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CPI is hosted and supported by Pathways To Peace

          It's a Countdown -  7 0 Days 
until the International Day of Peace!
  Pathways To Peace is counting down the days by featuring an innovative Pathway To Peace every ten days. 

Today's featured Pathway is a Peacebuilding program for children and youth - 

Peace Pals International
Peace Pals is a Pathways To Peace partner that uses art to nurture inner Peace and global awareness in youth around the world. 

Expressions of Peace: Uniting Nations through the Creative Art of Children and Youth

Peace Pals is celebrating its 20th Year by continuing to do what it does best - giving recognition to the wisdom and dreams of Peace that lives in the hearts and minds of children and youth around the world! How do they do that? Through art!

Peace Pals fosters understanding and respect for the diversity and oneness of the human family and the natural world through its various and creative activities. Youth, ages 5-16, are encouraged to become peacemakers dedicated to living in the spirit of the words "May Peace Prevail On Earth." Peace Pals Director, Jules Lamore, believes that children don't have to learn about peace through deep engagement in Peacebuilding education. "How do you teach a five-year-old about Peace? Just give kids crayons and a pad of paper, and they will express what Peace means to them." 

Since its inception, Peace Pals has been dedicated to giving children and youth opportunities to envision Peace through their natural creativity (art), encouraging each child's inherent wisdom to surface.

Through Peace Pals, children are encouraged and empowered to envision Peace and contribute to Peacebuilding on their own terms and in their own ways. In addition to so many other Peacebuilding benefits, submission of artwork from children around the world increases awareness of the experiences of children and youth from other nations, promoting cross-cultural Peacebuilding. Ms. Lamore continues to find inspiration in the words and actions of children and youth. 

She recounts the story of a young man who stood up at a United Nations youth gathering several years ago and speaking to the adults in the room said, "The youth today are our future World Peace Leaders tomorrow. Their visions are pure and filled with hope for a peaceful tomorrow for all of us." Those words still motivate her today as she reflects on the importance of engaging children and youth in open dialogue that acknowledges they have valuable information to share. "We must listen to children and youth, and provide space and opportunities for their voices to be honored, shared, and heard." She adds, "I'm so delighted to recognize these young artists. They are not only Peacebuilders of tomorrow; they hold valuable insights for both children and adults today. Engagement of our children in simple Peacebuilding activities contributes to a Culture of Peace". Check out the Peace Pals website to see the artwork from these young Peacebuilders - it is poignant and powerful!

Simple Tips to Encourage Your Child to Embrace the 
Value of Peacebuilding

  Children are natural Peacebuilders. Ms. Lamore believes that simple practices are the best and she recommends that we talk to our children and get them involved early. "Any child can draw a picture of peace, and any child can learn and remember the phrase, 'May Peace Prevail on Earth.' Hear their voices, and create space where they can share their thoughts freely." In honor of this year's theme for the Art Exhibition and Awards, Nature for All - Loving the Earth, Peace Pals suggests the following questions for an inspired conversation with your child:
  • What do you do to make the earth more beautiful?
  • What is your favorite element in Nature?
  • How do you celebrate Earth Day?
Every Year Children and Youth from Around the World Submit their Artwork 

The theme for the 20th Annual Peace Pals Art Exhibition and Awards is:

Nature for All - Loving the Earth
Inspire Love of Nature by connecting with
and sharing your love of nature.

The deadline for submission of artwork is July 30, 2017, although the deadline might be extended, so feel free to contact Peace Pals if you wish to submit art.

For this year's 20th Anniversary Art Exhibition and Awards, Peace Pals is teaming up with #Na tureFor All to encourage children and youth to submit artwork that expresses a connection between nature and Peace. # NatureForAll is a project of IUCN and a global movement to inspire a new generation of thinkers and doers, across all sectors of society, to connect with nature and take action to support its conservation:   M any other environmental organizations have also joined Peace Pals for this year's 20th Anniversary Exhibition and Awards. 

The Peace Pals Ambassador of Peace Program

There is a lot of information and activities on the Peace Pals website, including information about the Ambassador of Peace Program. Check out the Ambassador of Peace Map, representing the artwork and visions of Peace expressed through the cultures and traditions of children from over 93 countries. There's also information about hosting an art exhibition in your community. It's all there and more!   

Above are the selected top images for  2016 age groups.



What is Your Pathway To Peace?

We'd love to hear about it! Pathways To Peace honors, celebrates, and supports Peacebuilders around the world. You can contact us by emailing:  [email protected] 

About Pathways To Peace and the Culture of Peace Initiative

Incorporated in 1983 , Pathways to Peace (PTP) is an international organization dedicated to making Peace a practical reality in our world today. PTP is an official Peace Messenger of the United Nations and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. PTP works locally and globally, inter-generationally and multi-culturally, to promote Peacebuilding, Peace education, and to collaborate with other organizations in initiatives that help further the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI). 

With participants from around the world, the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) is a cooperative local-global Peacebuilding Initiative uniting the strengths of organizations, networks, projects and people to realize a Culture of Peace for the Common Good. The CPI also serves as a vehicle for bringing to light many previously unseen and unheard Peacebuilders working along diverse paths, who are embodying the emerging Culture of Peace within Humanity.  The annual highlight of the Culture of Peace Initiative is the International Day of Peace, which provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and nations to work together, on a shared date, to create practical acts of Peace with a year- round impact.

  For more information about Pathways to Peace, please visit our website: 

About the International Day of Peace

An annual focus for PTP is the International Day of Peace (Peace Day), held annually on September 21st. Pathways To Peace has worked with the UN to observe and promote the International Day of Peace since its inception in 1981 and has grown International Day of Peace from a single event of a few hundred people into an annual global observance that now reaches hundreds of millions of people. The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. 

"Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All"
Is the theme for the International Day of Peace -
September 21, 2017

This theme relates to the UN's "Together" campaign which relates to the fair and compassionate treatment of refugees and seeks to promote awareness of our global community and a common desire for Peace. We all are One. 

Download the IDP poster at

This newsletter comes to you from Pathways To Peace, 
a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, whose work would not be possible without our volunteers and your support. If you would like to support Pathways To Peace and Peace Day activities around the globe, you can do so by clicking the  Donation Button above. A Heart-Felt Thank You from the Pathways To Peace Team! 
Pathways To Peace, P.O. Box 1057, Larkspur, CA 94977