Loved ones dying suddenly, others having unexpected major surgery, another major media onslaught, lying almost comatose in magical Tibet, then fracturing a few bones in my wrist! Phew! What a month!!!! Mixed through all this is the usual meetings with incredible people, plus some amazing revelations and being infused with the deepest flows of the purest peace!!!  And, as we all know, it is not what happens in our life but how we are affected by it all and a major lesson for many right now is to be fully present in each moment! Despite it all I find life on Earth to be most incredibly enchanting!

As I travelled through China and Japan, I asked our audience many things. Everyone says they have this intuitive call to go deeper into silent stillness and there is unanimous yes to this question when we ask it. Many are understanding that we have entered into a new time, a new way of being unlike anything we have ever witnessed in any previous Golden Age cycle and so as I completed out first Embassy of Peace Retreat in China and went into Tibet, I felt myself being recalibrated with both excitement and something else that I couldn't define.

The call from my heart to go to Tibet was so strong this past year and we will share a link below that talks more of the field of revelation that was immediately given to me when I arrived. As I sat on the bus from the airport to our Lhasa hotel, my visionary-telepathic abilities were coming in more powerfully than ever before, as although I had been called to Tibet to be the silent witness, I was unprepared for what was about to unfold. You can see some images of our time there here.

I have never been in an energy vortex of so much power and purity before, or been kept so deeply in its pure rhythm of stillness and peace for so long as for five full days, our group moved through Tibet's sacred land as people were infused so deeply with the energy that is palpitating there. We all felt so blessed to witness what is radiating from the roof top of our world, manifesting and sending out that unified blend of all the ancient wisdom.

Next was Tokyo where we entered another zone so peaceful and so pure with an open-hearted audience of wise and loving beings who while interested in pranic living were even more fascinated by news from our intergalactic kin as those from the unified realms entered our meditative space to commune more deeply than ever before.

And so I witness this new evolutionary point where all are so aware that all that we are is adding to the whole and that the more we relax back into our pure nature and be fully present as this pure Presence, the more freedom we all receive - freedom from concern about what is happening in our world as we see the bigger picture, freedom from the need to judge another as we see how perfect all patterns of energy are plus the freedom to just be true to the call of our own hearts.

The zipping it and the being it are also terms we've all come to love for we also know that there is no need to convince anyone of anything. And so as I faced another round of intense media speculation it was so nice to send out a simple yet educational response that you may like to read at this link.

All of this intense media interest prompted me to record a free 11 part Pranic People Online Training series, which we have begun to lodge at this link if this interests you. We also share more of what each video focuses on below plus the link to our new YouTube Playlist on this.

So ... Loved ones dying? This too completes a perfect pattern even though we miss them in our lives. Yet in silent stillness they are there. I especially loved watching the movie Astral City that was filmed from channelled data by a medium in Brazil. While the initial scenes are a little challenging the movie flows into something quite bright and well worth watching!

The veils of illusion are so thin now and it is so easy to feel the truth of who we really are at our core. Its love is endless, Its nourishment supreme, Its wisdom so consistent and Its power so transforming. For what is love without wisdom and what is wisdom without love? Yet when the two combine, like intuition and intelligence, we feel so whole and so complete and we find that we are the power of change, and that no political regime and nothing that is happening in the external world has anything like the power that each one of us has when we come back into Oneness with that which breathes us all.
Finally, while we are now continuing to work on our Pranic People book, I have been side-tracked with the Reset Unity program that has insisted on coming through this year. Both books will be available shortly as we complete the final edits. So, stay tuned for this.  

This is Jasmuheen sharing all the love, all the light, all the wisdom that comes from my heart and my core, with you all.
Biggest hugs to you all - Jasmuheen and Anjie ...
In This Issue
Quick Links
I can't believe 10 years have passed as I step into the energy fields of inner Mongolia, our plane diverted from landing in Beijing due to bad weather. It is the 7th of the 7th 2017 and ten years have passed since we officially created the Embassy of Peace with the intention to put ourselves out of business, knowing that eventually our world would come into that permanent flow of peace and so there would be no need for our Embassy anymore.
  It seems like yesterday I was handed that scroll in deep mediation from the Lords of Peace thinking that I was to give it to someone else, not realising that the scroll carried direct instructions from our Intergalactic family to bring the Embassy of Peace into being on Earth; to share pathways and programs for those to step into when their heart called them, when our patterns of energy would be magnetised together.
  People need to be done with the games of duality before they can leave that behind them enough to relax deeply into that zone of pure peace that we all carry within, with the heart always leading the way.
  There so many offering pathways for Oneness and unity on Earth, so many institutions, so many individuals, and we know that all will be magnetised to the right flows and patterns when they are ready for the match.

  So take a moment with me and let's celebrate all the beautiful offerings that are being shared so freely around our world for people to enjoy when their systems are able to step deeper into that which is already here; pure peace, permanent peace, so much love, so much joy and bliss.
  All of this too is a natural part of our evolution from formlessness, as all of these zones have been born for us to be immersed in, play in, enjoy and appreciate.
  So let us celebrate all the goodness that is blossoming in our world.
  Let us celebrate all the wisdom that is being freely released in our world.
  Let us celebrate that we have entered into this Golden Age that was officially proclaimed to me in Tibet.

I love the way we are so taken care of in this infinite ocean of love and how when we have committed our lives to operate in a way that is for the highest good of all, how energy, information, initiations and everything we need to be able to fulfil that, will and does come so freely to us as per the below insightful experience ...  

Here is the link to what I was able to record and write after the formal proclamation of "The Golden Age is Here!" on my arrival in Tibet!

Note - Also known as the Wheel of Time, the Kalachakra Mandala is one of the most advanced and complex Buddhist teachings, and is dedicated to bring peace to individuals, communities, and the world. This short documentary was filmed during Rinpoche's construction of the Kalachakra Sand Mandala at the University of the Arts / Gershman Y in Philadelphia, October 26 to November 22, 2009.


This free Pranic People video series is only for those whose heart calls them for more in-depth data on this subject and hence it offers a safe methodology plus a higher understanding into the bigger picture of this reality. You can also find more in-depth data in Jasmuheen's 7 manuals on this subject at this link.

First let us begin with - Pranic Living Facts - What our 24 years of experiential research has discovered re what happens in most people's bodies in order to be able to be successfully nourished by prana alone ... from changes in brain wave patterns through lifestyle and meditation, to the need to embrace a specific lifestyle to increase chi levels and more ... click here for video.

Pranic People - Part 1 - Introduction to Series with Jasmuheen - filmed in her hotel room at the end of June 2017, in Hangzhou in China, in part 1 of this series Jasmuheen looks at the history of this way of being nourished to honour the ancient tradition of Bigu and India's yogis - many of whom have known of this for over 6,000 years - and also how this came more powerfully into the West in the early 1990's. In this 'no visual frills' simple, 'talking from her heart' series, Jasmuheen shares more than ever before about her experiential research into this field of alternate nourishment ... click here for video.

Pranic People - Part 2 - Motivation, how is it possible and safe conversions, family concerns and providing good educational data, having full medical testing along the way, testing and knowing your current physical body prana percentage, we eat all the time but differently, a natural gift that comes from frequency matching, experiencing your pure nature is a must with our methodology, who this program is for ... click here for video.

Pranic People - Part 3 - Testing Your Prana Percentage and much more, also flaws with our various systems, maintaining the pranic-bigu state, frequency and lifestyle, discernment & heart calls, our pure nature - its love, wisdom and power and simple immersion codes, the reality of ascension and descension, the perfect guide, self-mastery, brain wave patterns & our physiology, testing methods to determine your physical systems current prana percentage ... click here for video.

Pranic People - Part 4 - Emotional retraining and being ready. Re-indenitifcation with what feeds us, infusion, immersion, elimination of all hungers, other gifts that we are given from aligning with our true nature and the pranic energy, the quantum field, the grandest love affair, permanent peace, emotional nourishment, overcoming our emotional body's conditioned addiction to physical food, the power of the path of a natural and organic transition, the problems of missing sleep or of having too much creative energy, being ready on all levels, plus clear intention setting. Audio only available - video to come.

Link to Audio on all of the above - Parts 5 to 11 still to come!

Link to our new YouTube playlist on this! More videos to come ...

Great to know this data and statistics ...
Adam Alteron "Why our screens make us less happy"
What are our screens and devices doing to us? Psychologist Adam Alter studies how much time screens steal from us and how they're getting away with it. He shares why all those hours you spend staring at your smartphone, tablet or computer might be making you miserable -- and what you can do about it.   Click here to view ...

How your brain hallucinates your conscious reality...
Right now, billions of neurons in your brain are working together to generate a conscious experience -- and not just any conscious experience, your experience of the world around you and of yourself within it. How does this happen? According to neuroscientist Anil Seth, we're all hallucinating all the time; when we agree about our hallucinations, we call it "reality." Join Seth for a delightfully disorienting talk that may leave you questioning the very nature of your existence. Click to view ...
  As many know already we will be holding our Sacred Art Retreat gathering in China, most probably in Hangzhou, the city that is known as Heaven on Earth. The dates for this have changed to December 2017.
  It is so interesting for the Westerners to mingle with the Chinese and everyone who joined us in the Embassy of Peace Retreat has shared how shocked and impressed they have been by what they have witnessed in China.
  So much propaganda has been distributed in subtle and non-subtle ways about what is happening in this ancient country, yet to be here and be among the people who are so healthy, so happy and so willing to share and who are also so deeply peaceful, is transforming for us all.
  We come as cultural ambassadors to learn, witness and share and I have been so deeply impressed by what I have witnessed in my visits to China these last few years.
  So, tune and feel if you too would like to witness and come in as a cultural ambassador, to be a part of our Sacred Art Retreat that we may have as mentioned in Hangzhou.
  If it feels right in your heart to spend these five days with us then please contact Anjie so that you can begin to get your Chinese Visa together and permission to enter this sacred place. I know that it will transform you on many levels.

Then of course we have our second Embassy of Peace Retreat for this year that will be in Brazil. I am so honoured to be a part what is happening there, especially with our Embassy Ambassadors of Peace who have worked so hard since their initiation a year or so ago to translate all the materials and train so many in the Luscious Lifestyle Program and the 12 Pathways of Peace. It is magnificent to witness true unity consciousness and teamwork come together in this way and again you too may feel called to join us for our Embassy Retreat in the capital of Brasilia. Again, you will see the details below. 



  I would like to also mention how beautiful it is that we can support and love each other in the way that we do. Upon my entry into China I was given a book by a dear friend called The Sophia Code by Kaia Ra. This book has so much glorious information in it, so use your breath test to test and feel if this is right for you to read as I know those of you open to the ascended master reality may find it very beneficial.
  It talks of the genome we have in DNA, the Sophia Code, that was implanted in all of us by the Divine Feminine so long ago, that is now becoming activated so we can step deeper in to self-sovereignty.
  We all know that the key to unity consciousness, to move into the unified realms en masse, what some would call planetary ascension, is self-sovereignty, self-mastery, self-responsibility and this book is dedicated to that.
  Sophia has what she calls the Golden Dragon Tribe of ascended masters from Kwan Yin, Mother Mary, Magdalene, the white Tara, to Hathor as well and more, who have a role to play when we sit in silent meditation connecting heart to heart, this role is to support us as cosmic colleagues and friends as we move into the more unified state of evolution.
  Yes, the initiations are wordy.
  Yes what the author went through is different to perhaps what you and I may experience, but the information for many will complete some of your patterns of understanding.
  As I read it, I found myself going, "Ahhhh, I see where that came from, that download that I received and then distributed through our networks." I could see another weave there with little pieces clicking in.
  To then go into my heart and just connect directly as we're always asked to do and to consolidate our commitments even more deeply was also a gift, even though we know that each one of these ascended friends are not external beings for they are part of formlessness, our own Essence expressing differently.
  So some of you may find this book beneficial so download this in whatever way works for you if it touches your heart and see what part of your pattern will respond in your heart.
Happy reading - love Jasmuheen!