We offer our apologies J & J LUBRANO MUSIC ANTIQUARIANS for inadvertently missing their exquisite music and music-related items! This is the updated version of The Flyleaf.
This Month's Topic: Music - Books About Music and Musicians, Sheet Music, Memorabilia
Offering a carefully curated selection of books for your consideration!
You will also find links to catalogs of additional books on a wide range of subjects.
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The Flyleaf: IOBA Newsletter
July 2017
This Month: Music - Books About Music and Musicians, Sheet Music, etc.
Music expresses that which cannot be said and
on which it is impossible to be silent.
Victor Hugo
This month we bring you books about music, about musicians, and fascinating material including a musical score of a Sinfonie by Beethoven, letters from Haydn and Verdi, letters from Mozart and his family, an annotated libretto score, and a dictionary of wind instrument makers and inventors.
We have books from Russian authors, books about Russian composers, books about Scottish music, and one about Scottish influence on music in Appalachia. Look for working man's music and even Issac Asimov's Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan - a science fiction author writing on the Victorian-era theatrical partnership of the librettist W. S. Gilbert and the composer Arthur Sullivan and the works they jointly created. (We couldn't have made that up!)
And for fun, we've got a great book to teach you how to play the ukulele. You DID want to learn how to play one, didn't you?
Sinfonie mit Schluss-Chor über Schillers Ode: "An die Freude"
by Ludwig van Beethoven
Publisher: B. Schotts Söhnen; A. Schott
Place of Publication: Mainz und Paris; Antwerpen (1826)
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardcover
"The actual first performance of the Symphony was on May 7, 1824, at the Kärnthnerthor Theatre, Vienna, at a concert given by Beethoven, in compliance with a request addressed to him by all the principal musicians both professional and amateur, of that city... His deafness had by this time become total, but that did not keep him out of the orchestra. He stood by the side of Umlauf, the conductor, to indicate the times of the various movements. The house was tolerably full, though not crowded, and his reception was all that his warmest friends could desire. To use Schindler's expression, it was 'more than Imperial.' Three successive bursts of applause were the rule for the Imperial Family, and he had five! After the fifth the Commissary of Police interfered and called for silence! ... A great deal of emotion was naturally enough visible in the orchestra; and we hear of such eminent players as Mayseder and Böhm even weeping.
At the close of the performance an incident occurred which must have brought the tears to many an eye in the room. The master, though placed in the midst of this confluence of music, heard nothing of it at all and was not even sensible of the applause of the audience at the end of his great work, but continued standing with his back to the audience, and beating the time, till Fräulein Ungher, who had sung the contralto part, turned him, or induced him to turn round and face the people, who were still clapping their hands."
Available here.
Autograph letter signed to French music publisher Jean-Georges Sieber
by Joseph Haydn
With this letter, the affaire Tost, to which Haydn had previously referred in a letter to Artaria... [September 22, 1788], becomes even more mysterious. Tost had with him Symphonies Nos. 88, 89 and six Quartets (known as Opp. 54 and 55). Haydn never denied Tost's rights to these works, and obviously expected Tost to sell them, as the end of the present letter shows. But how the two Symphonies suddenly became four is most unclear.
Available here.
Autograph working draft of an unpublished letter to the publisher Giulio Ricordi
by Giuseppe Verdi
The majority of the text of this document is unpublished (not included in the Carteggio Verdi-Ricordi). Only the text of the postscript is known, which Verdi sent to Ricordi as a telegram on January 11, 1880, two days after writing the present,m somewhat heated, draft. Verdi was characteristically quite involved in the business aspects of his art. The present document, relative to some of the most important works in the composer's oeuvre, lends important insight into his detailed and often somewhat heated dealings with his publisher Ricordi. Dated Genoa, January 9, 1880. Unsigned. Available here.
Letters Of Mozart And His Family In Three Volumes by Emily Anderson
Publisher: Macmillan & Co
Place of Publication: London (1938)
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardcover
Frontispiece in each volume, 2 facsimiles in each of volumes 1 and 2, 1 facsimile in volume 3, 40 numbered illustrations in the three volumes. Blue cloth boards, blocked in gilt on spines. Text block in each volume clean, bright and unmarked except for a neatly inked inscription dated 1938 to front free endpaper Volume 1, and name to Volumes 2 and 3.
Available here.
Idomeneo Re di Creta o sia Ilia e Idamante Drama Eroico in tre atti... prezzo 48 fr. [Full score] by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Publisher: Chez N. Simrock
Place of Pubication: Bonn (1806)
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardcover
The score order is unusual in that the timpani are at the head of the system, followed by the winds in order of decreasing loudness - trumpets, horns, clarinets, flutes, oboes; the strings at the bottom of the system appear in the usual layout, i.e., by range. There is no separate staff for the bassoons, which simply doubled the string bass. An overture and 32 numbers, including 2 ballets.
Available here.
The Truth About Windmills: Signed Association Copy of Original Score by Alec Wilder
Publisher: S.N.
Date of Publication: 1973
Signed by the Author
The Truth About Windmills was an opera Alec Wilder arranged in 1973, based on a libretto by Arnold Sundgaard which had previously been rejected by Schirmer. Interestingly, Wilder also insisted that the premiere of the opera be presented in Avon, New York - a suitably rural location, and the setting of his earlier
Children's Plea for Peace.
Available here.
Katerina Izmailova by Dmitri Shostakovich, N. S. Leskov, Alexandre Preis
Publisher: Gosudarstvennoe Musykalnoe Izdatelstvo/State Music Publishers Place of Publication: Moskva/Moscow (1965) Binding: Hardcover Edition: First Edition
Leskov's novel Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District is the source of the libretto. A love affair with a stable hand and the planned murder of Katerina's husband turns the wheels of the plot.
Available here.
Chowanschtschina [Khovanshchina; The Khovansky Affair]
by Modest
Mussorgsky, Dmitri Shostakovich, V. V. Stasov
Publisher: Gosudarstvennoe Musykalnoe Izdatelstvo/State Music Publishers
Place of Publication: Moskva/Moscow (1963)
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First Edition
The term Khovanshchina means the 'Khovansky affair,' or the intrigues of Ivan Khovansky, the leader of the Muscovite Streltsi (musketeers). Musorgsky's opera is not, however, an account of this historical event alone. Rather, it combines three great historical facts in a single fictional plot. Though Musorgsky's invention, the story refers back to real events and characters; its purpose was to reveal the historical essence that lay concealed behind the events in question. Available here.
Connections - Scotland and Appalachia
English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians
by Olive Dame Campbell, Cecil J. Sharp
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons / The Knickerbocker Press
Place of Publication: New York NY (1917) Binding: Hardcover Edition: First Edition
Map showing the position of the Southern Appalachians is present opposite title page -- the area spans Maryland, Virginia & West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. Includes a wonderful bibliography of important works on folk music. Available here.
Songs and Ballads of Scotland
Publisher: Paterson and Sons
Place of Publication: Edinburgh (1891)
Binding: Hardcover
In issuing an entirely new edition of Scotch songs and ballads, the publishers beg to draw special attention to several old melodies, which have not previously been brought so prominently as they deserve before the musical public; with these they have incorporated a selection of well-known standard lyrics and a few Gaelic airs, the whole forming a complete collection of gems of national Scottish music. Available here.
The Harp of Renfrewshire: a Collection of Songs and Other Poetical Pieces
by William Motherwell
Publisher: Alex. Gardner
Place of publication: Paisley Scotland (1873)
Binding: Hardcover
A collection of Scottish songs, local ballads, and poetry by poet and journalist Robert Motherwell.
Available here.
The New Langwill Index: A Dictionary of Musical Wind-Instrument Makers and Inventors
by William Waterhouse
Publisher: Tony Bingham
Place of Publication: London (1993)
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardcover
Signed by the Author
Makers are listed alphabetically, with biographical and locational information listed for most, and makers' marks reproduced where applicable. Herbert Heyde provides a foreword on makers' marks, and this edition also includes an introductory history of Langwill's index, notes on methods and principles, a guide to abbreviations, an index of makers' workplaces, a list of cited collections and libraries, a glossary, an immense bibliography, and a historical map of central Europe showing workplaces of 17th, 18th, and 19th-century wind instrument makers.
Available here.
Collected by Arbejdernes Oplysningforbund
Publisher: Forlaget Fremad
Place of Publication: Copenhagen (1947) Binding: Hardcover
Collection of the lyrics of workers' songs. Text in Danish.
Available here.
Lumbering Songs from the Northern Woods
Publisher: University of Texas Press
Place of Publication: Austin, TX, and London (1970)
Binding: Hardcover
Collection of sixty-five songs, recorded from former shantyboys, is unique, being the first in this field to exclude the more general songs popular in the bunkhouse. Available here.
Igor Stravinsky - the Composer in the Recording Studio
Stravinsky, Philip Stuart
Publisher: Greenwood Press
Place of Publication: Westport CT (1991)
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First Printing The most thorough discography of the works and recordings of Igor Stravinsky to date as well as a chronicle of the composer's recording career. As the first discography to list all of Stravinsky's recorded compositions, including concert and broadcast performances, both pre- and post-World War II, as well as all LP issues, this volume displays the wide range of Stravinsky's talent. Available here.
Stravinsky and Balanchine: A Journey of Invention
by Charles M.
Publisher: Yale University Press
Place of Publication: New Haven CT (2002)
Binding: Hardcover Edition: First Edition
Igor Stravinsky and George Balanchine, among the most influential artists of the twentieth century, together created the music and movement for many ballet masterpieces. This engrossing book is the first full-length study of one of the greatest artistic collaborations in history.
Available here.
Philharmonic: A History of New York's Orchestra
By Howard Shanet
Publisher: Doubleday
Place of Publication: New York NY (1975)
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First Edition
Howard Shanet is Associate Professor of Music at Columbia University and Conductor of the University Orchestra, which, under his guidance, has gained a reputation for the daring and unconventional programs it offers the public. He has been guest conductor of the New York Philharmonic in its Young People's Series, the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood, the CBS Symphony, and orchestras in Holland, Israel and elsewhere. Before that, he was assistant conductor to Leonard Bernstein and to the late Serge Koussevitzky.
Available Here.
Remembering Horowitz: 125 Pianists Recall a Legend
by David Dubal
Schirmer Books
Place of Publication: New York NY (1993)
Reverberations: The Memoirs of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Fromm International
Place of Publication: New York NY (1989)
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First Edition
One of the most recorded vocal artists of all time, opera singer and interpreter of lieder, shares his musical insights, assessments of his contemporaries, and how he has dealt with triumph and tragedy.
Available here.
The Sleeping Beauty (with Print and 3 CDs)
by Imaurn Ebong
Publisher: Glitterati Incorporated
Place of Publication: New York NY (2002)
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: Limited Edition
Available Here.
Asimov's Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan
Isaac Asimov, William Schwenck Gilbert
Place of Publication: New York NY (1988)
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First Printing
Lucid, authoritative, and thoroughly entertaining, Asimov's Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan offers a fresh and illuminating interpretation of the artists' fourteen famous operettas. Here, Dr. Asimov skillfully guides the reader through every word, reference, and innuendo that needs clarification. With enthusiasm and insight, he identifies all the major characters, describes specific settings, and brings to light pertinent background information, such as when and where each play opened, how it was received by critics and audiences at the time, how its title was derived, and more. Available here.
Reggae Scrapbook (with DVD)
by Roger Steffens and Peter Simon
Insight Editions
Place of Publication: San Rafael CA (2007)
Binding: Hardcover Edition: First Printing
Reggae scholar and Beat magazine founder Roger Steffens traces reggae's history and roots, in a chronological format, illustrated with striking photographs in both black and white and full color by reggae enthusiast Peter Simon (Carly's brother).
Available here.
An Over Abundance of Goodness
Who knew that our list of books about music would grow and grow? Rather than let any of them fall off this month's list, we're offering links to those that we just couldn't stuff into the July Flyleaf. Check them ALL out!
Great Day Coming: Folk Music and the American Left by R. Serge Denisoff: This book examines the use of folk music by the American Left, especially the Communist party, during the thirties and forties.
The Road to Music by Nicolas Slonimsky: A book for children about music by this Russian-born composer, pianist, conductor and author of many influential books about music...
Peterson Ukulele Method by J. Kalani Peterson: An absolutely new and original method of self-instruction for the ukulele...
Dealer Catalogues and Varia
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