Mohawk College

September 2017
Message from the President & CEO

Audie McCarthy
The area of Human Resources has always been an interesting subject for discussion. Whether it be an examination on how best to implement legislative changes, a debate on what constitutes best practices or sharing ideas on how to attract and/or retain top talent, all organizations seem to face similar challenges when it comes to HR matters.  
Small to medium sized business owners face a particularly unique challenge as most do not have the benefits of having a HR Department to help navigate the waters. Imagine having to make a financial investment decision without a financial advisor. How would you know what to do? 
Human Resources MCE recognizes that small to medium sized businesses may not have the financial resources to retain a HR professional. Businesses may just be looking for some general HR information to use in everyday practice. In response to this need, MCE has created a "HR Corner" as an addition to our monthly newsletters. The content in the HR Corner will be written by our HR Generalist, Carrie Deon. Every month, Carrie will share information on a variety of valuable HR topics to shed some light on complicated subjects, give tips and suggestions, draw your attention to new legislations or refer you to a helpful article. The first topic covered is the complicated topic of flexible work arrangements. What exactly are flexible work arrangements and is there enough value to make it worthwhile? You don't have to be a small to medium business person to enjoy it. Please check it out below!

Audie McCarthy
President & CEO
MCE  Announcements  and  Events

City of Hamilton Introduces the Pop Up Park

Marty Hazell, CET, CMO, MLEO, Executive Leadership Associate,General Manager's Office, Planning & Economic Development Department, City of Hamilton, kindly shared this article with us. It features an exciting new idea initiated during a Future Ready Leadership program which included project management training. The project team continued with the project, carrying it through to implementation. Members of this project team include Debbie Spence, Judy Lam, Jason Thompson, Meredith Plant and James Buffet. MCE is proud to have played a small role in this success story.

Pop Up Park

Article by Alyssa Lai

Article MCE is happy to share an article written by Alyssa Lai for The Philanthropist, an online journal. Alyssa is a Digital Marketing Coordinator for Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation. As a public relations professional, she utilizes various communication channels and techniques to highlight the important work of different community organizations in the city. She also chaired Hamilton HIVE, the city's leading young professional network.  Alyssa co-founded two young professional groups and sits on the board of Young Professional Network of Ontario. She is a 2017 CivicAction DiverseCity Fellow; one of the 25 rising leaders in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area selected for this year-long leadership program. At 24 years old, Alyssa was awarded the YWCA Hamilton Woman of Distinction Award (Public Affairs, 2014) and McMaster Hamilton Community Impact Award (2015). Alyssa was also a panelist at one of MCE's Leadership 
Forums in June, 2017.

The article focuses on how the non-profit sector can better attract, advance and retain young workers. However, you don't have to be in a non-profit organization to find value in the article. 


Flexible Work Arrangements - Is There Value in It?

More and more organizations are providing flexible work arrangements to help their employees better balance their home and work life. While the ability to provide flexibility typically depends on a person's position, there are many different options to consider such as flextime, telework, compressed workweeks, reduced hours or even job sharing. Flexible work arrangements Work Life Balance can be a win-win situation. Employees who have some autonomy over their work schedules often report experiencing reduced stress, improved health and overall work life satisfaction. Employers typically reap the benefits of having a motivated workforce resulting in increased productivity, decreased absenteeism and employee retention. While there is no 100% correct answer, it begs the question, "Is there enough value to make it worthwhile?"

For more information on the benefits of flexible work arrangements click here .

Carrie Deon
Human Resources Generalist, MCE

"Flexible work arrangements have helped increase my productivity in two ways. Not being a morning person, I appreciate the option of being able to start later in the day when I am more productive.  When I am working on large projects which require a great deal of concentration and limited interruptions, I work from home."

- Marci Ruhl, Training Design & Development Specialist, MCE

Course of the Month

Leadership Dynamics

Duration: 1 Day

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
  1. Apply the four styles of the Situational Leadership® Model.
  2. Use developmental leadership to build a leadership development plan.
  3. Create a leadership legacy. 
This course is delivered either as part of MCE's Future Ready Leadership program or as a stand-alone course.

Date & Location 
For more information contact:

The Future Ready Leadership (FRL) 1 program consists of eight customized leadership training courses delivered one day per month, over eight months. This program is developed for emerging and existing leaders by providing theory with practical application and experiential team building.
Day 1 - September 13
Day 2 - October 11
Day 3 - November 8
Day 4 - December 13
Day 5 - January 10
Day 6 - February 14
Day 7 - March 21
Day 8 - April 11
Location: Mohawk College, 
Stoney Creek Campus

Kris Michailow
905 517 1676

Students who successfully complete this program will receive three point five (3.5) Ministry of the Environment, Director-Approved, Continuing Education Units.
Prepare to write the American Water Works Association (OWWA) "Cross Connection Control Specialist" certification exam (administered at the end of the course).
Dates: Please Contact

Location: Mohawk College, 
Stoney Creek Campus

Note: If you have 16 employees who require Cross Connection Backflow Prevention Certification training, we will come to you!

Lorraine MacDonald
905 575 2534

A two day course to recertify you as a "Backflow/Cross Connection Control Tester".

 September 21 & 22, 2017 

Location: Mohawk College, 
Stoney Creek Campus

Note: If you have 16 employees who require Cross Connection Backflow Prevention Recertification training, we will come to you
Lorraine MacDonald
905 575 2534
Earn CWB welding tickets in this "hands on" program. Starts every Monday and runs for 24 weeks.    


Contact us for details!

Lorraine MacDonald
905 575 2534