Summer Food Drive Volunteers Needed
MLK 2012 Food Drive
Volunteers sought to help staff a Food Drive during "Summer Food Drive" over the weekend of August 5th and 6th for Manna Food Center. 
We greatly appreciate you taking the time to volunteer and helping those at risk of hunger in Montgomery County.
WHERE: 27 Giant Stores throughout Montgomery County
WHEN: August 5th and 6th, 2017
TIME: One Shift only each day 10am-2pm Saturday and Sunday.
WHAT: Volunteers will help promote the food drive at Giant Grocery Stores and collect food donations from customers.
VOLUNTEERS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT THAT IS 21 OR OLDER.  Please note: Due to the fact that we will not have a Manna Staff person at every shift, this opportunity cannot be used to fulfill court ordered hours. 
Due to limited space, we limit the number of volunteers - at any one time - to a maximum of 5 (including the adult supervisor). At least one adult supervisor (21 or older) needs to be present at all times. We typically assign one Giant store to a family or group but two smaller groups may be scheduled together.
Students can earn Student Service Learning (SSL) hours.
We appreciate your service, as do the thousands we feed, that are counting on you to collect food at the store you have "adopted." 
Thank You
OnGoing Volunteer Opportunities
distro volunteers 2015
Main Food Distribution 
Volunteers help, Mon-Fri from 9am-3pm, pack and sort
 food, bag produce and meat, assist clients to their car, and take in food donations. This opportunity takes place at the main Manna warehouse at 9311 Gaither Road in Gaithersburg
Must be 17 years of age of older.  This opportunity is approved for SSL hours.
Thank you for fighting hunger & feeding hope in our community.
Katie Sayago
Volunteer Manager
Mardia Dennis

network for good