Church of the Epiphany eNews
Our Mission:"We welcome all for Christian worship, fellowship, and service, trusting God to transform our lives and the world."

in this issue

Bread of Life Food Pantry

This Sunday

Stewardship Corner

Prayer of the Week

Hiking & Holy Eucharist

From the Office

Mass on the Grass!!

Forward Day by Day

Altar Flower Memorials

Summer Services

Next Sunday


Bread of Life Food Pantry
Community Garden donations

The Bread of Life Food Pantry requests during the months of
August and September:
Canned Fruit, Chili, Crackers and Dried Pasta
(other than elbows and spaghetti.)

Non perishable food items can be brought to the church on Sundays or during the hours of 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. The Food Pantry also accepts fresh vegetables etc. so if your garden is overflowing with tomatoes and squash, bring them over to Newman Congregational Church (Contact Michelle at 401-434-4742 x10 to see when they are open and accepting fresh donations.)

Becoming a People and following a God of---Creativity, Compassion & Connection.

Sermons Online

View the sermons preached each week at Epiphany, online
This link is also located on the left side of this e-News labeled "Sermons", along with other links you may find useful.

our Ministries

 Quick Links...

Dear Epiphany,
This week I have been serving as one of the chaplains for our Episcopal Conference Center's (ECC) Jr/Sr Conference. We are exploring 1 Corinthians 13 ("Faith, hope and love abide. And the greatest of these is love.") as our theme. One of my roles is to help a small group of campers design the liturgy for our very special Thursday Evening Gospel Eucharist (as I write this it is still Wednesday and we're putting the finishing touches together!) Last evening, I helped guide them through the process of writing their own Collect (or Prayer) of the Day. We often take for granted that these collects (pronounced " CAH-lects") are appointed for us on Sunday morning by the Book of Common Prayer on a pre-determined schedule. They were written by Anglican pastors and theologians over the centuries. As many beautiful prayers as we have in the BCP, my ECC campers wanted to write their own collect for this special occasion. And so they should - prayer is always unique to every time and place. I took great joy in teaching them the traditional parts of a prayer, hearing where the Spirit was moving as they described what they were trying to say and helping them find a poetic language of prayer to express those thoughts and feelings. It has turned out beautifully! I am moved by our work together and look forward to hearing them pray it together tomorrow night!

Prayers are a profoundly personal expression of our relationship with God. Whether words of deep gratitude, sighs of a heart's struggle that cannot yet find words, or the silence of waiting and listening, prayer means opening ourselves to God who is Love. One of the gifts of our Episcopal tradition is a treasure of prayers for every need, situation, emotion, occasion and hope. Too often our Books of Common Prayer languish in a cabinet of our home or a box in the attic. Do take them down, open them up and discover a prayer that expresses what you've been trying to say to God. One of my joys as a priest is helping people find prayers from our tradition and others that will help them express what they are feeling to God and that they can return to as comforts and springboards for their own deepening conversations with God. Beginning this week and in the future, I hope to highlight a prayer from the BCP in our Enews and/or printed Sunday announcements (as space allows). I trust the Spirit to guide the selection so that it may be helpful to at least one, if not more of you, that week.

Keep praying. God is always listening with love.

Yours in Christ,
Rev'd Jen

  • This Sunday
  • The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost:
    Sunday, August 13, 2017

    9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

    Sermon: The Reverend Jennifer Zogg

    Scripture readings:
    1 Kings 19:9-18
    Psalm 85:8-13
    Romans 10:5-15
    Matthew 14:22-33

    Read these lessons

    Liturgical Ministers for this Sunday:

    b>9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Altar Server-Arthur Manning, Emma Chartier & Caroline Haggerty
    Lector-Bernie Klim
    Ushers-Nastara & David Allen
    Greeters-Nancy Leggat & Carol Robitaillie
    Healing Prayer Team-Michelle Callahan & Carol Marsland
    Nursery-Paige Burton & Caitlyn Booher
    Coffee Hour-Dee & Haggerty Families
    Altar Guild-Carolyn DeOliveira
    Counters-Kevin Kelley & Vivian Johnson
    Lawn Mowers-George Nunes & Kevin Kelley

  • Stewardship Corner
  • As you know, the 2017 Stewardship Campaign is entitled "Where your heart is, there will your treasure be also." With this in mind, several weeks ago we asked for your feedback as to what keeps your heart at Church of the Epiphany. Over the coming weeks and months we'll be sharing those thoughts with you. We thank you for your feedback and for the presence of your heart in this parish.---

    • "The sense of community. The appreciation for worshipping together in community."
    • "Outreach - The good programs the church does to help others. Also the people that feel it is beneficial to be part of these programs."

  • Prayer of the Week
  • Our Book of Common Prayer is full of wonderful prayers for every time! Each week, I hope to share a different prayer with you and encourage you to go looking for others among its pages for a range of needs and occasion. ~ Rev'd Jen

    In all things, with prayer and supplication make your request known to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord. ~Philippians 4:6

    A Collect for Guidance pg. 100 (from the Morning Prayer liturgy)
    Heavenly Father, in you we live and move and have our being: We humbly pray you so to guide and govern us by your Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our life we may not forget you, but may remember that we are ever walking in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  • Hiking & Holy Eucharist
  • Check out these pictures from the last Hiking & Holy Eucharist at Fort Barton in Tiverton.
    Be sure to save the dates for future hikes: Aug. 26 & Oct. 21 Worship outdoors! We'll stop for a brief, informal reflection on the weekend's Gospel reading, prayers and a simple celebration of Holy Communion. Then we'll hike back enjoying fellowship with God's creation and one another and perhaps share some picnic snacks afterward.

  • From the Office
  • Photos taken at Epiphany: From time to time during special liturgies, events and celebrations at Epiphany (such as baptisms or feast days) photos will be taken and posted on the church's public Facebook page and/or website. If you would prefer photos of you or your children to remain off these sites, please notify an usher today and we are happy to accommodate the request.

  • Mass on the Grass!!
  • Sunday, September 3, 9:30 a.m. To celebrate the end of the summer schedule, we'll worship on our back lawn. Bring your lawn chairs, a snack to share or a ball to toss around. We'll enjoy an informal time of worship and fellowship outside for the Labor Day weekend!

  • Forward Day by Day
  • Forward Day by Day, a booklet of daily inspirational meditations reflecting on a specific Bible passage, chosen from the daily lectionary readings as listed in the Book of Common Prayer.

    Pick up your August - October edition, on the table in the entrance of the church.

  • Altar Flower Memorials
  • There are Sundays available for anyone wishing to donate flowers for the altar in memory of or thanksgiving for someone/thing special. Check the flower chart, (located on the bulletin board outside the church office door), write in the name and leave the form and suggested donation of $35 (check made out to Church of the Epiphany) in the office door. The memorial/thanksgiving will be included in the announcements and in the Prayers of the People on the designated Sunday.

  • Summer Services
  • Church of the Epiphany

    at 9:30 a.m.

    (July - Labor Day Weekend)

    Community Coffee Hours
    All Summer!

    Everyone is asked to periodically bring something to share (from the grocery store or homemade).
    ****This gesture of hospitality is one thing all of us can do for one another. Thank you for your support!****
    Contact Julie Trudeau at [email protected] if you are interested in learning how to be a host, or stop in the kitchen and observe.

  • Next Sunday
  • The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost:
    Sunday, August 20, 2017

    9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

    Sermon: The Reverend Jennifer Zogg

    Scripture readings:
    1 Kings 19:9-18
    Psalm 85:8-13
    Romans 10:5-15
    Matthew 14:22-33

    Read these lessons

    Liturgical Ministers for next Sunday:

    9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Altar Server-Michelle Callahan, Will Haggerty & Bridget Dee
    Lector-Carol Marsland
    Ushers-Carl Mayse & Denise Messier
    Greeter-Gretchen Gammons
    Healing Prayer Team-Shirley Baker & Denise Messier
    Nursery-Jaime Davin & Alicia Castellianos
    Coffee Hour-Charlie Bodell, Kerry Lonergan & Virginia Rocha
    Altar Guild-Shirley Baker
    Communion Bread-Susan Kelley
    Counters-Kevin Kelley & Dawn Campbell
    Lawn Mowers-Phil Campbell & Evan McCarthy

    :: (401) 434-5012