Elul, the month preceding Rosh Hashanah, is a time of soul-searching and reflection to prepare oneself for the magnitude of the Days of Awe.

Saturday, September 16, at PTBE

7:00 PM
Study session with Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin
and Rabbi Lisa Kingston

8:00 pm
Service with Elana Jagoda Kaye, Joe Buchanan, and our clergy

Experience a moving and beautiful service of music, poetry, and prayer, beginning with Havdallah and ending with the sounding of the shofar as we enter the Days of Awe.

Selichot (forgiveness in Hebrew), is a time to prepare our souls and our minds for forgiveness. Rabbi Sara will lead us in exploration of the poetry and art of the Mishkan Hanafesh, our High Holy Days machzor (prayer book), or you can meet with Rabbi Lisa and create a vision board to prepare for the year ahead.

At this time, we publicly change the covers of our Torahs from their everyday blue to white as we symbolically change our souls in preparation for the Days of Awe.
Refreshments will follow the evening's program.

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