Truth in Journalism Will Set You Free:
PR for People® Offers the Matt Kramer Award
for Excellence in Journalism
Seattle, WA, August 15, 2017  - The deadline is fast approaching for the PR for People® Matt Kramer Award for Excellence in JournalismThe award recognizes a writer who has told a powerful and compelling news story about an individual(s) who is making a difference in the world.  

Journalists and freelance writers are invited to submit links to their news stories by the deadline of August 31, 2017. Our panel of judges is composed of seasoned business and publishing professionals, journalists, editors and attorneys.  

The journalist who wrote the winning entry shall receive a monetary award of $500 U.S dollars and promotion of the award designation to global media. Send your submission to [email protected] and write "Matt Kramer" in the header of the email. Include the link for your article(s) and your brief bio. Announcement of the award will be made on September 15, 2017.

Our judges require:  
- The news story must be about an individual(s) 
The news story was published for the first time from Jan 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017.
The journalist must submit his or her own work. 
- The journalist may submit more than one news story.
- The journalist must submit the story as a link and not as an attachment.
- The journalist must place "Matt Kramer" in the email header and send to [email protected].
The news story must have been published in a bonafide media outlet that is listed in the Cision media database. 
There are no submission entry fees.
Deadline, August 31, 2017, 6pm EST.

The Award has been created as a tribute to  AP Journalist Matt Kramer. Matt Kramer was a veteran Associated Press reporter covering the Capitol beat and the 1967 session of the Oregon Legislature.  His astute and timely coverage of the "Beach Bill" that was reported in newspapers around the state kept the issue alive and in front of the people to decide the fate of public access to Oregon's beaches. 

About Xanthus Communications LLC and PR for People®
Patricia Vaccarino owns  Xanthus Communications , a national PR firm, and the internet company,   PR for People® , where people share their news with the world. Through its monthly magazine "The Connector" and its news portal, PR for People is committed to telling real news stories about real people. Patricia Vaccarino has written award-winning film scripts, press materials, content, books, essays and articles.