September 7, 2017





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For a complete calendar listing, please visit us here:

West Willson Parent Association Meeting
Date: Sept. 12
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: GLW library

North Freedom Parent Group Meeting
Date: Sept. 12
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: North Freedom Elementary

ABE Parent Group Meeting
Date: Sept. 12
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: ABE gym

GLW Fall Fundraiser 
Date: Sept. 14

East Spirit Week
Date: Sept. 18-22

East Parent Flower Fundraiser
Date: Sept. 18-29

Elementary School 
Picture Day
Date: Sept. 20 

Homecoming Parade
Date: Sept. 22
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Place: Downtown Baraboo

BHS Homecoming Game
Date: Sept. 22
Time: 7 p.m.
Place: Flambeau Field, Baraboo High School

BHS Homecoming Dance
Date: Sept. 23

East Parent Support Group
Date: Oct. 3
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: East Elementary

ABE Parent Support Group
Date: Oct. 3
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Place: ABE gym

West Willson Parent Association Meeting
Date: Oct. 10
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: West Kindergarten Center

North Freedom Parent Group Meeting
Date: Oct. 24
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: North Freedom Elementary

ABE Parent Support Group
Date: Nov. 7
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Place: ABE gym

East Parent Support Group
Date: Nov. 7
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: East Elementary

West Willson Parent Association Meeting
Date: Nov. 14
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: GLW library

ABE Parent Support Group
Date: Dec. 5
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Place: ABE gym

East Parent Support Group
Date: Dec. 5
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: East Elementary

North Freedom Parent Group Meeting
Date: Dec. 5
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: North Freedom Elementary

West Willson Parent Association Meeting
Date: Dec. 12
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: West Kindergarten Center

The mission of Hope House is to prevent abuse and provide support to victims of domestic and sexual violence.
Toll-free 24-Hour Confidential Helpline:
Street Address:
720 Ash Street
Baraboo, WI 53913
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00AM to 4:30PM

The Baraboo Public Library offers a safe and welcoming environment, providing area residents and visitors with confidential access to cutting edge, high quality resources.    

Riptide is a summer swim program for ages 5 to 18. Registration is open for the spring stroke clinic and summer season.

All players interested in being placed on a team for the 2017 season must register and participate in evaluations.  

Online registration now open. Ages 6-18. Certified, trained coaches. Spring and Fall seasons. Email BarabooSoccerClub@gmail.
com with questions.

BALA is open for registration Sunday, Feb. 19 and Sunday. Feb. 26 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. at the JYMS gym. Registration and throw around; bring your sticks. Ages 9 and older. For more information, contact Ginger Clark at   608 963-8127.

NEW: T-Bird Poll

New for 2017-18 is the T-Bird Poll!

Each week we will ask a fun question that is relevant to things happening in the District. In the next issue of the Thunderbird Thursday we will share the answer and ask a new poll question.

This week's T-Bird Poll question:
Do you know what a GROUTFIT is?

Click here to answer this week's poll question!
First Day of 4K
We are excited to have our newest learners join our Thunderbird family. Welcome to T-Bird Nation, 4K students!

BELC 4K teacher Ms. Amanda sat at circle time with her A.M. 4K class to discuss rules and procedures and what the students can expect while at school. They also learned their daily "Good Morning" song.

Happy First Day of School, 4K Kids!
New City Ordinances RE: Truancy and Habitual Truancy
The School DIstrict of Baraboo is working in collaboration with City of Baraboo officials for how unexcused absences are handled across the district.  

If a student is absent from school, it is the parent's responsibility to notify the school of their student's absence. Without an acceptable excuse, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. A student who has three unexcused absences will be referred to the Baraboo Police Department for truancy.

The City of Baraboo has adopted new city ordinances for both truancy and habitual truancy.

Our goal is that students attend school on a regular basis. Please help us by notifying your student's school of any absences.

Please visit our Facebook page (CLICK HERE) to view Chief Schauf and City Attorney Emily Truman discuss changes to the city's Truancy Policy with the Baraboo Board of Education on Aug. 28.
Hurricane Harvey School Supply Drive
The Baraboo School District is collecting school supplies and new/gently used children's books to donate to the Clear Creek Independent School District in Southeastern Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

Collection will begin on Monday, Sept. 11 and go through Wednesday, Sept. 27th. There will be a box for donations located at each of our seven schools, as well as at the District Office located at 423 Linn Street, Baraboo.

We are #Barabooproud to help another district in need!

For a printable version of this flyer, please click here.
JYMS Off to a Great Start!
Lockers, lockers, lockers! 
Our students at Jack Young Middle School headed to their lockers for the first time Friday morning, many with locker combinations in hand. 
When talking to incoming 6th grade students, their number one concern was their lockers! Will they remember their combination? Will they be able to get it open? Will all of their school supplies fit?
We are happy to report that no sixth grade student (or seventh- or eighth-grade student) was permanently locked out on the first day of school. This school year is already off to a great start!
Bus Safety is Your Responsibility - Know the Laws!
More than 800 students are killed going to and from school each year, according to a study by the National Resource Council. This includes 131 fatalities to pedestrians, 46 to bicyclists, five who ride school buses and 15 pedestrians at school bus stops, the study said.
The National Safety Council has released a few tips for safely sharing the road with a school bus.
  • When driving behind a school bus, make sure to allow a greater following distance than if you were driving behind another car. This will give you more time to stop once the yellow lights begin to flash.
  • Never pass a bus from behind or from either direction if you're on an undivided road if it is stopped to load or unload children. It is illegal in all 50 states to pass a school bus that is stopped to load or unload children.
  • If yellow or red lights are flashing and the stop sign is extended, you must stop.
  • Make sure you've stopped far back enough to allow children to safely enter and exit the bus. The area 10 feet surrounding a school bus is the most dangerous for children.
  • Pay attention; children can be unpredictable and tend to ignore hazards.
Date of Prom is Changing!
Traditionally prom has been held the first Saturday in May at Baraboo High School. 
Going forward, prom will be held the last Saturday in April. That makes the date for the 2018 prom April 28th. Please save the date!
Baraboo Girls Club Basketball Registration 
Now Open
Registration for Baraboo Girls Club Basketball is now open for girls grades 3-8. 

The season kickoff is Sunday, Oct. 1 at Jack Young Middle School. There will be a m
andatory parent/player team meeting at  6 p.m. followed by open gym until 7:30 p.m.
Go to  for information and registration.

Fees due by the  Oct. 1 kickoff.
Girls Basket Ball Registration Form
Girls Basketball Registration form for grades 3-8. To download a copy of this form, click here.
Order Your Baraboo Hockey Apparel
Calling all hockey fans!

Below is a link to the Boys Hockey Team store.  The store opens today 9/3 & closes on 9/18

All orders will be shipped to Baraboo High School and you will be notified when the orders are available for you to pick up. 

You will notice that some of the UA shirts will be decorated with a TPW text logo on the left sleeve (this logo will be vegas gold on the garments, not navy as the logo appears in the preview).  TPW stands for Tough People Win and is a mindset that student athletes competing in hockey, football, baseball & basketball are challenged to accept and demonstrate. TPW is an attitude that we want to also share with our fans!  

If you have any questions you can email Coach Waldvogel at Thank you for supporting Boys Hockey and see you at the rink!
Baraboo School District is joining the #BarabooRocks fun. 
The district office painted nearly 70 rocks and hid them outside at each of the seven schools. If you find a rock, bring it into the District Office (423 Linn Street) to receive a certificate for FREE ADMISSION to any Baraboo home athletic event during the regular 2017-18 season!
Five rocks have been preselected to receive a special prize, but you won't know if it is your rock until you turn it in! 

Look below to see which rocks have been found, or click here for a larger image!
T-Bird Mini Tri to Take Place in May
The 13th Annual T-Bird Mini Triathlon will be taking place on Thursday, May 24 at 6 p.m.

Registration will begin on January 1, 2018. 

Information will be available for this event starting Dec. 1, 2017.

BHS Homecoming Steak Feed
Baraboo High School Athletics Department will hold a BHS Homecoming Steak Feed on Wednesday, Sept. 20 at Fresh Express Market, 935 8th Street, Baraboo, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Meals for adults will be $9 and include a steak or chicken sandwich, coleslaw, beans and a drink. There will also be a $5 hot dog kids meal available.

All proceeds will benefit the Baraboo High School Athletic Department.

To see a larger version of this flyer, please click here.
JYMS Athletics Fundraising Night
Jack Young Middle School Athletics will have a Culver's Fundraising Night on Sept. 19 from 4-8 p.m. Please join us in raising funds for the athletic department, including new uniforms for the Boys and Girls Track & Field teams!

Get your Hall of Fame Raffle Tix Now!
The Baraboo High School Athletic Hall of Fame will hold its annual NFL Raffle starting Sept. 1.

Each raffle ticket is $20. $1,000 is awarded in weekly prizes! 

The raffle begins Sept. 8. Raffle tickets can be purchased anywhere you see the below sign!

All proceeds benefit the BHS Athletic Hall of Fame.

Fall Kid Stop Registration Now Open
Enrollment for the 2017-18 Fall Kid Stop Program is now open.

Kid Stop is offered to all students in the School District of Baraboo in grades K-5 and is held at multiple locations during the school year. For students attending GLW Elementary, West Kindergarten Center and North Freedom Elementary, students will attend the GLW location at 146 Berkley Blvd., Baraboo. Students attending East Elementary or ABE Elementary will attend the East location at 815 Sixth St., Baraboo.
The program provides children with the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, including outdoor play board games, arts and crafts projects, indoor gym games and computer time. Children are also given the opportunity to work on homework with the support staff. A snack and milk or juice are provided.
For registration forms and information, pricing and policies, please click here.
Dear Members of the Baraboo Community,

We want you to know that we are dedicated to all students.

We are committed to upholding a community that values differences of identities, beliefs and perspectives. We are proud to support students, families and staff of different races, faiths, national origins, immigration status, political viewpoints, abilities, sexual orientation and gender identity. Every student and family is a valued member of our community. We continue to be dedicated to supporting the maximum growth of each student, enabling each to succeed in and contribute positively to a continuously evolving world.

Ultimately, we believe that diversity and inclusion makes us stronger as a school community.


The Baraboo School District  
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Take our feedback survey here. You do not need to provide your name or contact information if you choose not to. 

Know someone who'd be interested in Thunderbird Thursday updates? Forward them this email so they can sign up!   T-Bird info right in your inbox every Thursday!
Baraboo School District | |
423 Linn Street, Baraboo, WI 53913