Landscape Survey 2016/17

July 5, 2017
In This Newsletter
Landscape Survey 2016/17
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Dear Avenel Residents:


Below please find some important Community information.

Landscape Survey 
Attached, please find our annual Landscape Questionnaire for you to rate the services as provided to you by McFall & Berry Landscape Management.

If you are unable to complete the survey electronically, please contact the ACA office and a hard-copy will be provided.  Each residence will be able to submit only one survey.

The purpose of this survey is to ascertain from each homeowner their impression of the quality of service rendered by McFall & Berry Landscape Management for their individual lot for the period of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 in order to provide the ACA with the input we need to focus on improving the services.  Should you have a specific issue/request, please do not render them in the comments section of the survey, but rather please contact McFall & Berry Customer Service Manager, Lisa Gabriel at 301-299-5916.

It is important that we receive a response from each homeowner, as this survey will help the ACA to gauge the level of homeowner satisfaction with the landscape services provided.  Therefore, please try and complete the survey as soon as you are able, but no later than August 1, 2017.  The survey should no longer than 3 minutes to complete.  Thank you!

- The Avenel Community Association

As always, for current information and/or meeting dates & times, or to see our current list of advertisers, be sure to visit us on the web at: http://www.avenel.net/.

In the event you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our offices at your convenience.