The Senate is set to vote next week on the latest version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act. The latest revisions to the bill do NOT change the devastating cuts to the Medicaid program that over 10 million people with disabilities rely on to live and work in their communities. The time is now to take action and tell your Senators why  Medicaid Matters to You and Your Family

Take a few moments this weekend and write a brief message about how Medicaid impacts your life. Please send those messages in the body of an email to Nicole Jorwic at The Arc of the United States: PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR STATE IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF THE EMAIL. The Arc of the United States will hand deliver all the printed messages to the Senators from your states on Monday. So please act this weekend, e-mails must be received by midnight on Sunday to be printed. 

After you finish your letter, call New Jersey's Senators on Monday and tell them to vote no!

Senator Cory Booker:  (973) 639-8700
Senator Robert Menendez: ( 973) 645.3030
Proposed Medicaid cuts would have a devastating impact on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. If your loved one:
  • lives in a group home
  • has the help of a job coach
  • attends a day program 
  • receives respite services or
  • behavioral supports

Did you know that special education is hugely reliant on Medicaid and that it helps pay for therapies (such as OT and PT), equipment and specialized transportation? If your child depends on those types of supports, then MEDICAID MATTERS to YOU. 

These are just a few examples of the many, many things Medicaid makes possible for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. That is why we need your help. Tell your representatives that MEDICAID MATTERS to YOU.  
If I could say one thing
If I could say one thing

We appreciate all your calls and advocacy over these past few months and we know we can count on you to keep fighting. 

For additional information, see  The Arc's fact sheet about Medicaid .
Your Advocacy Tool Belt
We know that calling your representatives may feel overwhelming. We want to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your advocacy role. Below are some resources to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us