June 2017 (2)

Our Mission:
Supporting lifelong faith formation in the home and congregation.

From the President's Desk

Dear Friends,
Earlier in June I had lunch with a young man going into 5th grade. He was visiting Grandma for the month. Austin is a good kid growing up in the midst of difficult circumstances. Dad and stepmom were having some problems. Mom was struggling. So lunch seemed like a good break and a chance to visit.
After we picked up our food, we sat down at a table of his choice. I simply asked if he wanted to pray or should I. He quickly said, "You". I asked if he prayed at home to which he shook his head. I offered to teach him the prayer I taught my daughters... Come Lord Jesus be our guest.
When I spoke with his Grandma I asked if he had shared that after lunch we sat and watched the road crew change out a stop light. "No", she said, "his big thing was that I need to pray before we eat!" (used with permission) Austin and I did not talk about prayer. We just prayed.
As people brought together by our passion for life-long faith formation we know the struggles and the joys that come with our work. Too often we focus on the struggle. But we all have an Austin - that person, young or old, whose life is changed for the better because of the work you do. That is what ministry is about.
Each month the CENetwork board meets via Zoom. Each month we try to do more with less resources. When we first incorporated, we had members who paid for memberships, mailed newsletters and started chapter meetings. As social media expands, our purpose morphs. Membership has declined since Facebook and Google have the connections and answers. But we are adamant that we will continue to...Build a community which equips, encourages, and empowers those engaged in lifelong faith formation in a changing world. (The CENetwork Mission Statement)
How can you help? Connect with your Network Advocate (visit our website). Share your needs, concerns and joys. When you shop at Amazon, sign up for Amazon Smile  (link below) and select the Network. Each time you shop, a portion will go directly to support the work of the Network. Finally, if you have not joined, consider making a gift to support the CENetwork. You can also give a gift to honor one of your teachers, staff or volunteers who also have an interest. Your gift will enable opportunities for us to continue the network with the ELCA and other groups focused on life-long learning and faith formation.
  Blessings on your journey,
Pastor Juli Lejman-Guy

Small Groups

Take a look at this forthcoming resource, "By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther's Small Catechism!" It will be available from Augsburg Fortress in mid-August, in time for fall small groups, adult forums, etc. But, you can get a "sneak peek" through one of three free webinars scheduled for next week!
You'll find more info & webinar registration here.

  Self Care

Are you just having a bad day, or is it time to quit your job?  Or are you in serious need of some R&R (if only you could find the time)?  Answering these ten questions from Mindfulteadchers.org should
point you in the right direction... or confirm what you already suspect.

This isn't really about getting a particular score but about noticing the pattern of your answers. If you can't choose between two answers, pick both. If you can't relate to a certain question, skip it. 

Some of these questions are specifically for teachers, but you can easily adapt them to suit your own situation: for example, instead of "your students" you can think about your clients, patients, customers or parishioners.

Do you have a self-care strategy? Here's a sampling of ideas for self-care from the Edutopia community. You can follow them on Facebook and  Twitter, too!


Summer Reads
Earth Psalms
Author: Francine Rivers
In this weekly devotional, the beloved author invites you to join her in seeking the Creator through the marvelous natural world we live in. Francine shares observations she's gathered over a lifetime of exploring abroad and in her own backyard and reflects on how they might apply to your daily life
Shop for these and other items on Amazon Smile and designate "Christian Education Network of the ELCA" as your charity. The CENetwork receives a percentage of every purchase!

Prayer Pause
As we look toward celebrating the 4th of July, a day of independence, help to keep us safe. Help to keep us mindful of what you call us to do. Keep watch over us, guide us in our waking and sleeping hours, and help to remind us that we were claimed through the waters of baptism as your children, marked with the cross of Christ forever. 




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     Christian Education    
 Network of the ELCA
  Vision Statement

Building a community which equips, encourages, and empowers those engaged in lifelong faith  formation in a changing world by:
  • Providing resources and educational opportunities
  • Facilitating communication and conversation 
  • Offering networking, idea sharing, and mutual support
  • Nurturing spiritual growth

Contact Us
CENetwork of the ELCA 
P.O. Box 9304
Rochester, MN 55903

Phone messages may be left at 
(507) 721-0057