NABA Members Invited to Participate!
Professional Experiences of African American Accountants Survey

Conducted by the Howard University Center for Academic Excellence
Dear NABA Member,

The Center for Accounting Education (CAE) at Howard University's School of Business is conducting a survey to assess the success of diversity-related efforts put into place during the last ten years, and NABA members are encouraged to to participate.

As you may know, in 2005, the CAE surveyed the work experiences of African-American professional employees working for the major accounting firms. A similar survey of NABA Members was conducted in 2006. Approximately 1,200 and 400 responses, respectively, were received. These surveys were instrumental in helping us understand the challenges faced by minorities in the accounting workplace. Informed by insights developed as a result of these surveys, the accounting profession has increased its efforts to attract and retain underrepresented minorities, particularly African-Americans. This new survey will be critical in understanding the trends of diversity-related efforts in the past ten years.

The survey that should take less than 15 minutes. Your response will be kept confidential and your participation is completely voluntary. You may refuse to answer any question or stop at any point you choose.

The survey will close on Friday, August 4, 2017.

Questions or comments about the survey can be submitted to Frank Ross, Director, Center for Accounting Education, via email at [email protected].

Thank you for your participation.