E-Arkive The Electronic Newsletter for Ark and Dove 

All are invited to witness a special blessing of the educators at both the 9:30 Traditional and 11:00 Contemporary Worship Services
this Sunday!  

Dear Friends and Members of Ark and Dove,

This Sunday, September 3rd, we will be offering a special prayer of blessing for all those who work in education. Presbyterians place a high value on education. The first churches in our tradition, nearly 500 years ago, ordained teachers to ministry. We believe that God gives us minds to learn and discern, critique and create, ponder and wonder, think and thrive. We also believe that God gives us educators--of all kinds--to enrich the life of the mind. Join us this Sunday, at 9:30 and 11 am, as we pray for all those who work so hard for education.

Next Sunday we kick-off Sunday School for the 2017-2018 year. Then, we will pray for all our leaders in nursery, preK, Godly Play, youth group, LOGOS, adult education and more. If you are interested in teaching or leading our children, youth, and adults, there are many opportunities to plug in. I think that you will find when you lead others in their faith journeys, you will also grow in yours.

Pastor Jon 


  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God--what is good and acceptable and perfect.  - Romans 12:2

Lord of the conscience: You give us minds and hearts to love you and you in others. Let us not be lazy thinkers. Help us to bring open-minds to what is new to us. Grant us patience to learn what is difficult. Give us opportunity to know you more. Slow us down in order that we might discern your presence and pathways. Make us humble, so we can change our minds if we must. Transform us, Holy One, give us the mind of Christ. Amen.


Many opportunities await you!

Christian Education


LOGOS is Coming!
Our mid-week children and youth program returns on September 26th! This year, we will all meet from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. At LOGOS, children and youth have dinner, play games, worship, and grow in faith. We will have a parent interest meeting on September 19 at 5:30. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Jon (jgnelson1985@gmail.com).            

Spiritual Meander

PRAYER MEANDER If you walk past the Peace Poll and then past the Celtic Cross you will discover a new section of the Ark and Dove Prayer Meander.  Thanks to Dillon Benson who completed this project as part of his Eagle Scout work, you may now walk into a calming, secluded shade area and enjoy sitting on a bench and praying or meditating, while enjoying nature or focusing on a gazing ball. Dillon this is an awesome addition to our grounds, very well done! Thank you very much. - Pastor Tim 



Rescue workers and civilians wait for emergency crews in the Meyerland area of Houston. (Credit: Alyssa Schukar, New York Times)

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) seeks your help in the midst of the catastrophe spawned by Hurricane Harvey. (PDA) is in touch with presbyteries in the affected areas of Texas to offer assistance and is ready to deploy a team of workers and resources upon invitation, when it is safe to do so. You can help the PDA bring hope and healing to Texas families impacted by Hurricane Harvey by praying, taking action and offering financial support.

For those who wish to support PDA's emergency response and recovery efforts, gifts can be made by following this link. Perhaps your small group or team would like to assemble clean-up buckets or hygiene kits.

On September 10, 5 pm to 7 pm, we kick-off youth group. We will begin our year by assembling hygiene kits for victims of Hurricane Harvey. All youth are invited to assemble the kits. Please pick up the items for the hygiene kits (as detailed in the above link) and bring them to the church prior to 5 pm on September 10. Contact Pastor Jon for any questions (jgnelson1985@gmail.com).

Prayer is another way that we can offer support in the wake of this devastating crisis.  Rev. Dr. Laurie Ann Kraus, Coordinator for the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, asks that congregations and presbyteries of PCUSA join in the following prayer to ask for "courage for those who are suffering; wisdom and diligence among agencies and individuals assessing damage and directing relief efforts; and for generosity to flow as powerfully as rivers and streams, as we respond to the deep human needs left in the wake of the storm."

CAP WEST COUNTY FOOD PANTRY Featured item for September is PEANUT BUTTER AND PRESERVES. Please drop off food items in the Mission Zone bin. Thank you for your donations!       
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Costa Rica. Thank you for accompanying me on this journey in mission.
Here as August ends, we are experiencing heavy rains, with some localized flooding and an occasional landslide. Hurricane season has definitely arrived and, as I write, my thoughts and prayers go out to those in Texas who are receiving the brunt of the rains from Hurricane Harvey. Once again, we are experiencing how climate change, specifically warmer ocean waters, in this case, is making weather events much more intense and destructive. We have three more months of hurricane season to go.
please read more here

Rev. Dr. Karla Ann Koll
Serving in San Jose, Costa Rica
Latin American Biblical University
Presbyterian Church (USA) Mission Co-worker   

SILVER ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SAVE THE DATE! October 22, 2017 Be sure to be in town and at Ark and Dove that day, as we celebrate our 25th anniversary with special worship services. Come celebrate and remember our history, meet new members and old friends and reconnect as we commemorate this special day. If you would like to help organize and support the celebration, please contact, Donna Anderson, Outreach and Connection Elder, donna.anderson30@aol.com We are looking forward to a memorable day! 

Small Groups

FRIENDLY SENIORS RESUMES! Calling all Friendly Seniors and those who want to join! Just a reminder that we are an open group: no dues, no auditions. We don't even ask your age! Just email or call Joan Berry (410-672-5237, berry962@verizon.net), to be added to the mailing list. Our next meeting will be Sunday, September 10, 1:00 p.m., at the church, in the Marshall Room. Unless people object, there will be pizza with attendees bringing drinks and sides/dessert to share.   Please R.S.V.P.(indicating meat or veggie pizza), so we know how much and what pizza to bring. We will be planning our events for the next year and seeking a new co-leader. If you can't attend and have an idea, just email Joan. See you soon!    


The Spirited Sisters Saturday Morning Women's Group will begin meeting in the fall starting September 23rd at 9:00 am in the Marshall Room. This fall's Bible study is "Who is Jesus? What a Difference a Lens Makes," published by the Presbyterian Women. The group meets twice a month, and we determine rest of our schedule at the first meeting. See Kim Champagne (kim.champagne@gmail.com) or Linda Girdner (lkgirdner@comcast.net) for more details. A signup sheet will be posted in the lobby with more details about the book ($7).
Antiracism and Social Equity


I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO Sign up in the lobby! On October 1st, 2:30-4:30, the Ark and Dove Social Equity Team will host our next forum featuring  the movie, I Am Not Your Negro, based on the writings of James Baldwin, who is acclaimed for his insights on race, spirituality and humanity. Paula Sparks, Co-Team Leader, Anti-Racism and Social Equity Team
Love one another as I have loved you.  John 13:34
SURJ DISCUSSION GUIDE CHART How do we process the kind of white supremacist violence and hate we recently witnessed in Charlottesville?  Some say, "We all just need to come together and love each other."  That's a crucial goal, but actions need to be taken, and knowledge gained, in order to make that happen. We've been taught that love is patient, kind, and non-confrontational.  But as Christians working for social equity there are times we need to be proactive, engaging in conversations that lead to understanding and change, even if doing so takes us out of our comfort zone. SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) has prepared a discussion guide chart that can help us understand our own reactions, facilitate discussions, and respond proactively against white supremacy.  Check it out HERE.

, Broadneck Baptist Church (1257 Hilltop Dr., Annapolis, MD) will feature a conversation with Rev. Stephen Tillett, Pastor of Asbury-Broadneck United Methodist Church and President of the Anne Arundel County NAACP, about his newly published book, Stop Falling for the Okeydoke: How the Lie of 'Race' Continues to Undermine Our Country.

For more information, contact Pastor Abby Thornton Hailey at 
broadneckpastor@gmail.com .
Prayer Concerns

PRAYER CONCERNS Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: 

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Marie Shorter; Lydia Doughty; Vaughn Brown; Frances Keyes; Joan Berry's son, Bryan Flom; Donna Anderson's mother, Martha; Chip Burnett; Dot Forloines and her brother Jack; Henry Duncan; Helene Marchand-Stancil and Helene's mother, Mimi; Judy Cooper's sister, Barb Eardley; Ellen Makar's father, Don Erickson; Laura Willoughby's father, Norman; Amy Stavely's aunt; the Hoxie family; Steve and Brandi Downs; Janet Dabbs's sister, Diane Maloy, and niece Melissa Bender; Claire Henderson's father, Walt; Mary Stum's sister-in-law, Sandy; Stan Houck and Ann Hirschy; Carol and Henry Saylor; Sarita Barrow's brother, Rashad; Sue Hanburger's sister-in-law, Evelyn Hanburger; Kelly and Tim Stern's nephew, Hunter Field; Ray Bussey; the Stanton's niece, Lena; Julie Kirby's mother, Margaret Floyd; Brian Boudreau's father, Paul; and Dick and Carol Baily.
PRAYERS OF GUIDANCE, STRENGTH AND UNDERSTANDING for two family members who are suicidal.
PRAYERS OF STRENGTH AND GUIDANCE for friends with financial difficulties.   
PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE for the birth of Erika and Edward Sealing's son, Edward Lee Sealing III, who was born on Saturday, August 26th, a healthy 7 lbs. 15 oz.
PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE on the marriage of Jeff and Amy Grimm, who were married at Ark and Dove on Saturday, August 26th.
PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE for Sue Hanburger's grandson, Rhys, who has healed from an eye injury.
If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Sue Hanburger at avongypsygal@gmail.com, and she will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.   

The church office will be close on Monday, September 4, for Labor Day. For a little history of Labor Day (inextricably tied in with the history of our city, Baltimore) take a listen.

8424 Piney Orchard Parkway  
Odenton, MD  21113
Phone: (410) 674-6400 
Fax: (410) 674-6481 
office hours: Monday through Friday 9:30 am - 2:30 pm 
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