Help us name our in"sight"ful young mannequin
Xe's slowly being consumed by action figures, but this non-gender-specific mannequin has special vision. Look deeply into the ViewMaster eyes and you can see amazing visions of Burns past. So what would be a good name for a super character who has such eyesight? I wonder if words like "sight," "vision," or "seer," in different languages might have the perfect non-gendered name. Do you have an idea? Let us know...   See the videos of the "seer's" progress:

Work Parties A-Go-Go!
July is the month for work parties! Many of you wanted to know our schedule so you could join in the fun and help us assemble the AFF. We have our schedule on Doodle: just enter your name and let us know when you're joining us!  Click this link and add your name to the dates you would like to attend! We'll confirm with an email. We welcome your creativity and fun!

There and back again...
We've had a great run with a Burning Man Arts grant, showing the project at the Desert Arts Preview, FUNdraisers, and an initial online crowdsourcing campaign. Still, to bring this dream to the playa, we need just $3,000-$4,000 more for transportation to and from the event. We would be so grateful if you could please help us out. As you know, every little bit helps so much. Thank you!  Check out the crazy video we made and support the project here!

Everyone loves our latest mannequin all buff and muscly....
and ready to be transformed!

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