Happy 4th of July!
No Medicare Cafe July 4th!

We hope you have a safe and fun 4th of July!  However, we did not want to leave you empty handed, so here is an unscripted video from Mike & Olivia to help keep you caffeinated.

Love those freeze frames!
Love those freeze frames!

We will resume our regular cafe sessions Tuesday July 11th!

Medicare Cafe on Facebook!

We now have a Facebook page!  That's right!  Get more information, ideas, special announcements, and more from our Facebook page!

CLICK HERE  & Like it (you know you want to...)
Lead Bonus Week!

Order your ARM leads between July 3rd and 7th and receive a 20% bonus on a 1,000 piece mailer.  That's right, get a 1,200 lead drop for the price of a 1,000 piece campaign!

Questions, comments, concerns, threats or promises...let us know!

Senior Marketing Specialists
(800) 689-2800