"This way, with all of God's people you'll be able to understand how wide, long, high, and deep His love is." Ephesians 3:18

We hope this update finds you experiencing God's wide, long, high, and deep love, daily bringing you much joy.  Thank you for joining us in ministry through your prayers and financial support.  As you read and view the below pictures and videos, please thank the Lord with us for recent opportunities to share Christ's love.  Also, please continue to pray for us.  As we're daily engaged in spiritual warfare, we fully depend upon your prayers to gain victory in battles that we face!
Our Father's Love Has No Limits

It's simply amazing to witness how God reveals Himself to those who still don't know Him, to those whom He loves so much.

  Above, Joel's teaching the creation story from the first chapter of Genesis to students at
Tongkai Grade School.

Janaya's helping a student do a craft at the after school Kids Club.  Kelly, Janaya and a team of co-workers help at the Kids Club every Wednesday afternoon.  Joel helps periodically, too, as well as teaches English to six teachers at Tongkai a couple times each month. 

Please pray that both teachers and students will respond to the Gospel at Tongkai Grade School.
Outreach at Dungpago Christian Church

 On June 11th, I preached at Dungpago Christian Church (DCC), located about 20 minutes outside of Chiang Mai.  This is a church
plant by Rawang people, an ethnic group who come from Myanmar (Burma).  A good friend since the first time I arrived in Chiang Mai, Andrew (picture at left), asked me to come speak at the church.  Andrew was part of the group who first welcomed my Mom and I when we arrived in Chiang Mai, December 1983.  Andrew was a part of Robert Morse's translation team of the first edition Rawang Bible.  He's been involved in translating all three editions of the Rawang Bible, as well as the Rawang hymnbook, and many other translation projects as well.  Andrew has asked me to help DCC reach out to the surrounding Thai community.  Therefore, I'll soon be meeting with Andrew and the DCC leadership to discuss possibilities of evangelistic opportunities in their community.

Please click the below video to watch me preaching at DCC.  In the video, I'm preaching in Thai, and preacher Jungbay is translating the sermon into the Rawang language:


Please pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit's guidance for DCC as they begin to implement their heart's desire to introduce the Gospel to their Thai neighbors.  Pray for me as to how the Lord would have me help DCC to achieve their goal.
New Life School of Worship in India

If you recall from a previous update earlier this year, I made a new friend from India, Pastor Yeshwant Uphade, whom I met at a prayer conference in Chiang Mai.  During the conference, Pastor Yeshwant shared his personal testimony with me.  Towards the end of the week, he invited me to come to India to teach at the New Life School of Worship (SOW), held annually during the hot/dry season in June.  So from June 16-22, I traveled to Ambala, India to teach at SOW. And yes, it was hot!  But thankfully, we had some early rain.  It also helped that my hotel room had an air conditioner.  I never take for granted the 'small' blessings.

Above, I'm praying with students during a teaching session at the School of Worship.  I taught several lessons, including: Worldview; Disciple-Making Cycle; Web Of Lies; Ideas Have Consequences; Servanthood; Our Security in Christ; and Unity.  On Sunday morning, I preached a sermon from the first Beatitude.  I taught in English, followed by the Hindi interpretation.

There were many opportunities to pray for the students during SOW. 

Christians in India are passionate in worship.  They've much joy and hold nothing back.  Enjoy watching the short video clip above of them singing and worshiping.

Sometimes when they worshiped, they'd take my hand and lead me in the middle of their group to jump with them in praising God.  What fun to join in worship with them in this expressive way!

We even celebrated Father's Day in India: songs and joyful celebration; prayers; pronounced blessings; hugs; and a decorated Father's Day cake - quite a special day!

Christians in India are so gracious and hospitable.  For example: they had me cut a ribbon to the entrance door where we taught; they showered me and other guests with rose petals; and they gave gifts to all the teachers.  It was humbling, and an honor and privilege to share the week with them.

The India trip provided a great opportunity to meet, work and network with some church leaders India.  I had an awesome interpreter (besides me in picture), who's now a new friend.  My friend and host, brother Yeshwant, is in the yellow shirt with his wife next to him.  The other two men are Christian leaders in India.  Dr. Richard, in the black overcoat and long blue shirt, mentors 31 regional leaders in India, who in turn, help to provide 'spiritual care' for approximately 1200 churches throughout India.  I learned some helpful insights about the churches in India.  One is that the "health and wealth" gospel is creeping into the upper and middle class churches, especially in southern India.  Another is that true believers in rural churches are often persecuted for their faith. 

Above is a group video of SOW staff and students.  All staff are alumni of SOW.  There are over 350 alumni serving in seven regions of India.  Thousands are coming to the Lord through their combined efforts.

On the last day of the New Life School of Worship, I was asked to give a brief 'graduation' charge and prayer to the 66 students who completed the 21-day SOW Bible School.  Guest speakers were given a special ribbon to wear.  Graduating students were presented with a certificate.

Please pray for these students as they share Christ in their local communities.  Please pray that they'll be strong in the midst of trials and hardship.  One of the students has already been persecuted four times before coming to SOW.  At the graduation ceremony, Dr. Richard challenged the students to GO and preach the Gospel in the rural villages, where they could expect to be persecuted, stoned, beaten, and falsely accused.  Now that's a graduation speech that you don't hear too often in the West!
We cannot thank you enough for your prayer and financial support to Extend International and the Lillie family.  Thank you for investing into our lives and ministry.  Your support makes what we're doing possible.  We're 100% dependent upon your love offerings. 

If you're not yet a financial supporter, but possibly are being led by our Lord to give on a monthly basis, or make a one-time donation, please make out your check to: "Extend International" and mail to:

Extend International
P.O. Box 5046
Kendallville, IN 46755

Thank you!  Please know the Lillie family receives 100% of your donation.  You'll receive a tax deductible receipt for your donation (sent annually).

Recently, our EI website received a new look.  Please check it out by clicking this link: EI Home Page.  I've added a video page, which can be accessed at the following: Video Page.  You may also view our Photo Album Page; and don't forget to check out our Prayer Request Page, which we update on the 20th of each month.

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