When a person goes to their doctor or medical facility to receive information about a symptom followed by treatment, what they get is not a reason "why", but a medical name for the symptom complex. For example, the symptom may be muscle weakness and pain. You get the diagnosis of "polymyalgia" and are given an anti-inflammatory medication. All that this means is inflammation and aching in multiple muscles. The treatment is usually an anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical with innumerable potential side effects. This is by no means finding the cause and being treated for it. A real diagnostic picture would be considering the following picture:
Is there a chronic structural imbalance putting undo stress on the muscles and
nervous system?
Was there a past injury, even 20 to 30 years ago, which was never resolved
and now it has become a failed adaptation syndrome? An example of this
could be a past concussion
Is there a flare up of a past infection that has laid dormant in the tissues? An
example would be a viral infection.
Has the patient surpassed their ability to deal with stress? An example would be a failed adrenal stress response capacity.
Is the symptomotology a slow progressive side effect of a past vaccine or
medication? An example would be the beginning of an auto-immune condition.
Is there a dietary allergy or nutritional issue involved?
Or is it a combination of some or all of these?
Wouldn't it be better to have an exam that leads to the discovery of the causes and then treat the underlying causes and help the body recover or even better, be evaluated and treated before any big problem arises and maintain good health through your years. This is what we do at my office. We have every alternative health care professional in one location to offer you the true experience of a thorough evaluation and treatment. In other words, we treat the cause rather than the name of the condition.
Nobody does it better than Wagner Holistic Center. Make an appointment and bring a list of your concerns or ailments. Even better, if you feel good, let us evaluate you for any imbalance before there is a symptom complex.