Enjoy services  at
Zion's Church

10:30 a.m. gathering music
10:45 a.m.
liturgical worship

Zion's church
is located at 
620 W. Hamilton Street 
in center city Allentown.
Just follow
the signs!


Declaration of
at Zion's

Join us for the reading of the Declaration of Independence at Zion's church held this Sunday July 2, at the 10:30 a.m. service of worship.

During the service some two dozen participants reenact the protests of the colonists by reading sections of the Declaration, punctuated by the ringing of "Allentown's 'Liberty Bell.'" 

The service features the Rev. Dr. David DeRemer, Director of Enrollment and of Supervised Ministry at Moravian Theological Seminary, Bethlehem. 

Stephanie Burke, a tour guide and docent at the Liberty Bell Museum housed at the church will be dressed in colonial era garb and the museum will be open after the ceremony.

Gathering musi begins at 10:30 a.m. with patriotic selections on organ and piano by director of music ministry, Jane Knotek, and music assistant, Shaumik Phadke, with trumpet accompaniment by David Dailey, Jr. and Maria Paula Heisler.

Allentown's bell, which originally hung in the church tower and tolled to gather people for the reading of the Declaration on July 8, 1776, is rung during the ceremony.

In 1776 it is likely that one or two people read the entire document to an assembled crowd in front of the church, but we encourage everyone in the congregation to participate in this re-enactment. Anyone who attends has the opportunity to rail against King George's 'injuries and usurpations.' 

Zion's church is located at 620 W. Hamilton Street in downtown Allentown. The public is invited. A free-will offering is received.

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Church Parking: 

Enter the Gross McGinley (Crown Tower) lot via 7th St.  DO NOT attempt to enter the lot through the alley! 

Look for the blue Liberty Bell Church Parking sign at the entrance to the lot on the north side of their building (pictured here).  Thank you to Dave Dettra for his service as our volunteer parking lot attendant!

NOTE: Depending on the time you arrive, the sign may be at the lot on the south side of the building! 

Remember, too, that street parking is available both on Hamilton and Seventh Streets.

If you need assistance with parking, please call the church office (610-435-2412).

Administrative Secretary - [email protected] - 610-435-2412
Rev. Bob Stevens, Pastor - Bob.Stevens @LibertyBellChurch.org - 610-390-7787


Keeping in Touch 
Thank you for your support of Zion's Church.
You can visit us at www.LibertyBellChurch.org  
and  friend us on FaceBook: