In all things, the goal is to reduce suffering. Suffering occurs when an expectation of our mind is not met in the now of the world. Time and timing is a great platform for suffering. As is false motives for our energy output.

Let's look at both of these topics as we prepare to undertake our Energy Leak Week. (DID YOU MISS LAST WEEK'S EMAIL? CHECK OUT THE ARCHIVE HERE!)

Step 1: Intuit the timing of your Energy Leak Week/Day/Month/Year

Time and timing. There is a right way and a right timing for all matters of the universe. We have a perceived sense of control because we have practice executing life tasks, but in fact we hit road blocks and open doors all the time, strategically guiding our toes through the maze of RIGHT timing. Our collection of energy leaks is very likely a traffic queue of challenges that we have not been ready to address, or that have not been ready for us. Avoidance is an invisible road block that the psyche uses to give spirit time to create more context or more intensity around the task. 

For example, I know someone who owns 2 houses. They are living in one and the other is being rented. Having 2 houses spreads them thin financially, physically (maintaining it) and most importantly energetically. The house needs to sell. For over a year, various deflections and distractions have kept this person from laser focusing on this major energy (and financial) leak, leading to sustainable suffering. Only now are they in the act of taking the multiple steps needed to sell the house, but at this point it comes with joy (or relief), rather than obligation. We can point blame or label this person as lazy, irresponsible or neglectful, but I believe this is a great example of how timing works on us.

Suffering allows us to feel the pull of our divine self from deep within our busy selves.

We have to extend ourselves into the suffering deep enough to feel our truest selves. To feel what we are intended to LEARN from the actions taken. When we are READY to learn, there is an eagerness...up until that point, it's just a task. Even compulsive list checkers are being diverted away from experiences that they are not yet ready to learn from. So...after you make your list (if you're even ready to make your list) of outstanding tasks and events, you may STILL run into roadblocks in completing them BECAUSE IT'S NOT TIME.

You will know in your BODY when it is time to take action for each task.

Step 2: Properly acknowledge WHO this is for

One of the greatest lies we tell ourselves is why we want something. Most of the time, we get our motivation for WANT confused with our motivation to create a response from other

I worked at Pardee Wellness Center for 3 years and did amazing work there-just absolutely loved the people (staff and members alike). But I was in a box. With limited means of expression for my ever-growing passions. Clocking in every day was an energy leak on my soul because I felt contained. As I let the cosmic timing work on me, I also realized that I was avoiding moving on because I didn't want others to think poorly of me, and I knew I would miss the people so much. And then, one day, I realized...wait, this is about MY inner peace. This is a decision I need to make for me. My heart. My needs. Shortly after, I put in my two weeks. When you feel the intensity to finally act, boldly remind yourself that you're healing these cracks for YOU. And it doesn't hurt to underline that fact with a solid, "I love you, FILL IN YOUR NAME HERE." "It's time to reclaim your essence."

Step 3: Prepare your ground

Ritual is an important practice for us all to feel a sense of commencement. Just like getting out the Christmas lights from the garage turns your heart in the direction of the holidays, creating a physical gesture of preparation is a beautiful way to salute the upcoming work. Me, I like to vacuum or sweep the floor before I take on major tasks. I know that sounds strange, but it creates a clean stage on which I can work, and it feels good to me. Rituals come in all flavors and they don't all have to involve lighting a candle and saying a prayer, but they can. Rituals are a demarcation that things are about to shift and you're showing up for the event. (If you'd like to learn and talk more about personal rituals, check out our upcoming one day retreat on creating sacred spaces and rituals!) Do something that feels good to you to set your heart in the right mood to create your shifts.

Finally, if and when and for however long you take to seal up leaks, take care of yourself. Even if you don't attend your group wellness activities during a focused time of work, make sure that you are taking walks and doing some mindful stretching for the health of your body along the way! YOU are your #1 priority.

Upcoming Sacred Space Retreat
at the  Sienna Retreat House
July 29, 9am to 4pm

Please join us for a day set aside for personal renewal and creativity a s we work with ritual and sa cred space. These are important for daily life and for major life transitions!

This is a hands-on, retreat/workshop that includes the creation  of your own altar tile using raku-fire pottery techniques.  Each participant will select a pre-made 12 x12" ceramic tile to glaze and fire on site!   

We'll conv e ne a sharing circle to discuss our experiences and delve deeper into possibilities for simple ritual  and altar placement.

The raku firing process allows us to create a  finished object in a short period of time and is uniquely suited for this exercise as the elements of earth, air, fire and water are transformed into beautiful and useful objects.  We are the alchemists of our individual lives - let us celebrate and explo re this mystery together.

Facilitated by Gary Miller, "Cosmic Librarian" and potter, assisted by Emily Van Eman

Final Thought: 

Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?

~ Rumi