 Grow.  Prosper .
July 18, 2017   
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Tuesday, July 25, 8 - 9am

Business @Breakfast
Getting Valuable ROI
Conferences are valuable to business growth, but to get the most out of your attendance, you have to be ready to soak it all in.  We will discuss preparation and communication after the event help you get the most out of it!

Our Business at Breakfast aims to provide the tools and education necessary to succeed in entrepreneurship, economic growth, and competitiveness; our breakfasts focus on business education in our region. 
The networking opportunities that come with it are casual yet very powerful.  For further information, call Dianne 780.962-2561 or register today!
Did you know our Newsletter distribution
 reaches over 1000 members weekly. Click-Through- Logos in our Chamber's e-newsletter are only $40 a week and offer your business exposure to a wider audience.

Canada could benefit from Trump challenges
Canada has an opportunity to bring in, through immigration, the best and brightest students and academics who are alienated by Trump's policies.

Sirvan Karimi, Policy Options  July 17, 2017 

Donald J. Trump's election to the US presidency triggered seismic shock-waves across the world, waves that are continuing to have deep ripples. The implications of his administration for Canada are continually debated among journalists, reporters, policy analysts and government officials. Though there is a general consensus about the challenges this new administration is bringing, no serious attempt has been made to explore how the challenges can be turned into opportunities for Canada....continue reading

Potential hires coming up short in 'soft skills', employers say CBC News Jul 17, 2017 
Cambrian College, YMCA Employment Services offer training in time management, problem solving

Employers say people entering the workforce just don't have the qualifications they're looking for.

Earlier this month, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce released a report on the growing skills mismatch in the province.

The report offers recommendations for improving training in schools and apprenticeship programs, but there's another set of skills that employers say is lacking in applicants coming in for interviews: soft skills.

Young people just aren't taught these skills in school...
continue reading

Canada Business Network
Creative promotional sales: getting the incentives right     July 10, 2017 

Getting creative with your promotions can mean more than fine-tuning your branding and marketing. It can also mean finding ways of incentivizing new or specific kinds of business. Offering sales promotions lets you tailor your business to attract new customers and encourage the kind of sales you want...continue reading

Measure Performance and Set Targets
Performance measurement and target-setting are important to the growth process. While many small businesses can run themselves quite comfortably without much formal measurement or target-setting, for growing businesses the control these processes offer can be indispensable.

The benefits of performance measurement

Knowing how the different areas of your business are performing is valuable information in its own right, but a good measurement system will also let you examine the triggers for any changes in performance. This puts you in a better position to manage your performance proactively.

One of the key challenges with performance management is selecting what to measure...continue reading

This year, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce outlined 10 ways to improve economic success, along with specific recommendations to advocate throughout the year.


A powerful wave of protectionism in key markets threatens Canadian business. Whether it is the promise of the new U.S. administration to withdraw from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and renegotiate NAFTA, the vote to pull Britain out of the European Union or the rise of nationalist parties in Europe campaigning against CETA, there are myriad disturbing signs that trade could be curtailed. As one of the most trade-dependent nations, Canada is severely threatened by this trend.

Security News
Is Your Smart Phone at Risk
By K. Buckley,   Trinus Business Solutions
I am constantly surprised at the number of people (and companies) who seem to think their phones are somehow unhackable, or perfectly safe. People seem to forget that their phones are computers, and because it's a computer, it can be compromised.

Sometimes the writers of Malware use exploits in the system, in order to infect a machine. Sometimes they go after the users and focus on people who have limited knowledge and understanding about the tool they are using, so they prey on the fear and uncertainty that comes with that. Sometimes it's simply a matter of using the existing features and functions put in place by the designers, just in a way that was never intended. Regardless of how it's implemented, the end result is malicious software (Malware).... continue reading
Firefighters try to control more than a dozen wildfires threatening B.C. communities

Della Saunders,  Marketing Coordinator
Spr uce Grove Chamber of Commerce 
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