Volume IV, Issue 28

July 10 , 2017
Despite recent declines, opioid prescribing is still high and inconsistent across the US
The Centers for Disease Control, in a July 6, 2017  Vital Signs  post, reports:
  • Providers in the highest prescribing counties prescribed 6 times more opioids per person than the lowest prescribing counties in 2015.
  • Half of US counties had a decrease in the amount of opioids (morphine milligram equivalents aka MME) prescribed per person from 2010 to 2015.
  • The MME prescribed per person in 2015 was about 3 times as high as in 1999.
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Doctors Fail to Heed Their Own Advice 
A physician's post in KevinMD last week delivers anecdotal evidence of generally  unhealthy lifestyles led by physicians.

Unfortunately, the fast-paced, stressed-out and materialistic western  lifestyle/culture affects physicians in the same way it affects other  Americans.

ED Drugs Fading From the Airwaves 
Ad Age reported  7/ 7/17 that the Cialis and Viagra advertising spots  are rapidly disappearing from TV.

As patents expire and generics move in, advertising budgets are slashed.
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