Upcoming National RTAP Peer Call: Tribal Transit Manager Overview
National RTAP is partnering with the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) to have a conversation about Tribal Transit. FTA's Tribal Program has grown and the need for continuity and shared learning has also expanded.
Carol Wright Kenderdine from NADTC and Easterseals, formerly of the Small Urban and Rural Transportation Center, will
lead the first discussion with an overview of Transit Management.
Neil Rod
riguez and Robin Phillips of National RTAP and Jennie Rowland of Big Woods Transit (Bois Forte Tribe), will lead a discussion about what is happening nationally with Tribal Transit.
Register now for this Peer Call on Thursday, July 13 at 2:30-3:30 p.m. ET and share about your tribal transit system, your perspective, and what you're doing that might benefit others. Also hear about resources and opportunities for making your system even better.
National RTAP 2017 Marketing Contest
Instead of our annual Photo Contest, this year we're asking for your passenger guides! Check out our
Marketing Transit Toolkit for ideas on how to improve your existing brochure, or submit it as is.
Grand Prize: One free registration for our 2017 Conference in Omaha, Oct 29-Nov 1.
Two runner-ups will receive $50 gift cards.
Guides will be judged by: rider in
visual quality; and
overall user-friendliness. For full contest details and the consent form, go to our
Marketing Contest page.
The deadline is July 31!
Register for National RTAP's 2017 Conference
Registration is open for the 2017 National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference: Transportation at the Center. Join us in Omaha, NE from October 29th to November 1st for workshops, presentations, keynote speakers, and round-tables with a focus on training and practical solutions for rural and tribal transportation.
FTA and U.S. DOT Updates
The Final Report of FTA's Rides to Wellness Community Scan Project is now available. The purpose of the scan was to determine the impact of transportation barriers on health care costs and begin to demonstrate the return on investment for providing transportation to care. View the report and learn more about other initiatives related to the Coordinated Council on Access and Mobility.
Save the Date for FTA's 17th Biennial State Programs Meeting and State Public Transit Partnerships Conference in Washington, DC, August 16-18.
The audience includes State 5311 and 5310 Program Managers and State Transit Staff. Keep an eye on the 5311 page for more information and plan to attend the meeting to:
- get a refresher on TAM,
- review safety initiatives,
- hear about emerging options in coordinated mobility, and
- share your vision of the future of rural transit!
FHWA is taking comments on two draft documents that provide official guidance for State DOT asset management plans.
Learn more
and submit your comments by July 5.
Resources and News
Submit your innovative mobility management practices for NCMM's MMIP Contest by June 30! You will be entered in a drawing for a $100 gift card. See NCMM's
May Newsletter
for more information.
TRB is seeking
nominations for the
Sharon D. Banks Award recognizing excellence in people-oriented initiatives, due July 31.
Upcoming NTI courses. See the
NTI Website for details and the full calendar:
Look for us at these upcoming conferences!
Opportunity for Public Comment on Health and Transportation
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is soliciting comments on the proposed framework for Healthy People 2030. The Healthy People program provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans.
The leading health indicators in Healthy People 2020 did not include transportation. Access to Health Services was included, but it was defined by having medical insurance. This public comment period is an opportunity for you to share what you think the link is between healthy communities, healthy people, and transportation.
Visit the Healthy People website, within the HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, to learn more the program and framework and share your perspective on health and transportation.
Implementing Conditional Eligibility for ADA Complementary Paratransit Trip-by-Trip
July 12
2:00- 3:30 p.m.
National RTAP
Tribal Transit Manager Overview
July 13
2:30-3:30 p.m.
2017 National Conference
July 17-20
Portsmouth, VA
July 19
Freedom Through Transit Summer
July 25-6 & July 27-28
Dallas, TX
Transportation and the ADA Workshop
August 2-3
Des Moines, IA
State Programs Meeting
Washington, D.C.
August 16-18
Save the Date
2017 TAM Roundtable
August 28-29
Cambridge, MA
20th Annual National Tribal Transportation Conference
Tucson, AZ
September 25-29
National RTAP
2017 Technical Assistance Conference
Omaha, NE
Oct 29-Nov 1,
Early Bird: Sept 8
All event times listed as Eastern Time
Substance Abuse Awareness Training, Testing, and Compliance Technical Brief
Anyone designated by the US DOT as a safety-sensitive employee is subject to DOT drug and alcohol testing. But what does "safety-sensitive" mean?
This brief will provide guidance for employers who must train and test safety-sensitive employees for drug and alcohol use and misuse, and prepare employees for what to expect.
Download it from our
Resource Library and refresh your understanding of this important compliance topic!
Contact us:
5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:
718 7th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001