Local, National, and Global HIV/AIDS Research & Resources | Spring/Summer 2017
Health disparities and HIV/AIDS
Health disparities exist across race/ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic and/or geographically defined population groups. This e-newsletter features CAPS/PRC research that discusses and addresses health disparities among impacted groups that are living with or at risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS. 

Shout out to our Visiting Professors for summer 2017 ! We welcomed two first-year professors and welcomed back eight returning professors who all improved their programs of HIV-related health disparities research.
In This Issue

  1. Local projects
  2. National projects
  3. International projects
  4. Fact sheets on PrEP and Opioid Use
  5. National HIV/AIDS Awareness Days: Research and Resources booklets
  6. Announcements
Local research projects

The House Ball Community and HIV Prevention: "We Are Family" Study

Emily Arnold’s work with the Bay Area House Ball Community and gay families identified opportunities and challenges to HIV prevention for black men who have sex with men (MSM). Black MSM experience disproportionate rates of HIV. House meetings were found to be appropriate venues to discuss HIV prevention information and tools, including HIV prevention and stigma messaging as a house-based competitive category. Privacy of health information and HIV stigma are concerns and potentially deter opportunities to build on these and preexisting intra-ventions.
Janet Myers, Kimberly Koester, and colleagues implemented the CRUSH Project using non-traditional approaches to address sexual health disparities among young urban MSM. Find out about the lessons learned around clinical implementation, patient retention, access and adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), outreach, and community partnerships.

Social networks for OraQuick self-test kit distribution among MSM

Marguerita Lightfoot, Sheri Lippman, Chadwick Campbell, Mi-Suk Kang-Dufour, Emily Agnew, and colleagues trained African American and Latino MSM and transgender women on HIV basics, use of the OraQuick® In-Home HIV test kit, and recruiting and supporting their friends through HIV self-testing. 143 social network members received test kits. Participants were more likely to have never tested for HIV and to report a positive test result, compared to MSM who used government sponsored testing programs. 

National research projects

CAPS/PRC Community Advisory Board discusses community engagement and research dissemination

Andrew Reynolds and eleven other CAPS/PRC Community Advisory Board members alert researchers to important community issues and help disseminate community-engaged research findings to impacted populations, especially those experiencing health disparities.

Ryan White in Health Care Reform Era (pg. 4)

Wayne Steward examined the combined role of Ryan White and the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) serving people living with HIV (PLWH) in five California Counties. The two systems together fill existing healthcare service gaps. Comprehensive services are poised to alleviate health disparities experienced by low-income PLWH and improve engagement in care by addressing socioeconomic barriers to care.

What People Living with HIV Think about HIV Cure

Judith Auerbach and colleagues conducted ethnically diverse focus groups in the U.S. among PLWH to discuss HIV Cure. Main themes centered on meanings of HIV cure and deterrents and motivators to participate in HIV cure research. Participants preferred eradication over remission. They expressed anxiety with interrupting HIV medication, taking part in risky cure studies, and losing disability insurance (financial burden). Potential clinical side effects of HIV cure strategies and expectations of biomedical investigators recruiting special populations were also concerns. These perceptions of HIV cure among racial/ethnic groups that typically are not included or do not participate in biomedical research fill a gap in this new area. 

International research projects

Mothers most at risk for mother-to-child HIV transmission in Zimbabwe

Mi-Suk Kang-Dufour and her team identified subgroups most at need for intervention for the final push toward elimination of mother-to-child HIV transmission [≥95% antenatal care (ANC) attendance] in Zimbabwe. Researchers found that 6.2% of mothers in two regions reported no ANC visits. Outreach to mothers of Apostolic religion and outreach to mothers with 3 or more previous pregnancies or a previous non-institutional delivery resulted in a decreased proportion of women not receiving ANC (from 6.2% to 4.1% and 6.2% to 4.5%, respectively). These women however only represented 55% of the target population. Reaching the last group of women who do not attend ANC will require significant, targeted effort.

Migration patterns predict sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) in the SEARCH study

Carol Camlin, Torsten Neilands, Craig Cohen, Edwin Charleboisand their team assessed the effect of migration on sexual risk behavior and sexually-transmitted infection (STI) risk in eastern Africa. Higher sexual risk behavior was: 1) more strongly associated with past-year migration in women compared to men and 2) associated with past-year STI among women but not men. Although women migrated less than men, STI prevalence was higher among female migrants. Focused prevention efforts among mobile populations are needed to address challenges of geographic mobility and this gender disparity. 

How can pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) help in HIV prevention?
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV prevention method for people who do not have HIV but are concerned about
getting HIV. Currently, PrEP involves taking one pill (Truvada) a day on a consistent basis.
How do prescription pain pills (opioids) affect HIV?
Opioids (pain prescription pills) have become a complex, tangled web of misuse and abuse that has led to dramatic increases in addiction, overdose, hepatitis B and C infection, and potentially, HIV infection.

Download full fact sheet

National HIV/AIDS Awareness Days - 

Research and Resources

These brochures list CAPS/PRC research and helpful resources for the past awareness days this year:

Black - February 7

Questions? Contact Daryl Mangosing at


  • National Transgender Health Summit 2017 is on November 10-11! The deadline to submit abstracts is August 8th. 
  • USCA 2017 is coming up on September 7-10! CAPS/PRC will be there, so make sure to visit our booth!
  • Welcome to our new Community Advisory Board (CAB) members: Luis Paul Canales, Jimmy Hill, Isaac Johnson, Alainia Kollasch, Carolyn Kuali`i, Kevin Lo, and Georgia Schreiber
  • New trainees and staff: Lara Coffin (Project Director), Sandra Morales (Visiting Postdoc), Akua Gyamerah (TAPS Postdoctoral Fellow), Angie Wootton (Recruiter & Interviewer), Luciano Sagastume (Clinical Research Coordinator), Anna Leddy (Postdoctoral Scholar), Rebecca West (Project Director), and Arianna Salinas (Peer Health Navigator)
  • Happy Retirement to our very own Bob Siedle-Khan and Joey Taylor! You both shall be missed!
The mission of Center for AIDS Prevention Studies is to end the HIV epidemic and associated health and social disparities by conducting high impact HIV prevention science and building capacity among researchers and communities to effectively address HIV. Project #: 2P30MH062246
The mission of the UCSF Prevention Research Center is to maintain an interdependent network of community, academic, and public health partners to design and implement prevention research aimed at answering significant and innovative HIV research questions and promoting the wide use of practices proven to promote health for those infected and affected by HIV. Project #: 5U48DP004998 
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