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Trinity Tidings

The E Newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church, Sutter Creek

September 2017

In This Issue
Interim's Report
Did You Know?
Vestry Notes
Sr. Warden's Report
T-FOT Ice Cream Social
Host Ministry
Food Bank Donations
Trinity Singers Rehearsals
Birthdays this month
Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter
Interim's Report for September
"In Christ, there is no east or west, in him no south or north."

Dear friends,

The quote above is from a familiar hymn. The point of the hymn is that, in Christ, there is no distinction between any human being. We are all one. Ethnicity, color of skin, place of origin, social status, who we love or don't love, all do not matter.

An invitation to baptism and membership in the church is open to all. But that was not always the case.

There were two camps in the very early church. One said that in order to be a Christian, one needed to become a Jew first and follow the Law of Moses. Since the first Christians were Jews, it was thought that that had to be the pathway to follow Jesus. A smaller group said that was unnecessary. This smaller group was led by St. Paul.

In order to resolve the issue, the first council of the church was held in Jerusalem, as recorded in the Book of Acts. I don't think it was intended to be a council. I think it was intended to put Paul in his place and make him conform to the majority. Many of those gathered there personally knew Jesus and heard him teach and preach. This came to be known as the Council of Jerusalem. It set the precedent of how the church is to resolve theological disputes.

I think this council forced Paul to resolve in his own mind the theology of grace that he later eloquently wrote about in his letter to the Romans. Paul successfully argued that Jesus replaced the Law of Moses with a Law of Grace. Gentiles need not become Jews to be baptized. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, placing all humans in a state of grace. After much deliberation, the council decided that gentiles need not be Jews before becoming a Christian. This opened the way to a "fellowship of love."

We have an ideal. Our work is to make the ideal a reality. God gives us grace. May we learn to share that grace with others. 

Fr. Craig Kuehn+

Did You Know?
-Bible study continues to be held the first Sunday of each month at 9:40 in Jane's Hall. We are working on 1 Macabees. On Sept. 3, we will be exploring 1 Macabees 5 & 6. Bring your thoughts and questions and we'll see you there.

At their recent meeting, the former Missio:Engage team chose to re-name and broaden the focus and will now be the "Trinity Fellowship and Outreach Team." The next meeting of the Trinity Fellowship and Outreach Team will be on Sunday, October 15, after the 10:30 service in the undercroft.  Anyone interested is invited to attend.
Vestry Notes
by Margaret Lewis
On August 24 your vestry met for their monthly meeting. The following items were discussed:
- Fr. Craig described some small changes that we might expect to see in the liturgy. These include things like the placement of an additional hymn after the Collect for Purity as well as more frequent changes to the Eucharistic Prayers.
- The Vestry discussed upcoming meetings with Canon Andrea and worked to find dates when a majority of the vestry can be present. These meetings will include one meeting with the Vestry and a second for the whole congregation to meet with Andrea and/or a consultant.
- The annual church picnic date was chosen - save the date for October 8th. More details regarding exact time and location will follow.
- The annual stewardship campaign was discussed.
- The Vestry learned of Music Director, Carol Harper's resignation set to take effect October 15th.
Senior Warden's Report
By Margaret Lewis, Senior Warden
"Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart"
It is easy, in a time when the sand feels like it's shifting under our feet, to begin to feel anxious and off balance. When I feel like this, one of my favorite antidotes to the uncertainty is to remember, with gratitude, where God has been moving in my life. This month as we begin to feel the shifts of change at Trinity there are some very bright points that remind me that no matter the changes that may come, Trinity will always be a beacon in our community and a jewel in the eye of our God. 
Someone recently forwarded me a blog from the Episcopal Cafe that gives five reasons to attend church. As I read through the list I was taken by the level of gratitude that rose up for me. At each point the author discussed the benefits of what happens in a "healthy church". I stopped to give thanks for the health of our community. We may be moving through a time of transition, but we are a strong and vibrant community. One which will, undoubtedly, continue to seek God's guidance, worship fully and authentically, support all members and remain open and inclusive. For this, I am grateful.
The one reason for going to church that the author didn't include, is another place of immense gratitude in my life. I wish she had reminded readers that a healthy church will offer fellowship and a place to connect with fellow seekers. It will be a place where you can be who you are, just as you are, and be offered the love and grace of our God in the midst of community. Again, I give thanks for the community that is Trinity!
I have included the article below and I invite you to read and contemplate what the author has to say. What are some reasons you come to church?

Reasons to go to Church  by Ann Fontaine
Here are five reasons, not necessarily in order of importance, I would give the reluctant and the skeptical to check out church, despite their reservations:

A healthy church will help you get over yourself.  One of the primary aims of good preaching is to invite us into a story much larger than our own.

A healthy church will allow you to acknowledge guilt and experience forgiveness.  As Toni Morrison's wonderful character Baby Suggs puts it to her congregation, here you can come to "lay it all down." It may not seem that acknowledging guilt would be a particularly attractive reason to attend church, but you find, if you do it, that it's amazingly restorative.

A healthy church will invite you into countercultural community.  It won't be an extension program in civil religion.

 A healthy church will give you access to a treasury of words and music. It will bring you into a centuries-old conversation that includes the whole "communion of saints." Where else are you likely to encounter words like "blessing" or "grace" or "parable" or "holy" or, for that matter, "shibboleth" or "Sabaoth"? Where else are you likely to encounter a conversation that takes you to the ancient world and back, bearing gifts for the present, sometimes wrapped in antique language?

Healthy churches are places of divine encounter.  Singing is one way to "enter into God's courts." ... When we sing we learn viscerally and audibly what it means to be "one in the Spirit."

Hearing sacred texts read aloud also brings us into alignment with others who inhabit the same story. It is our story-all of ours-available to be entered and explored like a great territorial preserve.

And the Eucharist, the Lord's Supper, Holy Communion-whatever name it is given in a particular denominational tradition-has become, for me, Protestant that I am, the moment of encounter I most eagerly await when I go to church.

Distracted, reluctant, confused, or apathetic you may be on any given Sunday, but if you go, something will happen.
T-FOT Ice Cream Social
At their recent meeting, the former Missio:Engage team chose to re-name and broaden the focus and will now be the "Trinity Fellowship and Outreach Team" or T-FOT.
Some events were planned, including an upcoming congregational ice cream social on Friday, September 8, from 7 to 9 pm in Jane's Hall. Ice cream will be provided. Bring a topping to share and enjoy fellowship with the Trinity family.
The next meeting of the Trinity Fellowship and Outreach Team will be on Sunday, October 15, after the 10:30 service in the undercroft.  Anyone interested is invited to attend.
Are you friendly?
We are in need of Hosts for the 8:30 service, particularly 1st, 4th, and 5th Sundays. It's only a once a month commitment (fifth Sunday is only a couple times a year)! Please consider helping out with this ministry if you can. Contact Rosalie Escamilla for more information.

The Food Bank needs volunteers to work in the warehouse and reception areas. Call the Food Bank (267-9006) or visit the facility (10 am - 2 pm daily) for more information.

Food Bank Donations
The Food Bank's cart, in the sanctuary, yielded 76 lbs. of food in August  Total giving in 2017: 900 lbs. of food.

Thank you for your generous support of this special ministry.
Trinity Singers Rehearsals
All are invited to join the Trinity Singers/Worship Team! Rehearsals are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7pm.  Bring your voices, your instruments, and a heart for worship and praise! For more information, please contact Carol Harper at 916-604-1872 or email . Web site:
September Birthdays

The following members of our church family are celebrating birthdays in September!


1st- Colin Kendig

3rd- John Lafferty

4th- Evan Kendig

 10th- Jan Lemos

  18th- Paul Lewis

  20th- Lynne Brumit

  22nd- Carol Harper

  25th- Carolyn Hennings

  28th- Jennifer Putnam

  29th- Bob Blair

  29th- Bud Busch



If you are celebrating a birthday in September, but you don't see your name listed here, please contact our Parish Administrative Asst.

Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter?
If you have an article of interest to the congregation that you would like included in the newsletter, please email it to the office, by the 20th of the month. It will be included in the next month's newsletter.