Island Jim breezes into the Outlaw!
Jim Robinson "Island Jim" (named by Eddie Ortega) is a Pittsburgh native turned Key West hotel manager who went back to Pittsburgh to be near his son. When he returned, he brought a slice of the Keys with him and opened the doors to his Strip District Leaf & Bean location and now has multiple locations around Pittsburgh. The "Key West of Pittsburgh", the stores sport an island motif and decor consisting mostly of stuff customers wanted to get rid of (barber chairs, an old phone booth, a motorcycle hanging from the ceiling, and an endless supply of other stuff that would have those guys from "American Pickers" salivating). Jim is committed to supporting boutique brands and places a special emphasis on those kinds of cigars.

Jim owns two brands, Leaf by Oscar and Island Jim by Oscar cigars and is looking forward to the hanging out at the Outlaw, sharing some smokes and for sure some stories! Get here and meet one of the true characters of the cigar world!
Cigar Time Show 104 reviews Leaf by Oscar
Cigar Time Show #104 reviews Leaf by Oscar
Interview with Oscar Valladares and Island Jim from the 2015 IPCPR tradeshow.   We discuss the success of the Leaf by Oscar, the new release Big Jonny, and what to expect in 2015 and beyond from Island Jim and Oscar in
Interview with Oscar Valladares and Island Jim from the 2015 IPCPR tradeshow.
Let's Send 100,000 Petitions to Congress In Support of a Premium Cigar Exemption!
It is now more important than ever that your Member of Congress hear from you.

Take action now, and let your voice be heard. Contact your member(s) in the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate today and ask that they support H.R. 564 and S. 294 respectively.

To sign and send a petition in support of H.R. 564 and S. 294.

Don't just sign the petition, spread the word.  If you are a consumer, send the link to your friends.  If you are a retailer, share it with your customer base.  Lets grow the numbers and make sure Congress hears from all of us.
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