Envision Eugene is our collective vision for how we will grow
while preserving what we love about our community.

Envision Eugene Newsletter
What's New with Envision Eugene?
July 19th, 2017
Monday night Council took a huge step forward by adopting Eugene's own urban growth Boundary (UGB). This newsletter includes information about their deliberations, a reminder about the next steps in adopting our UGB, and information about upcoming community events where you can chat with your City of Eugene planners. As always, you can find the latest information about Envision Eugene on our website.
Council Decision on UGB
The Eugene City Council met on July 17th to discuss the UGB proposal. After seven years of community involvement and technical analysis, Council supported the proposed UGB for jobs, parks, schools and homes, a significant step toward implementing our community vision. Their action paves the way for staff to begin work on other projects that are important to the community, including urban reserve planning, updating our needed housing standards, and establishing the growth monitoring program.
The final local step in adopting our UGB is the Lane County Board of Commissioners deliberations and potential decision in August. Members of the public are welcome to attend or watch online.
Lane County Board of Commissioners
August 8th, Time TBD
Harris Hall, 125 E 8th Ave, Eugene

Watch the Board of Commissioners deliberations and access their meeting materials  online .
Summer Events
Come have a chat with your Eugene planners at the following events. We'll be on hand to answer your questions about planning in Eugene.
Family Fun Night
Peterson Barn Community Center
July 20 5:00 - 8:00 PM
Friendly Area Neighbors Picnic
Washington Park
July 23 5:00 - 8:00 PM
To subscribe to Envision Eugene, sign up here. Thanks for your interest, and as always, please let us know if we can answer any questions about Envision Eugene.
City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401