Indiana Afterschool Advocacy Newsletter
Summer 2017 Provider Engagement

There are MANY opportunities in the coming months for you to show and tell your success stories. To help you be ready, the Indiana Afterschool Network is providing this Advocacy Newsletter packed with all the resources you need to connect to policymakers and spread the word about the power of afterschool across Indiana! 
Afterschool Alliance *  *Comprehensive resources to help you learn, act and share the message today! 

Sign up HERE to get the latest updates from the Alliance.

TWO MINUTE ACTION: Use the Afterschool Alliance action template to add your voice to the outreach to Congress HERE (Quick Lobbying) 

Find much MORE on our  IAN Advocacy Page

What Indiana Media is saying about the Power of  Afterschool Across the State

Let us know how we can help you & share your plans!


Our Vision: We see Indiana as a place where all K-12 youth have access to high quality learning experiences beyond the school day that prepare them for success in school, college, careers, and life.
VOICES FROM THE FIELD: Provider Successes and Building Relationships with Policymakers

This month, we bring you this guest column from Abby May of Safe Harbor in Michigan City

When President Trump unveiled his budget priorities for 2018, our organization knew it was time to kick it into high gear. The fear of the elimination of millions of dollars in federal funding for out-of-school time (OST) programming became a reality.

It is up to us, as out-of-school time representatives, to advocate on behalf of OST programming across the country. At Michigan City Area Schools Safe Harbor, we moved quickly to determine what advocacy should look like in our community. We revised our social media strategy to focus on spreading the word of the effectiveness of our program. We created updated advocacy literature and data. We created video content to humanize this issue. The videos feature students, parents, law enforcement officials, and administrators providing testimonial as to why Afterschool works for them. We also put together an advocacy presentation to present around our community- at Rotary Club Meetings, MCAS School Board Meetings, and to Regional Coalition.

Then, I was presented with an opportunity to travel to Washington DC to join the Afterschool Alliance and Indiana Afterschool Network in the nationwide advocacy effort. I eagerly accepted the offer and traveled to DC to take part in the 2017 Afterschool for All Challenge. While in DC, I had the opportunity to present proof of afterschool efficacy to Senators and Congressmen on both sides of the aisle. The Afterschool Alliance and Indiana Afterschool Network made sure that I had all of the information and training that I needed in order to effectively communicate the many ways in which afterschool works. I left DC rejuvenated, inspired, and comforted in the realization that I am not alone in this effort. I am a part of a network of OST representatives fighting everyday to advocate on behalf of our students, our programs, and our future.

What will you do to advocate and create a voice for yourself and afterschool in your community?

Kick start your plan today with our Indiana focused  Advocacy Toolkit.


Congress is home for an extended holiday, set up a meeting or site visit to bring policy-makers to your program!

Inviting a lawmaker to tour your afterschool program is one of the best ways to show him or her firsthand the impact of afterschool programming on students and families in their district and/or state. 

Maximize Your Impact By Engaging Policymakers in Summer Learning Day!
Summer Learning Day is an annual national advocacy day led by the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) to elevate the importance of keeping kids learning, safe and healthy every summer. 

Five Things YOU Can Do To Engage Elected Officials For Summer Learning Day
  1. Ask them to Proclaim Summer Learning Day.
  2. Spread the word! Promote your community's summer learning, jobs and meals resources to families.
  3. Share your favorite summer photo and/or memory on social media using #KeepKidsLearning.
  4. Download and distribute NSLA's family tip sheets.
  5. Set a goal for your city to reach more kids than ever before! Register your event(s) on NSLA's event calendar.
NEW RESOURCE: Summer Playbook for Elected Officials and School District Leaders
This new guide includes valuable insights on the state of summer learning, Summer Learning Day Planning tips and tools to help elected officials and school district leaders make informed decisions to meet the needs of young people during the critical summer months. Click HERE to download the Playbook today!