Here's What's Happening at PCCS
Hispanic Heritage Month
PCCS is celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15th-October 15th. If you are interested in sharing your Latino cultural experiences--music, art, food, customs, and much more--please contact Dil Dybas! We are excited for our students to learn more about the diverse cultural traditions within the Latino population!

Board Openings
Board Applications are due on Tuesday, September 5th by 3:30pm for those interested in applying for the Board-Appointed or Parent-Elected seats. There are two Board-Appointed openings and one Parent-Elected opening. Please consider applying for one  of these seats; serving on the Board provides an invaluable opportunity to learn more about governance at PCCS!
Pool Party Sunday!
Looking for a fun end-of- summer event for the whole family? Come to the Splashtastic Fun-raiser at the Hunt Club Aquatic Center in Gurnee on Sunday from 4-7pm. Grab your swimsuits and towels and get set for some fun with other PCCS families. Admission is $8 per person and $3 of the admission goes back to the PCCS PSO!
Curriculum Night
As a reminder, K-4th Grade Curriculum Night is Tuesday, September 5th from 6-7pm. We hope all parents/guardians can attend this informative evening and learn more about what your children will be learning this year at PCCS. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday night!
Farm to Table
Don't forget to sign up for this month's Farm to Table. Rick Starr of  Ad-Lib Geocafe  will be our chef!
Registration is due on Wednesday, September 6th for the September 13th lunch. Sign ups are available  HERE  or on the  website . Contact   Carol Flaig if you'd like   to volunteer!
Thank You For Giving
Due to your generosity, we were able to donate over a thousand school supply items to the Fremont Township and Warren Township  Youth & Family Services. We donated hundreds of pencils, notebooks, highlighters, glue sticks and many other items. Thank you for supporting our community!
Upcoming Events & After School Opportunities
Cross Country and Soccer Begins. Congratulations to our 2017 Cross Country and Soccer teams. Please consider cheering them on at their meets and games this fall. See below for a list of upcoming meets. Visit the website to learn about upcoming games/meets.
PBIS--Being Responsible in the Bathroom
Being Responsible in the Bathroom.  Because our bathrooms at PCCS are very much like the ones that you have at home, it is really important to keep them clean.  In order to do that, we need everyone to be responsible for themselves, and to ask for help when needed.  We are a community and we need to all help each other.
Partnering with Parents
We value our parents at PCCS! We hope you have had an opportunity to meet your PSO officers and team leaders and have had the chance to volunteer or meet some new faces! There are a number of ways to get involved and learn more about the school community you and your child are part of, beginning with Curriculum Night (9/5/17 for K-4th Grade and 9/12/17 for 5th-8th Grade). Curriculum Night affords teachers the first real opportunity to connect face-to-face with their students' parents and answer questions about what our children can expect to learn this year.

Throughout the year, your classroom coordinator will be reaching out via email with information about activities, events and volunteer opportunities--ways to get involved! We love seeing parents in the classrooms, opening car doors in the morning, helping out at lunch and recess, serving on a committee or the Board. We invite you to do what interests you! 

This Sunday, the PSO is hosting a Pool Party at the Hunt Club Aquatic Center from 4-7pm--this is a wonderful way for your kids to see friends outside of school and for you to meet more families. On October 22nd, the PSO has another family event planned, this time at the school celebrating all things autumnal. Stay tuned--more fun to come!

We are happy you are here! 

PSO Corner--Volunteer Spotlight
Each month the PSO will highlight a volunteer that is positively affecting our school. For our first "Volunteer Spotlight", we have chosen to highlight Shirin Pope, our Social Media Coordinator! This is a brand new role for the PSO, as of June. Since taking on the role, Shirin has been to many PSO-related meetings, has posted updates and reminders on our "PCCS PSO"  Facebook page , and has provided much support behind the scenes. Shirin has thoughtfully and carefully posted updates and reminders for all of us in our school community, and for that we are very grateful. She will be posting on our behalf throughout the year. If you use Facebook, please ask to join our page, "PCCS PSO", if you haven't already! We are pleased to thank Shirin with a SCRIP card to Starbucks as a token of our gratitude. Thank you Shirin for all you do!
Upcoming Events at PCCS:
Sunday, September 3rd--Splashtastic Fun-Raiser Night 4-7pm @ Hunt Club Aquatic Center in Gurnee
Monday, September 4th--No School: Labor Day
Tuesday, September 5th--Green Challenge Assembly 8:15am
     --Board Applications Due by 3:30pm to Office
     --Cross Country Meet at Gavin South 4pm
     --Curriculum Night K-4th Grades 6-7pm
Wednesday, September 6th--Farm to Table Registration Forms Due Today
Thursday, September 7th--Cross Country Meet at Gavin South 4pm
Friday, September 8th--Cross Country and Soccer Team Pictures 4pm

Save the Date: 
Attendance Week Begins on September 11th--watch for Spirit Week information next week!
Curriculum Night for 5-8 Tuesday, September 12th
Farm to Table--Wednesday, September 13th


PCCS Administration
Over One Thousand School Supply Drive Donations
8th Grade History Lesson --Industrial Era
Mrs. Wagner's 3rd/4th Graders Study Electricity

Prairie Crossing Charter School