Dear friends,

The 12-15 ceili band and their instructor, Mary Vanorny.  The students are on their way to Ireland in less than two weeks!
It's an exciting time at the CIM, with the hallways bursting with tunes & songs as over 50 CIM students prepare to compete at the All-Ireland Fleadh in Ennis, Co. Clare and/or perform at the Irish Fair of Minnesota.

Irish Fair of Minnesota is just around the corner from August 11-13th.  CIM students & instructors will be performing throughout the weekend, and we encourage you to support them by attending their performances.   We would like to request your support at CIM's mainstage performance on Saturday morning, August 12th at 10:30am.   Come and cheer the CIM youth ensemble on as they kick off the day of music on the largest stage at the Fair!

We are in great need of volunteers for the CIM booth at the Irish Fair on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Thanks to those of you who have signed up already for this opportunity to share your enthusiasm for the Center for Irish Music.

The day after the Fair, I'll be jumping on a plane and heading straight to Ennis to meet up with the 18 CIM students will be there already taking workshops in banjo, harp, fiddle, accordion, whistle, song and flute at Scoil Éigse.  I hope you will "follow" the two youth ceili bands and the 15-18 Grúpa Ceoil on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!  If social media is not your cup of tea, check out the  CIM community blog  we have created with information about CIM student gigs, features on our instructors, a link to the school's google calendar...and a countdown to the trip to Ennis!  The blog is accessible from the CIM website (look for the blog menu item on the far right) and likewise, leads you right back to the CIM website when you hover over the "home" button at the top of the home page.

Enjoy the music, folks, and don't forget to spread the word about CIM's Open House on Sunday, August 27th from 2-5pm!  

Register Now for Fall Term at CIM

Registration is now open for fall classes, ensembles, and private lessons! Fall term begins Tuesday, September 5th and is 17 weeks long. CIM offers instrumental and singing classes for all ages, including:  

Celtic Cuties (ages 1-4)
Come learn a set of rhymes, finger plays, simple songs and introduce your little ones to Irish music and dance! Come in comfortable clothes ready to sit, stand, and move around during this parent participation class!   First class 9/27.

Singing Sweeties (ages 4-6)
Support your child's musical development through learning traditional songs, rhymes and simple dances while experimenting with real Irish instruments! First class 10/13.

Irish Myths and Legends and Introduction to Early Ireland
In these two new classes for adults, Dáithí Sproule will lead an exploration into Irish culture and history. 

A full list of fall classes and ensembles is available here. For private lessons, please contact our administrative assistant, Lorin. Many of our instructors have full schedules, so we recommend reserving a lesson time as soon as possible.

For more information about classes and instructors, please join us at our open house on August 27th - see below for details!

18 CIM Students Compete in the All-Ireland Fleadh in Ennis, Co. Clare

18 CIM students and Executive Director Norah Rendell are headed to Ennis to attend Scoil Éigse, a 4-day Irish music workshop and to compete in the All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil.

Students will compete in solo, duo, trio, ceili band and grúppa ceoil competitions taking place on August 18, 19 & 20.

We've launched a  NEW blog to help keep you updated on what's going on in Ireland. Be sure to check the site regularly for stories, photos, and competition updates!  

We wish you the best of luck in Ennis!!

Join CIM at the Irish Fair of Minnesota 
August 11-13 on Harriet Island!

Irish Fair 2016

CIM is excited to once again celebrate all things Irish at the Irish Fair of Minnesota! We have an exciting lineup of CIM ensembles, students, and instructors scheduled to perform throughout the weekend. You can view the complete entertainment schedule on the Irish Fair's website

We are still in need of help staffing our 
information booth and spreading the word about the CIM's wonderful classes and programs.

This is a wonderful way to meet fellow CIM students and families AND to share your enthusiasm for CIM. Thank you for the generous gift of your time.  


Friday, 4:00-5:00 pm River Stage Advanced Youth Ensemble
Friday, 6:00-6:30 pm
Children's Tent Irish Instrument Demo with Norah Rendell
Friday, 6:00-6:30 pm Tea Room An Luan
Saturday, 10:30-11:30 am Main Stage Advanced Youth Ensemble
Saturday, 11:30 am-12:00 pm  Children's Tent Celtic Cuties Sing-Along with Norah Rendell
Saturday, 2:00-2:30 pm Tea Room Ensemble TBD
Sunday, 10:00-10:45 am Hospitality Tent Open Sky
Sunday, 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Pub Tent An Luan
Sunday, 2:00-2:30 pm Tea Room Young Adult Ensemble
Sunday, 3:00-3:30 pm Children's Tent Tin Whistle Troupe with Iain Dove Lempke

Center for Irish Music Open House
August 27th, 2:00-5:00 pm

We invite you to join us for CIM's annual Open House! You'll have a chance to:

- Meet instructors, staff, and fellow students
- Take part in an instrument or class demo
- Register for fall classes
- Join an informal session
- Enjoy complimentary refreshments

This event is FREE and open to the public, so please invite your family and friends to come see what the Center for Irish Music is all about. This is a great opportunity to try something new, meet new friends, and learn about the exciting things we have planned for the upcoming year! 

Click here to view our Facebook event - please share with your friends! 

Saturday, August 5th
Head to the Dubliner to hear some great Irish traditional music from the Unwelcome Visitors featuring CIM instructors Rosa Wells, Ryan Behnke and CIM student Buddy Ferrari.  9:30pm-1:00am

Sunday, August 6th
See Northern Gael (with CIM instructor Danielle Enblom) perform at the Washington County Fair. 3:30-5:30 pm. 

Friday, August 11th through Sunday, August 13th
Join CIM at the Irish Fair of Minnesota! See above for a listing of CIM performances. Many of our instructors will be performing throughout the weekend - see the list below or visit the Irish Fair website for a full entertainment listing!


Saturday, 10:30-11:00 am  Tea Room Sona (Mattie Ernst, Hannah Flowers)
Saturday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm  IMDA Tent Dunquin (Rosa Wells), Irish Tunes from Tin Pan Alley
Saturday, 1:00-2:00 pm pm IMDA Tent Dáithí Sproule, Different Styles of Traditional Singing
Saturday, 1:00-1:30 pm Tea Room Dunquin (Rosa Wells)
Saturday, 4:00-4:30 pm Tea Room Rupelai (Chad McAnally)
Saturday, 4:30-5:30 pm River Stage Brass Lassie (Mary Vanorny, Danielle Enblom)
Saturday, 4:30-5:00 pm Pub Tent Norah Rendell & Brian Miller
Saturday, 5:00-6:00 pm IMDA Tent Todd Menton, Irish Pub Songs
Saturday, 6:00-7:00 pm River Stage Two Tap Trio (Norah Rendell, Brian Miller, Mary Vanorny)
Saturday, 6:00-7:00 pm IMDA Tent Chad McAnally, The Music of Turlough O'Carolan
Sunday, 10:00 am-12:00 pm IMDA Tent
Tom Klein, These are Not Your Father's Bagpipes: The Uilleann Pipes
Sunday, 12:30-1:30 pm River Stage The HiBs (Jode Dowling)
Sunday, 1:00-1:30 pm Tea Room Dòrain (Iain Dove Lempke)
Sunday, 1:00-1:30 pm Pub Stage Sproule, McKenzie & Foy (Dáithí Sproule)
Sunday, 1:00-2:00 pm IMDA Tent Brian Miller, The Bouzouki in Irish Music
Sunday, 2:30-3:00 pm Pub Stage Sproule, McKenzie & Foy (Dáithí Sproule)
Sunday, 3:00-3:30 pm Tea Room Tom Klein

Wednesday, August 16th
Catch CIM instructors Danielle Enblom, Hannah Flowers, and Cory Froehlich at the 333 Turf Club in Minneapolis. 4:00-6:00 pm

August 18th through August 21st
If you didn't get enough traditional music at the Irish Fair of Minnesota, head to the Milwaukee Irish Fest. In addition to many other incredible talents, CIM instructor Hannah Flowers will be playing on the Harp Stage and Gaeltacht Stage both Saturday and Sunday. 

Tuesday, August 29th
Boiled in Lead, featuring our own Todd Menton, join the Minnesota History Center for 9 Nights of Music, a series of free outdoor performances. 6:30 to 7 p.m. Dance instruction with Tapestry Folk Dance Center; 7:00-8:30 pm live music and dancing.

Thursday, August 31st
CIM instructors Danielle Enblom, Hannah Flowers, and Cory Froehlich return to Minneapolis' 333 Turf Club. 1:00-2:00 pm. 

September 1st and 2nd
Join Brass Lassie (with CIM instructors Mary Vanorny and Danielle Enblom) at the Minnesota State Fair! They will be playing on the International Bazaar stage at 10:45 am, 12:00 pm, and 1:15 pm each day. 


Amazon Smile - Set up your Amazon Smile account to benefit the Center for Irish Music, then use this link every time you shop. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to CIM.  

Shutterfly - Shop for photos, cards, invitations, and more and CIM receives 13% of your purchase price.  
Thank you in advance for remembering CIM as you do your online shopping!

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This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the 
arts and cultural 
heritage fund.

836 Prior Avenue North  ● St. Paul, MN 55014 ● 651-815-0083