September 2017 - Issue #31

The good news is that the designation brings attention to the fact that childhood obesity can be prevented. In New Jersey, 31 percent of children are either overweight or obese, placing them at increased risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other serious health conditions.

Carla Bittner, Principal of National Park School, knows that healthy bodies create healthy minds. Over the years, National Park School has become the poster child for making sure students are safe, physically active and fed well so that they can focus on their education.

With millions of children heading back to school, a healthy environment is essential to a successful school year. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average New Jersey student spends more than six hours a day in school.

Live Healthy Vineland is pairing up with the Metropolitan Multicultural Center to hold a one-day fun and fitness event with great activities planned for all to enjoy. ¡Vive tu vida! Get Up! Get Moving!® is the nation's premier annual family physical activity and healthy lifestyle event for people of all ages and all sizes.

New Jersey native and former Olympic athlete Joetta Clark Diggs made a special appearance at Trenton's Greenwood Ave. Farmers Market on Monday, August 28, 2017. The four-time Olympic competitor led an exercise routine and a water balloon toss at 1:00 pm to kick off the free community event.

More than 50 cyclists and biking enthusiasts gathered in Cooper's Poynt Waterfront Park in Camden on August 12, 2017, to participate in the inaugural "I Bike Camden" - a fun, family-friendly bicycle ride and community event.

The absence of recess in New Jersey public schools is a disfavor to elementary school children and a major setback in promoting a healthy weight among children.

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National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
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Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15 - October 15
Patriot Day: September 11
Believe in a Healthier Newark Conference: September 23