July 2017
Bringing Healing and Hope  to Uganda through Lifeworkx

The whole Lifeworkx team journeyed to Uganda, bringing each of their strengths to give these pastors the best Lifeworkx experience. "In Uganda we were greeted by Pastor Tim with open arms...  Read the story...


Self-awareness can make us better friends, partners, co-workers, and overall healthier people. Through Lifeworkx training, many discover their God-designed self and purpose, creating new approaches to the journey ahead... 
The president of a tremendously impactful global ministry was once asked how he got his start, and his response was this: "Someone believed in me and gave me a chance." We love that example of an unconditional opportunity...

Renewed Partnership in Mongolia

Five years ago One Challenge engaged in a partnership in Mongolia with the Mongolian Evangelical Alliance (MEA) to see their nation reached for Christ. Since the beginning of the project, there have been ups and downs, but One Challenge worker Eric recently reconnected with leaders, encouraged by the continued desire to partner....

Saying Goodbye to GMI

In late April, GMI (Global Mapping International) announced it would be closing its doors after 34 years of ministry providing vital information and insight to the global church. GMI CelebrationIn a press release from GMI regarding the closure, CEO Jon Hirst says...


Everyone asks themselves two questions in life: Who am I? What am I doing here? Lifeworkx exists to help answer these questions. In the last 18 months, Lifeworkx has impacted 1,042 individuals at 21 events in 10 different countries...

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