August 2017


Did you know SSC will soon be sponsoring and presenting at a local SHRM event?  Join us for a special afternoon workshop "Workplace Violence & Post Incident Response". This event will walk us through the three stages of workplace violence management:  prevention, response & recovery. Save the Date - Tuesday, October 10th
at the Norwalk Inn & Conference Center.

More Event Details HERE

Ever since Connecticut allowed employees to obtain and use medical marijuana, employers have wondered whether, under certain circumstances, federal law would preempt the state law. A recent federal district court case has now answered the question...

In 2015, we published Glassdoor's first study of "hiring delays" based on hundreds of thousands of job interview reviews shared anonymously on Glassdoor. That study revealed big differences in the time it takes to hire across countries, industries and jobs. In this analysis of 2017 the differences...

Finding a job is not a cakewalk it takes time. You search for the job you love, applied, went through the rounds of interviews, and finally, you got an offer. But before you can start your new job, you have to cross one more hurdle: the background check...

Would be couriers who applied to
work for Postmates may be entitled
to payment under a background check
class action settlement.

As part of the employment application proves, Postmates solicits applicants' background checks from...

Unlawful screening of job applicants seeking employment at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn violates federal and state law, according to a federal court class action lawsuit. Filed in New York Federal Court, the lawsuit alleges that Barclays used "flawed and discriminatory criminal history screening policies and practices" to deny...

Today's employers face an ever-evolving landscape when it comes to making informed decisions related to safety, qualifications and risk. Many companies, particularly in the "gig economy," are in uncharted territory, while others are seeking to navigate a patchwork of federal and state regulations. To get the perspective of HR professionals, teamed up with National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) to conduct research into the challenges faced when conducting background screening. In this whitepaper you will get a clearer picture of how and what employers are screening.

Looking For Additional Compliance and Educational Materials? 
Click Here for Additional Documentation 

Thank you for reading the SSC Screening Essentials Newsletter! 

Maribeth Martino 
Manager, SSC Investigations Department

Disclaimer: All information presented is for information purposes only and is not intended to provide professional or legal advice regarding actions to take in any situation. SSC, Inc. makes no representations for any products or services that are mentioned and accepts no responsibility for any actions or consequences taken without the guidance of a licensed attorney or professional consultant.