Entries needed - please help us make this a grand contest!
Oh, it is good to be Queen (or King)!
Pictured at left are Mary Barlament (and Walter). Mary is wearing her crown as the Soup Queen, and trying to wrest away from Walter the silver spatula she was awarded as Casserole Queen for her pizza casserole, pictured above. Walter appears to covet the award - as do many Walter, as do many - but we think it will be a few years before he'll give you all any competition.
Your best casserole should be showcased!


Entries are needed for the Casserole Cookoff on September 17 following worship. This is your chance to be the next Casserole King/Queen of First Presbyterian Church and receive the Silver Spatula Award - and of course the fact that the voting funds will be used for the Feed My Starving Children Mobilepack doesn't hurt either. Contact Ken Sann or the church office if you have any questions or plan on entering your prize-winning casserole.

And make sure you are there Sunday, September 17 for all the festivities! We'll have the intergenerational choir performing, the silent auction for FMSC continuing, and the best place to have lunch will be at our very own casserole cook-off! Don't miss it - bring a friend!
Don't forget to check out the new website (and maybe share with a friend!)
First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay | (920) 437-8121 | www.firstpresgreenbay.org | communications@firstpresgreenbay.org