LWVOPRF July 10 Week in Preview
Time to Renew
July 1st is the start of a new League fiscal year. It's time to renew your membership.  You should have received a letter in the mail at the beginning of June with an enclosed membership renewal form.  You can either fill that out and mail it in with your $60 check or go online to our website at lwvoprf.org and pay with a credit card.  If you can't find that letter, click here for another copy.  The sooner you renew, the sooner we can get the directory finalized and mailed in the fall.  Don't delay........renew today!
News to Use

Saturday, July 15, 2:00 pm - "Under the Gun" Documentary showing at First United Church, 848 Lake Street, Oak Park. Flyer

Monday, July 24, 7:30 pm - "Jane: Abortion and Underground" play reading and panel discussion.  Chicago Women's History Center. Flyer