Weekly Notices
June 30, 2017
Monkey See Monkey Do


It's a fast-paced market!

Brokers are trying to come up with new, innovative ideas every day to compete for listings and attract clients.

Buyers and sellers are also becoming more & more aggressive putting pressure on brokers to perform in new ways.

Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons highlights some of the bad practices she's seen come out of this market and appeals to brokers to always question new practices and to talk to your designated broker to get more information before jumping into anything.

See the eight-minute video online here:

Monkey See Monkey Do 
Monkey See Monkey Do

SAR Governmental Affairs


The 2017 Primary Election is coming soon - August 1st - with two dozen candidates on the ballot for City Council positions in the city of Spokane and Spokane Valley - not to mention many other positions.

The deadline to register to vote in the 2017 Primary Election is Monday, July 3rd.

If you're not yet registered to vote, do it now!

Your SAR Governmental Affairs committee will begin interviewing Spokane and Spokane Valley City Council candidates next week, in order to make its  REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) endorsements in time for the primary election.

RPAC has promoted the election of pro-REALTOR® candidates across the United States since 1969.

The purpose of RPAC is clear: REALTORS® raise and spend money to elect candidates who understand and support their interests.

SAR photo
Your Governmental Affairs Committee is in touch with local elected leaders year round.  Just last week, we welcomed Spokane City Council member Karen Stratton (photo above) to the SAR to talk about the city's new Title 18 Human Rights ordinance.  This new law is scheduled to take effect July 1st.

There's always room for one more at the table.

If you'd like to be involved in your association's governmental affairs, please be in touch with committee chair, Cynthia Gustafson.

Housing Quality Standards

SAR photo
The City of Spokane is asking for feedback on its draft Housing Quality report.

An advisory group, last year, presented 19 priority recommendations.

One of these recommendations was to define and establish a minimum definition and a set of standards for housing quality in Spokane. The minimum housing quality definition and standards would apply to both owner-occupied and rental housing.

A Project Team is now collecting feedback on the housing quality definition and standards through June 30th, after which this information will be reported back to the Project Team for consideration and possible inclusion or removal from the final draft.

If you'd like to participate in the city's survey, it's online here .

For background information on this issue, click here

Manufactured Homes

Monday, July 10th  

If you broker sales of manufactured homes, you'll want to attend this Lunch & Learn event: Manufactured Homes.

Learn about the unique documents, fees, taxes, title, processing, and recording you'll encounter in this world.

Speaker is Angie DeArth with Inland Professional Title. 

See the event flyer online here.

SAR Golf Tournament

Thursday, July 20th

It's time, once again, to tee up for the annual Spokane Association of REALTORS® golf tournament!

This year's event will be held Thursday, July 20th, at Downriver Golf Course, with a 7:30 a.m. shotgun start.

Invite your builders, bankers, stagers, colleagues, friends, to join you for a morning of golf on one of our gorgeous local golf courses. 


See the event flyer (pictured above) for more information, online here. 

Education Excellence                         

Your SAR will be offering an Education Excellence double-header this summer:  Increasing your SEO and Online Traffic - and - Internet Correct: Etiquette & Ethics in the Ethers.

Thursday, August 10th 
Centerplace Regional Events Center

Both of these classes will be taught by Washington REALTORS® instructor Terry Eccles-Pettet.

The classes will be offered around our third-quarter General Membership Meeting and luncheon.

Download the event flyer (pictured above) with class details and registration information, online here.

2017 REALTOR® Education

Quality of Education 
through SAR/WR Education Instructors

Here is the latest class listing from your SAR - offering the best live and local continuing real estate education classes for 2017.

Click on each class title,  underlined in blue, to bring up a flyer for that class - suitable for posting in your office. 

Register for these classes online here: 


Please be in touch with Debbie at the SAR if you have any questions about these classes or your license education requirements, by phone at 326-9222 or by email.

Purchase & Sale Agreement Addenda 
Purchase & Sale Agreement Addenda

Friday, July 7 - What Else do we Need . . . PSA Addenda - with Sabrina Jones-Schroeder.

This is the class so many have asked for!

Check-in: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
at the SAR

6.0 clock hours

Statewide Purchase & Sale Agreement 
Statewide Purchase & Sale Agreement


Tuesday, July 11
- Statewide Purchase & Sale Agreement - with Sabrina Jones-Schroeder.

Check-in: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
at the SAR

7.5 clock hours

Code of Ethics: Standards for Success 
Code of Ethics: Standards for Success


Wednesday, July 26 -  Code of Ethics: Standards for Success - with Linda Miller Sheets.

Check-in: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR

7.5 clock hours

Core Curriculum: Current Issies in Washington Residential Real Estate 
Core Curriculum:
Current Issues in Washington Residential Real Estate

Thursday, July 27 - Current Issues in Washington Residential Real Estate (Core Curriculum) - with Sabrina Jones-Schroeder.

Check-in: 1:15 p.m.
Class: 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR

3.0 clock hours

Land and Acreage 202 
Land and Acreage 200: Rural Property 

Friday, August 18 - Land and Acreage 200: Rural Property - with Jim Palmer, Jr.

Check-in: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR

7.5 clock hours

Instructor Development Workshop 
Instructor Development Workshop

August 23 & 24 - Training Superior Instructors - with Linda Miller Sheets.

Learn from one of our best instructors as you become one of our next instructors!  Here's a great way to give back to a profession that gives so much to you. 

Registration: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR 

15 clock hours

In This Issue
Monkey See Monkey Do
SAR Governmental Affairs
Housing Quality Standards
Manufactured Homes
SAR Golf Tournament
Education Excellence
2017 REALTOR® Education
SAR Closed Next Week
MLS Fees Due
YPN Blue Summer Luau
REALTORS Property Resource
YPN Blue Summer Luau
WCR Events
ListHub Report for May
Market Activity Report - May
Member Roster Update - NEW!
Suggestion Box



Click on the calendar image below to see

the current SAR calendar showing dates and times

of classes, committees and events. 


SAR Closed Next Week                     

Your SAR Board of Directors has decided to close the association office on Monday and Tuesday, next week ( July 3 and 4) to keep the Independence Day holiday.

The office will resume normal operation on Wednesday, July 5th.

If you need help with Paragon, please call:


If you need help with TransAction Desk, please call:


For help with your key, please call:


If you need to reach the TechHelpline, please call:



MLS Fees Due                    

Third quarter MLS fees have been posted to the SAR Member Portal.

Your payment is due by June 30th.

Click on the button above to pay online now.

Please email Brenda at the SAR, or call her at the SAR ( 326-9222) if you have a question about your fees. 

Legal Tips for Smart Home Devices


NAR Associate Counsel Jessica Edgerton shares risk management tips for buyers purchasing a home featuring devices connected to the internet, such as the heating system or security cameras.

See the two-minute video online here:

Legal Tips for Smart Home Devices  
Legal Tips for Smart Home Devices


REALTORS Property Resource



You have access to comprehensive data, powerful analytics, and client-friendly reports with RPR - REALTORS Property Resource.

Summer is a good time to check it out!

  • 100% Owned by REALTORS®
    Created by NAR for the sole purpose of providing REALTORS® with the data they need to meet the demands of clients.
  • Exclusively for REALTORS®
    No third party or public access ... guaranteed. The only way a non-REALTOR® has access to the data in RPR is through an RPR report that has been created, branded and sent by a REALTOR®.
  • No Cost Member Benefit
    RPR is an invaluable member benefit offered exclusively to REALTORS® at no additional cost. RPR services every segment of the real estate industry: Residential, Commercial, Brokers, Appraisers, Associations and MLSs.

See the complete catalog of RPR summer workshops online here.

YPN Blue Summer Luau

Thursday, July 13th!  



WCR Events                         

Thursday, July 27th

Sawdust to Sparkles - Home Decor Workshop.  Join us for an evening of DIY pallet work.

See the flyer (pictured above) for more information, online here.

Thursday, October 19th

The Spokane-Eastern Washington Women's Council of REALTORS® invites you to schedule now and plan to attend a special event at its October Wellness Celebration and Rally: Head to Toe Makeovers!

See the event flyer (pictured above) for more information, online here.

ListHub Report for May                       

See the May ListHub report, online here.

Market Activity Report - May     


The SAR Market Activity Report for May is now online.

See the latest full report - a member-exclusive product - and archived full reports - online here.



See the May 2017 Snapshot Report (pictured above) online here.











See the 2017 Year-to-date Snapshot Report (pictured above), online here.







Member Roster Update  
Updated 06/17

Click here to view the latest Member Roster Update - approved by the Board of Directors.

Click here to view the latest list of MLS Subscription Waivers - approved by the Board of Directors.  

Send a message to Brenda at the SAR with any changes.  

Suggestion Box




Presented by your

Spokane Association



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Quick Information
2017 SAR Leadership

This weekly newsletter is a member benefit of the

  1924 North Ash Street 
Spokane, Washington 99205
T: 509. 326.9222
F: 509. 324.8650