Attitude Is Everything


       Starting The Week Off Right




Doesn't matter what you do in life.
 Just be the best at it.
- Clint Eastwood -

Jim Seymour



Good Morning,
Success in life does not come from picking the right career, right home, right social circles right church or right spouse, no matter what others might say.  We all have different abilities, skills, interests and passions.  Thankfully we are not all alike. 
Success comes from doing your best at whatever you are doing, whenever you are doing it.  Whenever you are doing something, be the best you can be when you are doing it. If you are a scientist, be the absolute best scientist you can be.  If you work with your hands, be the best at whatever job you are doing.
Success comes from, not what you do, but how well you do it.  How well you do it is up to you.