September 15, 2017
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Shaina G., Levi G., and Or R!
Change in Hot Lunch!
The October Hot Lunch  Order Form  and  Calendar  are now available. Please return completed form with  payment  to the office as soon as possible. Please note that the hot lunch for October 25 will now be Pizza Bagel with Corn instead of Cheese Lasagna.
Volunteers in Akiva
We have so many volunteers in Akiva! Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and community members who help make Akiva so special by donating your time to our school.

In addition to Morah Hilary who volunteers in Pre-School on Thursdays, this year Mrs. Sacks and Mrs. Rubensohn are volunteering in kindergarten one day a week.
Parent Orientation
Thank you to all the parents who were able to come to parent orientation this past week. If you were not able to make it, you can always request a phone call or meeting with teachers. Please let the office know if you are interested.
Volunteer Needed
We are looking for a volunteer to drive Sam to the JCC after school Mondays to Thursdays. If you are able to help, please email Eugenia at [email protected]

Mon, Sept. 18
Nursery-Grade 2 Chinook Honey Farm Field Trip

Wed, Sept. 20
Erev Rosh Hashanah
11:20 AM Dismissal
Daycare until 4 PM

Thurs-Fri, Sept. 21-22
Rosh Hashana
No School
Daycare Closed

Wed, Sept. 27
Grade 1-9 Fish Creek Field Trip

Thurs, Sept. 28
Terri Fox Run

Fri, Sept. 29
Erev Yom Kippur
11:20 AM Dismissal
Daycare until 4 PM

Sat, Sept. 30
Yom Kippur
Daycare Newsletter
Please click here for the daycare newsletter. 
Grade 2 Apple Picking
On Tuesday, September 12, the grade 2 class picked apples from the apple trees in my backyard. We had lots of fun climbing up the ladder and finding good apples for the school. When we came back to school, the students enjoyed the fresh, organic apples. I would like to thank Mrs. Ullman for helping us.
I wish you all Shana Tova Umetukah,
Morah Orly

Grade 1-9 Group Olympic Activities
In order to encourage friendships, cooperation, and togetherness, we had  fantastic group activities for Grades 1-9  on Wednesday  morning. All students were assigned to a group with Junior High students serving a group leaders. The students proceeded to 4 stations where they were challenged to perform tasks that required team effort! Thank you so much to Mrs. Halpern for organizing the program and to the Junior High students who set up the stations! We look forward to continuing group activities on our Tashlich field trip to Fish Creek Park on September 27!

Thank you so much to our very own Alumni, Natan and Ezra Wolf for leading us in an amazing Kumzitz at the end of the day  on Friday . We had a fantastic time singing and dancing together. It was so special to have the opportunity to wish a happy 100th birthday to Bubby Wolf!

Busy Bees
LaVie's grandfather is a bee keeper in Israel and he came to talk to Pre-K and Grade 2 about bees. He looks after 25 hives. Each hive houses 500,000 bees. Thank you to Morah Orly for translating! We look forward to visiting Chinook Honey Farm on Monday! 

Pre-School Learns about Rosh Hashana!

Grade 5 Students making Rosh Hashana PowerPoints

Traffic Safety on Haddon Road
We received an email from a cyclist about being passed unsafely by a vehicle parking at Akiva Academy. As our school is on the main north-south bicycle route, please pass with care and abide by the traffic bylaws. All cyclists would appreciate your attention in this matter. Please see this link for more information:
HOJMI Membership

UJA Campaign Launch

Annual General Meeting Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta
Please click here for more information. 
Chabad Lubavitch Alberta 
High Holidays at Chabad:
Community Dinners & Festive Meals | High Holiday Services & Programs | Children's Programs | Adult Education Classes | Over 17 Community Outreach Programs | No Membership Required | All are Welcome! |

Bat Mitzvah Club: