Mission House
July 26, 2017
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus:
            We trust and hope that this letter finds you doing well during a season of the year when schedules and vacations provide a more relaxed and slower pace. Know that you have been kept in prayer during this time and that the Standing Committee has continued to desire your prayers.
            The Standing Committee sensed that a significant amount of time was needed to be spent in prayer, having in-depth discussions and experiencing healing from all the activity surrounding the resignation of our Bishop Diocesan. While continuing to do the entrusted work of the Standing Committee, we have been reflecting on how to faithfully model our canonical responsibility of being a Council of Advice to the Bishop Provisional. Most importantly, we have had continued discussions about our future as a Diocese and have been prayerfully discerning our next steps.
            It is time for the Standing Committee to develop a process that will ultimately search for, nominate, and elect someone to serve as the next Bishop of Lexington. We are committed to developing an election process that lasts as long as it takes to find the person that God is calling to serve as Bishop. The first step in this process should help us see where we are and who we are as a Diocese and what we need to be a flourishing Diocese.
            To begin our work together, members of the Standing Committee will be meeting personally with all priests, deacons, diocesan staff and selected lay leadership of our congregations. During this time, we would like to hear the concerns, needs, hopes, abilities, and desires of our people. This collection of information will serve as a basis for ultimately strengthening our congregations and ministries to be ever growing and vital centers of mission and ministry. We will need thoughtfulness, honesty, trust, and candor in determining how this relates to the search for the next Bishop. These groups should expect to hear from someone from the Standing Committee within the next 30 days.
            Once this important information has been received, the Standing Committee will report it back to the whole Diocese. This should help us to assess who and where we are and can then become the framework for the important work of a nominating committee.  We are committed to having a nominating committee formed and an election timetable published by the end of September.
            Moving forward, we ask foremost for your prayers that we and all of our Diocese will be open to be led by the Holy Spirit. We ask for your prayers that we will have the strength, courage, and wisdom to follow the Spirit's guidance, especially in those areas that seem most challenging.
            We thank you for the opportunity to share this letter with you. We appreciate your faithfulness and discipleship as fellow Christians and your commitment to the Body of Christ in the Diocese of Lexington and beyond.
                                                        Faithfully yours,
                                                        The Rev. S. Matthew Young, SCP
                                                        Dale Chapman
                                                        The Rev. Paula Ott
                                                        J. P. Brantley
                                                        The Rev. Amy Dafler Meaux
                                                        Carolyn Witt Jones
                                                        The Standing Committee
                                                        The Diocese of Lexington
News & Announcements
This Sunday at the 10:30 service we will welcome 
Dolly-Jane Virginia Frost
into our faith community by baptism.
Dolly-Jane is the daughter of Meagan Kathleen George,
and the granddaughter of Brad George.


ADULTS - "The Preacher's Forum" gathers every Sunday at  9:15 a.m. Book study meets on Wednesdays, August 2-30, at 6:00 p.m. Contact Father Neat (rector@ for more information. 

CAYA teens and young adults are on summer break; meetings will resume with the new school year. For more information, contact Kristi Buffenmyer ( [email protected]).

CHILDREN are on a brief break between the summer music program and resuming scheduled Sunday morning classes. 

CHRISTIAN FORMATION MEETING, this Sunday, August 6 - after the 10:30 service in the church library. All interested parties are invited to attend - teachers, assistants, parents - as we plan the coming year for children of all ages.

See details online at

John Martin, Chair of the Simon House Board of Directors, has tickets for sale!

 Simon House is a nonprofit transitional living facility for homeless adult women who are pregnant or have children. In collaboration with other agencies and organizations, they provide a safe, stable, and healthy environment that encourages, educates, and empowers residents to become self-sufficient and productive members of our community and the larger society.


David Hurt as
"Grandpa Jones" 

Saturday, August 26
7:00 p.m.

in Ascension's Parish Hall

A Benefit Performance for the

in the Appalachian community of Prestonsburg, KY.

Admission is free;  your generous donations are requested. The need is great in this area.  Come join the fun  and help support a great cause!

Treasurer's Corner

July - Weekly Income :    
  • 7/2/17 -  $5,035
  • 7/9/17 -  $3,442
  • 7/16/17 - $10,461
  • 7/23/17 - $1,410
  • 7/30/17 - $2,518

A change to Kroger Community Rewards: In past years, August 1st began the "re-enrollment" period. Effective immediately, all participants will now "roll over" automatically and stay enrolled in their chosen organization, instead of having to re-enroll each year. So if you are already enrolled, you need to do nothing to keep your current choice.

Enrollment for NEW participants will work the same way as the past. Sign up at or call 1-800-KROGERS, option 3.

This program is free to you and brings cash to Ascension - thank you for participating! 
MINSMinistries Schedule
August 1 - September 24

The Transfiguration
: Proper 13
Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist
Sunday,August 6, 2017

Daily Lectionary: Year One 
Week of Proper 13, Year One (8/6/17) - BCP 978

Click here for READINGS

8:00 a.m. - Rite I
  • Subdeacon: Susan Kurtz
  • Chalice Bearer: Mac Elliott or Susan Kurtz ? 
  • Lector &  Prayers of the People: Mac Elliott
  • Acolyte: Peggy Stoner
10:30 a.m. - Rite II     
  • Subdeacon: Susan Kurtz
  • Chalice Bearer: Suzanne Cox
  • Lector: Laura Buffenmyer
  • Acolytes: 
  • C : Thomas Bemiss
  • T:  Dylan & Mia Kinnett
  • JS: Peyton Heady & Hannah Lee
  • Ushers: Jim King & Joyce Taylor
  • Altar Guild:  T1 - Suzanne Cox, Laura & Kristi Buffenmyer
  • Men's Club: T4 - Charlie Caudill, Timothy Agne, David Verry, Tom Richardson

COFFEE HOUR:   Word Family - Thank You! 
  • Yes, we are still looking for Coffee Hour hosts and helpers! Vestry members have agreed to pitch in on Sundays when no one else is scheduled, but we encourage everyone to share in this ministry as you are able.  
  • Jan Stevens is our Hospitality Coordinator - contact her by email at [email protected]. If you would like to host Coffee Hour, please sign up on the printed sheet on the office window.  
COUNTERS:  TWO  n eeded

Intercessions for the Church:   Non-Parochial, Non-Stipendiary, Non-Resident and Retired Clergy .

Recently in need of prayers:   Barbara; Bob; Collin; Dan; Elena; Faye & Steve; Geoff; Jan; Jim & Debbie; Jon; Kim S.; Kim V. & family; Linda; Luke; Natalie; Polly; Risa & her new daughter; Roy; Walt & Betsy; Will.

Continuing concern:   Alfred; Ann; Bettie; David; Debbie; Dillard; Doris & Charlie; Duncan & Jo; Gail; Jean; Jinks; John; Judy; Julia; Lara; Marilyn; Ruth; Scott; Scott & Kathy; Shelia; Sherri; and Will & Trish. We also pray for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Nick, and Seth; and for Susan Kurtz, Postulant for Holy Orders. 

Birthdays:   8/7 - Grant Kinnett; 8/12 - Harrison James Frost, Martha Moore.

Anniversaries:  8/7 - Rick & Sue Kurtz.
  • Prelude:  A paraphrase of "St. Elizabeth" - Gerre Hancock
  • Opening Hymn:  Hymn 137 - O wondrous type! O vision fair - Wareham
  • Gloria:  S 280 
  • Gradual Psalm: Psalm 99
  • Pentecost Sequence:  Hymn 226 - Come, thou Holy Spirit bright 
  • Baptismal Procession: Hymn 295 - Sing praise to our Creator - Christus, der ist mein Leben
  • Offertory:  Christ upon the mountain peak - Paul Bouman (text, Brian A. Wren, Hymn 130)
  • Sanctus: WLP 858
  • Fraction Anthem: S 161
  • Communion Hymn: Hymn 383 - Fairest Lord Jesus - St. Elizabeth
  • Closing Hymn: Hymn 427 - When morning guilds the skies - Lauder Domini
  • Postlude
Clergy and Staff
  • The Rev. William Jessee Neat, Rector
  • The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Assisting Priest (Retired) 
  • The Rev. Nancy S. Farley, Assisting Priest (Retired) 
  • The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
  • Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
  • Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish & Financial Administrator 
  • Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton
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