DMARC Food Pantry Item for July
Fresh Vegetables

Outside In

Matthew 10:40-42

Often when Christians think of welcome, we think about it inside out.
That is, we start with us on the inside, welcoming them who are on the outside.
We welcome others into our building. We welcome others into our worship. We welcome others into our fellowship. We welcome others to our table. We think about welcome as something we do for others. We're on the inside, just waiting for someone to come to us seeking welcome.
Or at least, that's what we think we would like to do.
And sometimes, it actually does happen.
But that's not the kind of welcome Jesus is asking of his disciples. Not in this scripture, anyway.
If you've read the lines leading up this passage, Jesus is asking his disciples to go out into the world. And he sends them without money, or provisions, taking just the clothes on their backs, leaving behind family and friends, stepping out into the day with no plan for where they'll rest their heads that night.
Jesus is asking his disciples to be the ones in need of welcome - and there's a good reason for that.
Because the disciples have no one else to depend on, they will seek God in the faces of strangers all along the way.
Because the disciples have nothing, they will live lives of gratitude for all they receive.
Because the disciples have nowhere they belong, they will experience the true meaning of hospitality.
Because the disciples have not a thing to offer in return, they come to know grace in a powerful, life-saving way.
Because the disciples are on the outside, they will truly understand what welcome means, and long for the day they can offer it in return.
Maybe it's time for disciples to start thinking of welcome in this way again, from the outside in.

Pastor Sarah 

 Message from the Council President   
On behalf of the entire Faith Lutheran Church Council and congregation, I want to express thanks and gratitude to Pastor Sarah for serving our church and community over the past few years. Furthermore, I want to wish her the very best as she embarks on her next chapter! The church council and Pastor Randy will be discerning and collaborating in the very near future about staffing arrangements. 
     The congregation is invited to a brunch on July 30 following the 10:30 service to honor and celebrate Pastor Sarah.  - John Bunz

 Adult Sunday School   
Jennifer McCrickerd, Professor of Philosophy at Drake University and member of Faith continues the conversation on the book "Dear White Christians: for those still longing for racial reconciliation" by fellow Drake colleague Jennifer Harvey. If you have not already picked up a copy of the book please do so, as reading the book prior to the discussion is helpful. If you would like the study questions, please email Jennifer at [email protected]. Adult Sunday School meets in Messiah Hall rooms 203 and 204 from 9:30 - 10:15 a.m.  

Sanctuary Lantern Window Replacement  

The replacement of the lantern windows in the sanctuary continues. Your patience and flexibility during the project is greatly appreciated as scaffolding in the chancel area requires some rearranging for worship. 

Centering Prayer        
Please come and join us for a time of rest as we sit in silent prayer. Silence, as it grows within us, has a way of finding our center and then in turn centers us. The gifts we receive in contemplative practice enable us to bring an attitude of humility, listening and willingness in all our relationships with ourselves, God and others. We meet every Thursday evening from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Adult Education Room. You may contact Jan Stegeman at 556-5587 for more information