A mobile church: That serves in the community

 Teaching Gathering on Sunday
August 6th

10:00am coffee
10:25am worship & teaching

Classes for all ages this Sunday. 

Adults: Devon Steele- Romans 7
Youth: Ryan & Sarah Pyke
Children: Lisa Blair

Last Sunday- Mission Outreach Sunday
Last Sunday, Ekklesia observed a family outreach day. We encouraged our members to reach out to neighbors, to new friends and to share our love for Jesus and joy of living. Some of our people went to other church gatherings, some connected with old friends and others made new friends while experiencing a beach hike. Tim Blair led another beach hike up on Glass Beach at Port Townsend. Our new friends Chris and Margaret Downie joined us and many other people who had contacted Tim about joining the hike. Tim's Sea Glass hunting hobby is advertised on his beach combing web site (pnwbeachcombing.com). This is just another way to seek out new relationships and build the mission of Jesus in our community. 

Mission opportunities surround us daily and we need only to seek ways to use these common interests to build new relationships and intentionally spread the mission of Jesus. Every time we participate in a Tiny Cottage project there is amazing community interest that occurs in our county. People volunteer to help and bring great excitement. Let us use every interest, activity, hobby and community project to build the kingdom of God wherever we go. This is the mission we have been called to! Preach the Good news of the Kingdom of Jesus to the poor, the hurting, the homeless and those in need of a Savior. 
The Sea Glass hike group on 7.30.17
Serving the Homeless
Tiny Cottage Advertisement Events
Over the next several weeks there will be several opportunities for Ekklesia people to get out into the community and share the vision for the new Tiny Cottage Village for the homeless. Ekklesia has been invited to participate in three local community events that will highlight the tiny cottages and our efforts to shelter the homeless. 

Ekklesia people ran a Homes For All information booth at the Car Show- July 9th
Up- Coming Tiny Cottage Advertisement Events 

1. Cruise Event in Downtown Port Orchard
Sunday- August 13th
Ekklesia also will have another opportunity to serve in our community next Sunday on August 13th. The annual "Cruise" will again take over downtown Port Orchard along with hundreds of classic cars on display. The #2 cottage that we have placed on a trailer will be moved down to the city owned park on Bay Street for display during the "Cruise" event. We will again set up a display tent with information about the "Homes For All" project. This opportunity to be light in our world will again place us in the middle of a major community event where thousands of area residents will gather. 

2. Grace Bible Church- cottage build party
Saturday- August 19th
On Saturday, August 19th, the Grace Bible Church will begin the construction of two tiny cottages in their parking lot. Ekklesia Church has been asked to set up our information booth that day to answer questions that the public might have as the two cottages are under construction. We will invite the Port Orchard community to visit this event. 

3. Kitsap County Fair- Cottage #6 on Display
Wednesday- August 23rd - Sunday, August 27th
The Kitsap County Fair will be held on August 23rd through August 27th. During this time the #6 cottage will be on display at the Fair Grounds. Several Homes For All committee members will be on hand to provide an information booth during the fair. If Ekklesia members wish to participate in this event they need to coordinate with Tim Blair. The #6 cottage is presently parked at the Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church on News Nelson Rd. awaiting a painting party. It will then be moved to the Kitsap County Fair Grounds on Friday, August 18th for the county fair. 
The #6 cottage on the Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church parking lot

Prayer Needs

Ronny Smith- Matt and Becca Miller's new born nephew- Matt and Becca are down in Texas visiting Matt's sister, Becky Smith and Mack who just welcomed the arrival of their son, Ronny this week. Ronny  has   some  new born complications and the family requests prayers. 
Josh, Rachel & Karlee Bedford- who are down in Texas helping the Herbert family return from their summer break. Josh, Rachel and Karlee will spend a few days exploring Texas and fly home on Sunday evening.
Melissa Bell's step-dad, David Latham and his wife LaDonna as David struggles with health issues. 
James & Angela Goodman and family as they minister all summer long at  the Sound View Christian Camp. 
Upcoming Ekklesia Events

Ladies Bible Study- Wed. - 2:30pm
Ekklesia ladies will be starting a weekly bible study at the Bell home on Wednesday afternoons at 2:30pm. 

7800 Square Lake Rd. Port Orchard 

Tiny Cottage Community Events 

1. "Cruise"  - August 13th- all day

2. Grace Bible Church- build party
Sat. Aug. 19th

3. Kitsap County Fair
Wed. Aug. 23rd- Sun. Aug. 27th

Tiny Cottage Construction Update 

Several opportunities to build more tiny cottages will occur over the next few weeks. Volunteers will be needed. 

Ekklesia and First Lutheran will build two more cottages in the coming weeks. 
Grace Bible will build #7 & #8 cottages in the month of August in their parking lot.
Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church will store the #6 Cottage on their parking lot until the county fair and host a painting party next month to finish the cottage!
Habitat For Humanity will build #9 tiny cottage in the next two months in Port Orchard
Kaiser Permanente Corp. has committed to building three tiny cottages on the three clinic locations across Kitsap County in the next few months.
United Methodist Church in Port Orchard has committed to giving the funds to build another cottage to Mr. Winn the SK High School wood shop teacher. 

Thank you to Leo's Towing who continues to offer his services to move our cottages when needed!

A group of  volunteers painting three cottages on May 20th
Thank You For Supporting Us! 

We have been blessed by so many people who have supported our work planting the Ekklesia Church. Your prayers and support enable us to dedicate our time toward connecting with people in our community. We share our time, love and service with whomever we meet. By doing this we are building the Kingdom of God.  
Thank you. 
Tim and Lisa Blair

Ekklesia Church | P.O. Box 601 Burley, WA 98322 | 360-801-0012 | [email protected] | www.ekklesiakitsap.org
donations to Ekklesia may be made on the "GIVE" tab.