is really exciting to have Pilchards appearing in Port Moody.  It may be the first time that they have been reported in Port Moody.
Now there are also other silver fish in Port Moody waters, some with the flashing gills. From their looks, they are almost certainly to be Northern Anchovies!  Right here in the marina.  With their sub-terminal, shark-like mouth they are easy to identify.  If you happen to catch or photograph one, I will offer a small reward for any boater capturing or photographing any of these silvery specimens for a definitive identification.
What do all these schools of silver fish mean?  We are not sure, but we do know that Reed Point Marina provides all sorts of horizontal habit for fish development, feeding and safe salmonid migration out of the harbour.  The diving birds, such as cormorants and mammal predators, like the harbour seals, tend to stay out of the marina.  The presence and abundance of the small silver "food fish' as we call them (for they are eaten in large numbers by all larger fish, especially salmon) herald improving conditions for the salmon and cod to thrive.   Keeping our marina clean also goes a long way to supporting the comeback of food fish and salmon in the Salish Sea.
Rod MacVicar
Reed Point Marine Education Centre
A reminder that the marina dumpsters are for vessel
generated household garbage only.  They are not for disposing of construction materials or other large items of furniture off any vessel and certainly not for home generated garbage.

Any cardboard must be flattened and placed in the cardboard dumpster in the boatyard.

Recently one bin was overflowing with mattresses and other debris. The offender was identified and is on probation.  

A clean and tidy marina is one all boaters enjoy.
Fuel Price Comparison

As of July, 2017
Gas Price
Diesel Price
Taxes included
Reed Point $1.28 $1.02 No
False Creek $1.36 $1.10 No
Deep Cove $1.50 $1.39 Yes
Coal Harbour $1.33 $1.01 No

We aim to keep our fuel prices the lowest in the area to the benefit of our marina customers, and offer volume discounts starting at 150 litres!   

During our busy boating season we encourage all customers with large diesel boats to fuel up during the mid-week days to avoid wait times.
The most recent Port mandated cleanup of the marina seabed resulted in a costly removal of a large number of crab traps.  

Crab traps have continually created a hazard to vessels, and many of those recovered were continuing to trap crabs.

Accordingly, we can no longer allow any crab traps whatsoever being set in the marina basin, including any hanging off the breakwater.

We appreciate your cooperation with this matter.  Please note that offenders could put their moorage license in jeopardy.
Reed Point Marina | | [email protected] 
Unit #1 - 850 Barnet Highway
Port Moody, V3H 1V6 - 604 937-1600