Welcome to the Jung Platform
Psychological and Spiritual Programs 
July 2017
Dear Jung Platformers,
We're looking forward to sharing exciting new programs with you in the upcoming months! 

Join Michael Meade and SAAJA for a unique webinar on Touching the Soul of the World.

Learn about a great opportunity for individual training with Robert Bosnak and stay tuned for information about additional courses.  If you have a suggestion for a program, then please let us know.

Learn how divination can guide you to your true destiny! Read a great blog post about cowry shell divinations with Machiel Klerk, and sign up for a divination here


Michael Meade: Touching the Soul of the World.  More information here or  below.

Robert Bosnak:   Individual apprenticeships. More information  below.

Jung Platform Team

** Michael Meade:
Touching the Soul of the World 

** Robert Bosnak: 
Individual Apprenticeships

** Machiel Klerk: 
Cowry Shell Divinations 


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Touching the Soul of the World 
with Michael Meade

A unique online webinar on September 26

Description: We live in a radical time, amidst severe climate changes, the expansion of human tragedy and the growth of collective fear and anxiety. Yet, the great crises of the world do not take place outside the human soul. Rather, history is made in the struggle of the individual soul to survive and make sense of the world no matter how dark things may become.

When everything seems about to fall apart, something deep in the soul of humanity responds. This inner inheritance includes both deep instincts for survival and surprising capacities for renewal. In mythic terms, each soul is connected to the Soul of the World and each person is pregnant with meaning and an innate genius waiting to express itself.

In the struggle for meaning and truth it becomes necessary to call upon the array of genius, talents, and abilities hidden in people of all ages. Only then can we help balance nature and heal culture.

Michael Meade, D.H.L. , is a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology. He combines hypnotic storytelling, street-savvy perceptiveness, and spellbinding interpretations of ancient myths with a deep knowledge of cross-cultural rituals. He has an unusual ability to distill and synthesize these disciplines, tapping into ancestral sources of wisdom and connecting them to the stories we are living today

He is the author of The Genius Myth, Fate and Destiny: The Two Agreements of The Soul, Why the World Doesn't End, The Water of Life: Initiation and the Tempering of the Soul; editor, with James Hillman and Robert Bly, of Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart; and editor of Crossroads: A Quest for Contemporary Rites of Passage. Meade is the founder of Mosaic Multicultural Foundation, a nonprofit network of artist, activists, and community builders that encourages greater understanding between diverse peoples.

Date: September 26, 2017
Time: 19:30pm Cape Town Time / 1.30pm EST / 10.30am PST
Length: 90 minutes. 60 minutes talk and 30 min Q&A with SAAJA in Cape Town
Cost: $17.50 (incl. audio copy of the live event).

Purchase HERE

Cowry Shell Divination with Machiel Klerk

Machiel is  available over phone or Skype

Machiel is a gifted diviner who embraces the spiritual healing tradition of his country of birth, South Africa. Several years ago the African shaman Malidoma Somé recognized him as a diviner, and since then Machiel has been in an apprenticeship with him.

The cowry shell divination is a multi-faceted and adaptable modality and can address any number of sought inquiries that may be of present concern, such as relationships, occupation, health... anything that is relevant to your present interests.

Validating personal gifts, it sheds light on how best to navigate your current path, both practical and inspirational, and helps to clarify an increased awareness of the internal and external obstacles and how best to approach the challenges you face.

The way in which the modality is applied and carried out invites an open, creative, and honest dialogue of inquiry and evokes curiosity that can circumvent worn out thought patterns and beliefs we can get stuck in over time, unlike other forms of inquiry that can inhibit the unconscious mind.

Learn more about this method of divination here

For further inquiry visit  www.machielklerk.com/divinations  or you can contact Machiel at: [email protected]  or call him at +1-801-656-8806.
One Year Individual Apprenticeship
with Robert Bosnak

One year individual apprenticeship via Internet in Embodied Imagination® and practical applications of alchemical psychology with 
Robert Bosnak

"Acquire voluntary access to creative imagination  for invention, innovation, business, art, therapy, science research and health."

Since I've begun teaching alchemical psychology via the Jung Platform I have received many requests for  short term individually tailored  trainings in the practical applications of alchemical psychology and Embodied Imagination®. This apprenticeship is for people who want to familiarize themselves with a globally practiced direct access to creative imagination. It has been proven applicable in a wide variety of fields.

We have found that dreams like to play with us if we issue them a clear invitation.
Therefore an apprenticeship will start with dream incubation -- directed dreaming to activate dreaming intelligence. The apprentice will focus on a central issue in their individual or professional life, be it in business, technology, art, or any other field requiring voluntary access to creative imagination. This will be followed by a brief 8-session in-depth exploration of the dreaming imagination with Robert Bosnak focused on the question posed by the apprentice.

On the basis of this, 4 theory sessions will follow, taught individually by Bosnak, focussing on the particular exploration. Alongside the course Bosnak's entire theoretical introduction to alchemical psychology via the Jung Platform will be available. (75 hours)

The apprenticeship concludes with a 4-day on site meeting with Bosnak and other apprentices (to be conducted when 5 apprentices are in training.)

After half a year each apprentice will start bi-monthly Internet sessions with a colleague apprentice, 3 of these sessions will be directly supervised by Bosnak.

Total costs of the training: 

US $3,300  for 15 individual 60-minute Internet sessions with Robert Bosnak, plus access to the entire archive of Bosnak's alchemical psychology courses via Jung Platform. (For those who already have taken these Jung Platform courses US $300 will be deducted.)

US $2,000  for 4-day final on-site training 
Apprentices will receive a certificate of completion signed by Robert Bosnak, originator of the Embodied Imagination® method.

(In order to become a fully qualified Embodied Imagination® practitioner certified by the International Society for Embodied Imagination®, which enables practioners to professionally apply the EI method with clients without supervision, extra training is required.)

Interested to learn more? send an email to: info@ jungplatform.com

Recommended Blog of the Month

Read Robert Bosnak's thoughts on love and work  here.

"I agree with Freud that all that matters are love and work. Love,  touch wood , I have aplenty, with a family full of warmth and riches, closely knit into a quilt of care. My photographer expands my boundaries each time I look at her. But work in all this happiness is suffering. If I want to complete the tasks this life has put before me I will need to work hard and steady!"

Jung Platform Mission
The mission of the Jung Platform is to provide educational programs on Jungian psychology and other depth psychological perspectives to a global community .