Timely In-Season News from Your Federated Agronomists
Tissue Sampling is a Good Check for Nutrients

The corn is tasseling (see article below) and the beans starting to flower; the crops are moving into their reproductive stages. "This is a good time to assess our current plant health and check for any possible deficiencies (or deficiencies soon to come)," said John Swanson, Federated agronomist at the Ogilvie location.

Nutrient deficiencies reduce yields. It follows logically that improving plant nutrition can boost yields. Analyzing the plant tissue reveals what the plants have taken up from the soil, and knowing what the "soil bank" contains, said Swanson, "tells us what we have to work with."

tissue sampling
Federated's Senior Agronomist Kevin Carlson took a tissue sample from the tasseled corn ear leaf.
With soil test results in hand, a tissue test is "another [useful] tool in our toolbox,"
said Swanson. The tissue test provides a "snapshot" that allows growers to "make corrections based on what is [actually] happening in the plants," he said, adding that while the soil is "still the best place to put nutrients for plants . . . we can fix temporary shortages with foliar feeding."

Plant tissue sampling is valuable for this season and next, and the way samples are taken is dependent upon the crop and growth stage of the plant. "It is good to make sure you are sampling the correct portion of the plant to get an accurate test," said Swanson.

Contact your Federated Agronomist to get help with tissue tests, or to answer any questions about nutrient deficiencies.
late July tasseled corn

Tassels, Insects, and Weeds: In-Season Crop Management

Tasseling. About this time of year growers start to wonder if their crops will make it to maturity before the first frost. The tassels will tell, according to Kevin Carlson, Federated's senior agronomist.

Logically, earlier corn tassels earlier, and later corn tassels later, but all corn takes approximately 60 days from tassel to black layer. "So, if we back up 60 days from Sept. 25th [the average date of first frost in central MN and western WI], that brings us to tassel by July 25," said Carlson. "We will have some that are tasseling," he added, and some corn that was planted later will need a late frost.

Aphids. The aphid population continues to build, Carlson noted. "We haven't seen anything alarming but we are still at relatively low levels. We have seen some hot spots at higher levels [of aphids]."

Spider Mites. "We have seen some spider mites. They have moved out of the grasses into the soybean fields," Carlson said.

Talk to your Federated Agronomist about threshold levels for either aphids or spider mites, and discuss potential treatment options.

Weed Resistance. No one is immune any longer. Waterhemp continues to spread to new fields and new farms, "even more," said Carlson. Next month's Discovery Plots (see below) will include conversations on genetics and traits in soybeans and corn that aim to address control these most resistant -- and persistent -- weeds.
Discovery plot sign

Discovery Plot Days 2017

The 2017 Discovery Plot Days begin August 21. Topic details will be in the next Agronomy Update, but the tours promise to include a sneak peak at Balance™ GT soybeans (from Bayer®), a new variety that includes a double herbicide-tolerant stack of traits. There are also many RR 2 Xtend® soybeans in the plots, and discussions will center on hybrids, genetics, and traits.

Plan now to attend! RSVP to your Federated Agronomist. Each tour begins at 10 a.m. and concludes with lunch at noon.

Week 1
Mon., August 21 - Osceola - Craig Gustafson Farm
Tues., August 22 - Isanti - Paul Bostrom Farm
Wed., August 23 - Albertville - Lennemen Farm
Thurs., August 24 - Princeton - Wilhelm Farm
Fri., August 25 - Sauk Rapids - Lezer Farm

Week 2
Mon., August 28 - Rush City -Mold Farm
Tues., August 29 - Hinckley - Nate Nelson Farm
Wed., August 30 - Ogilvie - Steffens Farm
Federated Co-ops, Inc. |  763-389-2582