Your monthly newsletter is here!

Your Monthly News & Updates
Read about the new sermon series, mission trip, camp and scholarship awards.
This newsletter is combined for July and August.
Michael's Memo
Jesus re-imagined a world in which to live through his parables. The hearers of the parables learned to live in the re-imagined world that Jesus called the Kingdom of God. We can follow the same path to better understand Jesus, but it would be a lot easier if we had lived 2,000 years ago. Then we would better understand their deep meaning. 

This summer we will travel back in time and try to understand the parables from a first century point of view. We want to answer some important questions.
Can we base our Christian lives in Jesus re-imagined world of the parables? 
Can we live in the re-imagined world?

The keys to answering these question are unlocked when we can understand that when Jesus described or revealed God in parables it was a God who was counter to the prevailing culture of the time, it was a God who did not identify with the powerful; but Jesus showed that God was for people on the margins of society. This is so much different than the world we find ourselves living in today. I believe our culture imagines and teaches us to live in a completely different kind of world. The intersection of these two worlds is where we will stand this summer as we  journey with Jesus faithfully into the re-imagined world and Hear Then the Parables.  

En Agape',

Rev. Michael

Reaching Up
July Serving Schedul e
Elder of the Month: Ted Jones
Communion Prep: Brooken Loving

Elders Diaconate Acolytes
2 Sandra Loving Brooken Loving* Daniel Peterman
Mark Highfield Don Moore Owen Highfield
Julie Moore
Brenna Peterman
9 Tom Putnam Keith Davis* Tristan Goodman
Gen Bohannon Barbara Davis Avery Pierce
Jared Pierce
Ruthie Weeks
16 Catherine Young Becky Baugher* Elena Highfield
Reggie Martin Ed Baugher John Weeks
Meredith Baugher
Carlton Shelton
23 Nancy Farrell Ginnie Caudell* Hailey Pierce
Judy Pierce Lois Haines Lauren Markley
Jean Smith
Meredith Farrell
30 Ted Jones Angie Dalton* Cassidy Penley
Tom Putnam Patsy Fowler Owen Highfield
Sherri Beth Smith
Kendall Dalton

August Serving Schedule
Elder of the Month: Mark Highfield
Communion Prep: Lois Haines
Date Elders Diaconate Acolytes
6 Catherine Young Pat Penley* Lauren Markley
Reggie Martin Alex Smith Carrie Peterman
Jared Pierce
Wendy Benson
13 Gen Bohannon Julie Moore* John Weeks
Nancy Farrell Don Moore Daniel Peterman
Jean Smith
Ed Baugher
20 Sandra Loving Brooken Loving* Hailey Pierce
Mark Highfield Keith Davis Elena Highfield
Barbara Davis
Logan Markley
27 Ted Jones Ginnie Caudell* Avery Pierce
Judy Pierce Lois Haines Tristan Goodman
Christine Harrison
Meredith Farrell

Youth Group 
YMC (Youth Ministry Council) is relaunching and their first retreat is just outside Craig Springs from July 21-23. This is the weekend between Triple 1 and Triple 2 so it is perfect to stop by on your way to/from camp. It is a camping experience with a cookout, games, and lots of fun. 
Please let me know by July 5th if you are interested in going by e-mailing me and I will get you the flyer and the registration sheet. 
As a side note, I was a part of YMC growing up in youth and it is hands down some of my favorite memories. I strongly encourage you pray about this and think about this awesome opportunity to bring YMC back to VA.
Group Week of Hope

Mission Trip to York, PA
After much time and preparation our mission trip to York, PA is finally here. We will be doing community service through many different organizations around the York area in crews of 6. We will leave the morning of July 2 and return home the afternoon of July 7th. Those who have been called to serve are Ron Bryce, Kendall Dalton, Meredith Farrell, Elana Gant, Olivia Gant, Juliana Kurz, Delane Markley, Lauren Markley, Logan Markley, Brenna Peterman, Ruthie Weeks, and Anna West.
craig springs gazebo
Camp donations: Below is a list of what we need to have a fun and successful week at camp! Please contact Angie or Kerby Dalton if you wish to donate. Thank you for your support!
Construction paper, white t-shirts for 1-5 graders (ages 6-11)
Michael's gift cards, plastic cups, pasta (variety of shapes)
markers, poster board, washable paint, white school glue
biodegradable balloons and water balloons, squirt guns 
glow sticks, shaving cream
Keep our Craig Springs campers in your prayers.
They love to receive mail. Postal service in Craig County is slow. Mail your letters early!  Even "overnight" packages mailed in-state can take more than three days to arrive. Please allow plenty of time for mail to travel to camp. 
Campers Name (session of camp)
Craig Springs Camp 
30 Craig Springs Circle
New Castle, VA 24127

Triple Camp Participants and Volunteers: Kendall Dalton, Meredith Farrell, Ann Bremner, Cynthia Bremner

New Covenant Participants and Volunteers: Tristan Goodman, Elena Highfield, John Weeks, Aiden Youngken, Angie Dalton, Kerby Dalton and Janet Williams

Outreach Opportunities

Relay for Life Walk - Saturday June 17th 
We had a WONDERFUL turnout for our Slash Relay for Life event. The day for our Relay for Life event turned out to be a beautiful day - though a little warm. But, the reason for our event was to provide support to those suffering from cancer and for their families, as well as to celebrate and remember those that we have loved who lost their lives to cancer. Our team was a great testament to that purpose. I do not have a final figure for our team donations but I believe it to be a little under $2500.00. There is still time to make a donation to our team on line or by writing a check payable to American Cancer Society and give to Cathy Tillman.  Every dollar we collect brings us a little closer to finding cures and ending that terrible suffering! Thank you to EVERYONE who attended our event and to those who supported our team and its members.

ACES Food Drive  
 To date we have collected 564 items for our ACES Food Drive!  The items provided to ACES will go a long way in helping to meet the needs in our Ashland community.  Thanks for your continued support and generosity.

Pentecost Special Offering
Churches Change the World... Start More! 
More was  the theme for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 2017 Pentecost Offering, which was celebrated Sunday, June 4 and June 11.   A total of $652.00 was collected to help start new churches and spread the WORD to more places.  Thank you for your giving!

District IX News - The District Assembly meeting this year will be held at Slash in September with a meal provided.  Several Slash members (including youth) are planning to provide details about Craig Springs and let those attending know just how special a place Craig Springs holds in the hearts of those who participate.  We hope that you will help support this meeting and those who will be participating. 
On Sunday June 25th the Scholarship Committee awarded scholarships to the following students.
April Pierce, Norma Miller receiving for Elana Gant who was at Craig Springs directing Nature Camp, Madison Payne, Joel West and Lauren Wolfgang
Those not able to be here and receiving scholarships were Erin Payne, Kerby Dalton, and Kacie Dalton.
General Assembly 17

Be a witness for ONEness!
In July we will gather as ONE for the 2017 General Assembly in Indianapolis. Rev. Michael, Michelle, Ruthie and John Weeks will represent Slash at the assembly. Thousands of Disciples gather from across the United States and Canada to demonstrate our unity in service to the Christ. We will hear inspiring messages, elect a new General Minister and President, hear about the results from Mission First! and learn together.

Bible studies on the theme text (John 17:20-21a) from scholars at Disciple-related seminaries are available online so you can go deeper into the scripture.

Rev. Michael will be gone for assembly from July 6-13.

bright beginnings
The Disciple Women will be filling back packs with school supplies for the YMCA sponsored program. Nancy Farrell should have the cards with items needed by the end of July and the back packs are usually due to be turned in the beginning part of August. More dates and details to follow!
Disciple Women 2017

Calling All Disciple Women!

Supports Disciple Women's ministry in Virginia, workshop materials and lunch. 

Deadline to register: August 20, 2017 Choose one of the two locations 
Sat, Sept 16, 2017; Olive Branch CC, Williamsburg
Sat, October 7, 2017, Fort Lewis Christian Church, Salem                     

Directions will be sent with confirmation notification. Registration Table opens at 9:30 a.m. Program at 10:00 a.m. Registration forms are available on the Disciple Women's bulletin board in the Education Building.
Men's Softball

Come out and support our men as they share in a time of fellowship and fun on Tuesday nights at Pole Green Park.

Date Time Home Team Away Team Field
7/11 8:30 PM Slash Christian Church Mechanicsville Church of Christ  #4
9:30 PM Mechanicsville Church of Christ Slash Christian Church  #4

Flower Ministry
sanctuary flowers
The 2017 flower chart is posted by the church office. If you would like to purchase flowers in memory of or in honor of a loved one please sign up on the flower chart, fill in an order form and return it to the office. You may email or call the office (798-4520) to order sanctuary flowers.  The sanctuary flower price is $27.00 with checks made payable to Slash Christian Church. Orders do not have to be prepaid. 
July 16 is available 

Current Needs:
Adult's new athletic socks, Women's new underwear
Men's gently used tennis shoes - sizes 9 and up
Children's new underwear - all sizes, Boy's summer tops and bottoms - sizes 14-20
Gently used queen sheets
Toiletry items - toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shaving cream, etc.
During the months of July and August we are closed on Fridays. 
Thank you for your continued support.
Prayer Requests

Church Family
H.T. Loving, Ronald Caudell, Dianne Jones, Jakob Hellermann, Norma Jennings,  Carolyn Nash,   MaryLee Jones, Jo Richardson, Brooken Loving
Polly Vaughan who is caregiving for her mother, Beverly Vaughan 

For Healing
Bob Henderson (husband of Barbara Henderson)
Whitney Bush and Gene Harmon (friends of Patsy Fowler)
Jeff Frantz (uncle of Julie Peterman)
Donald West (brother of Lloyd West)
Diane Smith (sister of Nancy Murdock)
Kathy Goodman (aunt of Carolyn Putnam)
Frances Keenan (mother of Kelly Benson)
Conner Bartz (nephew of Carol Kurz)
Summer Forest (daughter of Nancy Murdock)
Al Toosic (friend of the Ostranders)
Terry Kinum (friend of Don Moore)
Amy Bates (former accompanist at Slash)
Beth Harris (niece of Don and Helen Kersey)
Iris (friend of Gail Hellermann)
Pam and Craig Brown (friends of Gail Hellermann)
Vaughn Schmitt (family friend of the Weeks')
Nancy Hooper (sister of Brooken Loving)
Dickie Tomlin (brother-in-law of Buddy Fowler)
Charlie Hunt (friend of Judy Pierce)
Faisal Saeed (coworker of Cathy Tillman) 
Shot Mangum (brother of Judy Pierce) 
Ann Graham (sister of Don Kersey)
Jack McGuire (uncle of Michelle Weeks)
All military personnel, first responders and their families
Unspoken prayer concerns


The Elders respectfully request that prayer concerns be updated every two weeks by notifying the office by phone (798-4520) or email ([email protected])

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Slash Christian Church| 804-798-4520 | [email protected]|
Office Hours: Monday through Friday; 9 a.m to 2 p.m.