Property Owners' Association of Deep Creek Lake
DCL Lost & Found 
July 20, 2017


We have received the following helpful information from  Eric Null, the Deep Creek Lake Manager,  that we want to pass on to POA Members...

"Please label any Dock Part (floats, catwalks, etc), inflatables (trampoline, etc), kayak, canoe, paddle boat, and any other item that you may store on the water with your Buffer Strip Use Permit number, so when Lake Management retrieves the item if it is adrift we can return it to its rightful owner. Any of these items that Lake Management or NRP has retrieved are stored at the Lake Management Office for one year, after that they are donated to local charities. If you are missing something please Call Lake Management First." 

The Lake Management office number is: 301-387-4112.

Bob Hoffmann
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