Jung and the Mandala at Cirque Lodge
Cowry Shell Divinations  with Machiel Klerk
Dear Jung Society guest,

Plan ahead for wonderful events this fall with the Jung Society of Utah! We're looking forward to a workshop on mandala drawing in cooperation with Cirque Lodge, a special event with Andrew Harvey on Rumi, and a workshop by Andrew Harvey and Machiel Klerk together. Stay tuned for more details!

Join us on Saturday, September 30th for a workshop on Jung and the Mandala at Cirque Lodge. See the second text box below for more information.

Read a great blog about cowry shell divinations with Jung Society Founding President Machiel Klerk here  and see the third text box below for more information.

Learn more about great courses with Jung Platform, including a special individual training program with Robert Bosnak, and a unique webinar with Michael Meade on Touching the Soul of the World

The Jung Society of Utah Team 

Jung and the Mandala: Workshop at Cirque Lodge
Date: September 30th
Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Location: 777 N Palisade Drive    
Orem, Utah 84097
Cost: Free (including 3 CEUs) 

"The Mandala is a symbol of wholeness that tries to embrace the whole"; so said Carl Jung in an interview in 1957. Among the other things he said at the time were that the Mandala is the main archetype, an alchemical union of the circle and the square and often is an expression of either the Deity or the Self which he believed to be psychologically related. He also said that Mandala imagery often arises in dreams or other forms in times of psychic chaos or tension, offering compensation in the possibility of an inner order, a periphery and a center, bringing a sense of centering and healing to the whole. In this workshop we wish to explore and celebrate Jung's deep wisdom about the healing power of Mandalas:Hindu term for a sacred circle.

Jung developed the use of Mandala creation originally for his own personal soul work. He later expanded its use as a therapeutic technique to draw out images or "cryptograms" that he believed revealed the state of the Self in a given moment or day. Mandala creation can be a useful inner work tool for centering oneself or a client and can provide a glimpse into the Soul, inner-being of an individual.

We will discuss the origins of Jung's use of Mandalas for inner work or in therapy with clients. In the context of the workshop you will have an opportunity to create your own Mandala, and if you desire, share about the image and experience with others. There will be time to ask questions about using Mandala drawing in your own innerwork as well, and if you are a clinician, how you might incorporate their use into your work with clients.


Burton Fullmer is a Clinical Counselor with a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology: University of Utah and Certificate in Process-Oriented Psychology: Process Work Institute of Oregon; working 20 years in mental health settings like Alpine Center and Cirque Lodge Sundance. 

Beverly Roesch has served as the Clinical Director of Cirque Lodge since its beginnings. She has worked in the field of chemical dependency for over 25 years as both a clinician and an educator. Her passion and dedication for this work is on display each and every day with her commitment to the individuals and families treated at the Cirque Lodge alcohol and drug rehab program.

This event is co-hosted by the Jung Society and Cirque Lodge. Cirque Lodge is the premier Addiction Treatment Center in Utah ( www.cirquelodge.com)
Cowry Shell Divination with Machiel Klerk

Machiel has spent the last two years learning the art of cowry shell divination.
You can sign up  here  for a cowry shell divination with Machiel Klerk. 

Machiel is a gifted diviner who embraces the spiritual healing tradition of his country of birth, South Africa. Several years ago the African shaman Malidoma Somé recognized him as a diviner, and since then Machiel has been in an apprenticeship with him.

The cowry shell divination is a multi-faceted and adaptable modality and can address any number of sought inquiries that may be of present concern, such as relationships, occupation, health... anything that is relevant to your present interests.

Validating personal gifts, it sheds light on how best to navigate your current path, both practical and inspirational, and helps to clarify an increased awareness of the internal and external obstacles and how best to approach the challenges you face.

The way in which the modality is applied and carried out invites an open, creative, and honest dialogue of inquiry and evokes curiosity that can circumvent worn out thought patterns and beliefs we can get stuck in over time, unlike other forms of inquiry that can inhibit the unconscious mind.

Read a fascinating blog on Divinations and Machiel  here.

For further inquiry visit http://machielklerk.com/divinations or you can contact Machiel at: [email protected] or call him at +1-801-656-8806.

Notes of Interest      


One Year Training Program with Robert Bosnak
Jung Platform Blog: 
The World Needs Your Gift
Michael Meade: Touching the Soul of the World
One year individual apprenticeship via Internet in Embodied Imagination® and practical applications of alchemical psychology

Since I've begun teaching alchemical psychology via the Jung Platform I have received many requests for short term individually tailored trainings in the practical applications of alchemical psychology and Embodied Imagination®. This apprenticeship is for people who want to familiarize themselves with a globally practiced direct access to creative imagination. It has been proven applicable in a wide variety of fields. 

We have found that dreams like to play with us if we issue them a clear invitation.
Therefore an apprenticeship will start with dream incubation -- directed dreaming to activate dreaming intelligence. The apprentice will focus on a central issue in their individual or professional life, be it in business, technology, art, or any other field requiring voluntary access to creative imagination. This will be followed by a brief 8-session in-depth exploration of the dreaming imagination with Robert Bosnak focused on the question posed by the apprentice.

On the basis of this, 4 theory sessions will follow, taught individually by Bosnak, focussing on the particular exploration. Alongside the course Bosnak's entire theoretical introduction to alchemical psychology via the Jung Platform will be available. (75 hours)

The apprenticeship concludes with a 4-day on site meeting with Bosnak and other apprentices (to be conducted when 5 apprentices are in training.)

After half a year each apprentice will start bi-monthly Internet sessions with a colleague apprentice, 3 of these sessions will be directly supervised by Bosnak.

Contact Machiel Klerk at [email protected]
m or +1 801-656-8806 for more information or to sign up.
"Whether they are raised in indigenous or modern culture, there are two things that people crave: the full realization of their innate gifts, and to have these gifts approved, acknowledged, and confirmed..."

- Malidoma Patrice Somé,  The Healing Wisdom of Africa

Ancient Wisdom and Healing

Throughout time and culture, humans have found and explored profoundly creative ways-through both formal and organic inquiry-to address the deeper aspects of who we are; not only as temporary corporeal beings, but also as spiritual souls.

In this way, the Dagara tribe of West African people have ancient traditions and methods of ritual and divination that have served their people as a useful modality to understand individual gifts and purpose. In a spirit of creative imploration, they seek out the help and guidance from the Otherworld through a method called cowry shell divination. In this useful modality, they have found ways to dissolve the normal boundaries of the tangible, mundane world and travel into the spiritual realms of their ancestors.

Your True Destiny

This ancient practice of cowry shell divination is a ritual rooted in a lineage that has been passed down for thousands of years from an ongoing ordained apprenticeship. The ancient practice has recently been brought to the mainstream of our Western world by way of individuals such as the great medicine man, elder Malidoma Patrice Somé.

With great need, it has become a useful tool in bridging the divides between the world's diverse cultures, as well as a vital spiritual intermediary to the world of spirit and ancestors.

Read more on the Jung Platform blog HERE.

Description: We live in a radical time, amidst severe climate changes, the expansion of human tragedy and the growth of collective fear and anxiety. Yet, the great crises of the world do not take place outside the human soul. Rather, history is made in the struggle of the individual soul to survive and make sense of the world no matter how dark things may become.

When everything seems about to fall apart, something deep in the soul of humanity responds. This inner inheritance includes both deep instincts for survival and surprising capacities for renewal. In mythic terms, each soul is connected to the Soul of the World and each person is pregnant with meaning and an innate genius waiting to express itself.

In the struggle for meaning and truth it becomes necessary to call upon the array of genius, talents, and abilities hidden in people of all ages. Only then can we help balance nature and heal culture.

Michael Meade, D.H.L., is a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology. He combines hypnotic storytelling, street-savvy perceptiveness, and spellbinding interpretations of ancient myths with a deep knowledge of cross-cultural rituals. He has an unusual ability to distill and synthesize these disciplines, tapping into ancestral sources of wisdom and connecting them to the stories we are living today.

Date: September 26, 2017
Time: 19:30pm Cape Town Time / 1:30pm EST / 10:30am PST
Length: 90 minutes. 60 minutes talk and 30 min Q&A with SAAJA in Cape Town
Cost: $17.50 (incl. audio copy of the live event).

Purchase HERE


Volunteer Positions
Travel and Individuation
Become a Member!
We're all in this together, and volunteering is a great way to meet and get to know others in yo ur community.
The following positions are available:
  • Book sales at events
Contact Machiel Klerk for these positions:

"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

When I return home from traveling, my house always looks different. Intellectually I know that everything is just as I left it, but after being away, the most familiar place in the world to me seems "off" in some way, not how I remembered it.  Maybe the shade of paint in the bedroom looks brighter somehow, I think. Or perhaps it's the way the light from the kitchen window filters in across the table at this hour of day, a time when I'm not usually home. But as I roll my suitcase down the hallway, there's an overwhelming feeling of alien unfamiliarity. Then I realize it's me. I'm the element that's been transformed during my time away.

Read more on the JSOU Blog HERE.

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Membership has its benefits:
  • 10% discount on workshops.
  • Members only emails.  
  • Free copy of Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Jung.
  • CEs for our local mental health professionals.
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