Our team has been visiting the many kids our group supports through Christian Relief Fund in Malindi, Kenya.

Maybe you couldn't afford the time or money to go along on this trip, but here is how you can still participate. Commit to pray daily for the team as they are there.  Here are some specific things you can be praying for them:
  • Safety in traveling (both to Kenya and while in Kenya)
  • Relationship building with the Malindi community
  • For encouragement of the Malindi children (especially Pathways sponsored orphans)
  • For the team to be changed by experiencing what God is doing in another country
  • For encouragement of local Malindi ministry leaders and their ministries.

We all have busy lives full of responsibilities, activities, demands, relationships.  Religion can seem like just another thing to add to the "TO-DO" list.  

But Jesus tells us his "yoke is easy and his burden is light."  Maybe following Jesus isn't just another item on our already full list, but a way of slowing down and finding true rest. 

Many Jesus followers over the years have found simple habits that help us to SLOW DOWN and enjoy our surroundings, our travel companions and Creator.  Take a peak at this QUICK WEEKLY EXERCISE and consider how it might help you enjoy God and others more. 

We think the best way to get to know other people in our community is in a small group setting.
  • We have a number of active groups and are always looking to start new ones. 
  • Our groups range from traditional Bible studies to affinity groups that are centered around a common interest.
  • If you are interested in joining a group, starting a group, hosting a group, or just have a great idea for a new group, let us know.

click here for more information on current groups or to share your idea for a new group
Summer is a busy time when most of us are in and out on vacations, hikes, and late-morning brunches at our favorite place.  But, you can still help support our mission even when you are away.  

Maybe nothing is more critical to growth of our community in the Summer than our online giving tool.  Give it a try today! 

Thank you for your generous contributions!
Current Monthly Giving:

July 2017 Budget: $12,500
July 2017 Contributions:  $3,860.00

Previous 2017 Giving: 

June 2017 Budget: $12,5 00
June 2017 Contributions:  $ 12,337.00

2017 Year-To-Date Budget:  $75 ,000
2017 Year-To-Date Contributions: $76,448.21

Thank you for your generous contributions to our community of faith, hope and love.

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